Switch in ampajkainate receptor subunit gene expression following global brain ischemia in rats

1992 ◽  
Vol 26 ◽  
pp. 106
2005 ◽  
Vol 25 (1_suppl) ◽  
pp. S507-S507 ◽  
Takashi Shichita ◽  
Hiroaki Ooboshi ◽  
Yasuhiro Kumai ◽  
Masahiro Kumai ◽  
Junichi Takada ◽  

А.А. Соколовская ◽  
Э.Д. Вирюс ◽  
В.В. Александрин ◽  
А.С. Роткина ◽  
К.А. Никифорова ◽  

Цель исследования. Ишемические повреждения головного мозга, являются одной из наиболее частой причин инвалидности и смертности во всем мире. Недавно была установлена роль апоптоза тромбоцитов в патофизиологии инсульта, однако его механизмы до сих пор остаются невыясненными. Несмотря на различные экспериментальные модели, направленные на мониторинг апоптоза тромбоцитов, результаты, относительно изучения и выявления апоптоза тромбоцитов при ишемии головного мозга у крыс, весьма немногочисленны. Цель исследования - анализ апоптоза тромбоцитов с помощью метода проточной цитофлуориметрии на модели глобальной ишемии мозга у крыс. Методика. В экспериментах использовано 6 крыс-самцов Вистар в возрасте от 5 до 6 мес., разделенных на 2 группы: интактный контроль (К) и глобальная ишемия головного мозга. Модель глобальной ишемии головного мозга у крыс воспроизводилась путём билатеральной окклюзии общих сонных артерий на фоне гипотензии. Уровень системного артериального давления снижали посредством кровопотери до 40-45 мм рт. ст. Суспензию тромбоцитов крыс получали методом гельфильтрации с использованием сефарозы 2B. Для анализа экстернализации фосфатидилсерина (ФС) тромбоциты крыс инкубировали с Аннексином V-PE в связывающем буфере. Для оценки митохондриального мембранного потенциала (ММП) тромбоциты инкубировали с катионным красителем JC-1. После инкубации образцы немедленно анализировали на проточном цитофлуориметре FACSCalibur (Becton Dickinson, США). Результаты. Согласно полученным данным, экстернализация ФС на тромбоцитах крыс, перенесших инсульт, была значительно выше (53,45 ± 4,21%), чем в контрольной группе крыс (5,27 ± 2,40%). Данный эффект подтверждается выраженной деполяризацией митохондриальных мембран (DYm). После экспериментальной ишемии мозга почти 40% тромбоцитов было деполяризовано. Заключение. Использованный в работе подбор методов и маркеров обеспечивает понимание механизмов апоптоза тромбоцитов как в экспериментальных, так и в клинических условиях. Полученные данные позволяют сделать заключение, что апоптоз тромбоцитов является одним из факторов развития глобальной ишемии головного мозга у крыс. Результаты могут быть использованы для понимания механизмов, участвующих в развитии ишемического повреждения, что, в свою очередь, может быть использовано при разработке новых терапевтических стратегий. Aim. Stroke is one of the most common causes of disability and mortality worldwide. Multiple experimental models of stroke have focused on monitoring of platelet apoptosis. However, studies on and detection of platelet apoptosis in rats with ischemic stroke are very scarce. We investigated platelet apoptosis in rats with global brain ischemia using flow cytometry. Methods. Experiments were carried out on healthy, adult Wistar male rats weighing 300-350 g. The rats were divided into the following 2 groups: intact rats and rats with global brain ischemia. Global brain ischemia was induced by two-vessel (2-VO) carotid occlusion in combination with hypotension. Systemic blood pressure was reduced by 40-45 mm Hg by inducing haemorrhage. Platelets were isolated by gel filtration on Sepharose 2B. For evaluation of phosphatidylserine (PS) externalization, platelets were incubated with Annexin V-PE and analyzed on FACSCalibur (BD Biosciences). Mitochondrial membrane potential (DY) was measured during platelets apoptosis using JC-1, a mitochondrial membrane potential indicator. Platelets were analyzed by flow cytometry immediately after the incubation. Results. PS externalization on platelets was significantly greater after global brain ischemia (53.45 ± 4.21%) than in the control group (5.27 ± 2.40%). Pronounced depolarization of mitochondrial membrane potential (DYm) confirmed this finding. In the rat group with experimental brain ischemia, almost 40% (35.24 ± 5.21%) of platelets were depolarized. Conclusion. Our results provide insight into mechanisms involved in platelet apoptosis during ischemic stroke and can be used in further development of new therapeutic strategies.

