Optimal maintenance policy and planned sale date for a machine subject to deterioration and random failure

1982 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-40 ◽  
Ilkka Virtanen
2005 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 183-193 ◽  
Archana Jayakumar ◽  
Sohrab Asgarpoor

Optimal levels of preventive maintenance performed on any system ensures cost-effective and reliable operation of the system. In this paper a component with deterioration and random failure is modeled using Markov processes while incorporating the concept of minor and major preventive maintenance. The optimal mean times to preventive maintenance (both minor and major) of the component is determined by maximizing its availability with respect to mean time to preventive maintenance. Mathematical optimization programs Maple 7 and Lingo 7 are used to find the optimal solution, which is illustrated using a numerical example. Further, an optimal maintenance policy is obtained using Markov Decision Processes (MDPs). Linear Programming (LP) is utilized to implement the MDP problem.

2016 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 1411-1419 ◽  
Carlos Abad ◽  
Garud Iyengar

2018 ◽  
Roohollah Heidary ◽  
Katrina M.Groth ◽  
Mohammad Modarres ◽  
Nader Vahdati

Z Wang ◽  
J Yang ◽  
G Wang ◽  
G Zhang

To determine the optimal maintenance number for a system with random maintenance quality in infinite time horizon, a sequential imperfect preventive maintenance model considering reliability limit is proposed. The proposed model is derived from the combination of the Kijima type virtual age model and the failure rate adjustment model. Maintenance intervals of the proposed model are obtained through an iteration method when both failure rate increase factor and maintenance restoration factor are random variables with a uniform distribution. The optimal maintenance policy is presented by minimizing the long-run average cost rate. A real numerical example for the failures of numerical control equipment is given to demonstrate the proposed model. Finally, a discussion is presented to show how the optimal average cost rate depends on the different cost parameters. The results show that in order to satisfy the practical requirements of high reliability, it is necessary and worthwhile to consider the system's reliability limit in preventive maintenance practice.

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