1995 ◽  
Vol 5 (6) ◽  
pp. 550-560 ◽  
Schahram Akbarian ◽  
Molly M. Huntsman ◽  
James J. Kim ◽  
Alireza Tafazzoli ◽  
Steven G. Potkin ◽  

2003 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 292-301 ◽  
Anton B Tonchev ◽  
Tetsumori Yamashima ◽  
Liang Zhao ◽  
Hirotaka James Okano ◽  
Hideyuki Okano

2008 ◽  
Vol 36 (02) ◽  
pp. 287-299 ◽  
Yun Tai Kim ◽  
Youn-Ju Yi ◽  
Mi-Yeon Kim ◽  
Youngmin Bu ◽  
Zhen Hua Jin ◽  

To investigate whether HT008-1, a prescription used in traditional Korean medicine to treat mental and physical weakness, has a neuroprotective effect on a rat model of global brain ischemia and an enhancing effect against memory deficit following ischemia. Global brain ischemia was induced for 10 min by using 4-vessel occlusion (4-VO). HT008-1 was orally administered at doses of 30, 100, and 300 mg/kg respectively twice at 0 and 90 min after ischemia. The effect on memory deficit was investigated by using a Y-maze neurobehavioral test 4 days after brain ischemia, and the effect on neuronal damage was measured 7 days after ischemia. The mechanism of action was studied immunohistochemically using an anti-CD11b (OX-42) antibody. The oral administration of HT008-1 at 100 and 300 mg/kg significantly reduced hippocampal neuronal cell death by 49% and 53%, respectively, compared with a vehicle-treated group, and also improved spatial memory function in the Y-maze test. Immunohistochemically, HT008-1 inhibited OX-42 expression in the hippocampus. The effects of HT008-1 were more pronounced than those of its individual herb components. The herbal mixture HT008-1 protects the most vulnerable CA1 pyramidal cells of the hippocampus and enhances spatial memory function against global brain ischemia; an anti-inflammatory effect may be one of the mechanisms of action.

2001 ◽  
Vol 1 (S3) ◽  
pp. 95-95
Rainald Schmidt-Kastner ◽  
Rolf Zetterstr m ◽  
Antoine M. Hakim

2021 ◽  
Tsukasa Kochiyama ◽  
Izumi Kawagoe ◽  
Ai Yamaguchi ◽  
Masataka Fukuda ◽  
Masakazu Hayashida

Abstract Background: Gamma-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) receptors are thought to play a role in the functioning of the immune system. GABAA receptors have 19 types of subunits, the components of which determine their physiological functions. However, the subunits that are expressed in immune cells during inflammation have not been fully investigated. Recent reports have shown that anesthetic agents may affect the gene expression of GABAA receptors subunits in immune cells. Therefore, we aimed to investigate the changes in GABAA receptor subunit gene expression during macrophage differentiation and propofol administration in order to clarify the relationship between the expression of GABAA receptors and the immunomodulatory effect of propofol.Methods: Human acute monocytic leukemia (THP-1) cells were differentiated into macrophage-like cells (M0 THP-1); subsequently, M0 THP-1 cells were differentiated into inflammatory M1 macrophage-like cells (M1 THP-1). Propofol was administered during the differentiation into M1 THP-1 cells. Using reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction, we examined which GABAA receptor subunit genes were expressed and whether there were changes in the gene expression during macrophage differentiation and propofol administration in THP-1 cells.Results: The expression of the α1, α4, β1, β2, γ1, and γ2 subunits increased during differentiation into M0 THP-1 cells. The expression of the α1, α4, β1, β2, γ2, and δ subunits decreased and that of the γ1 subunit increased during differentiation into M1 THP-1 cells. The gene expression of the α1, α4, and β2 subunits increased upon administering propofol during differentiation into M1 THP-1 cells.Conclusions: The gene expression of GABAA receptor subunits changed during macrophage differentiation in THP-1 cells. The expressions of α1 and α4 increased following propofol administration during the differentiation into M1 THP-1 cells, which may indicate that the GABAA receptor is involved in the immunosuppressive effects of propofol. This study can help in the choice of anesthetic agents for proinflammatory conditions such as highly-invasive surgery.

1998 ◽  
Vol 241 (2-3) ◽  
pp. 99-102 ◽  
Hiroko Mori ◽  
Toshiyuki Arai ◽  
Hisanari Ishii ◽  
Takehiko Adachi ◽  
Nobuyuki Endo ◽  

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