Bullying victimization and depression among left-behind children in rural China: Roles of self-compassion and hope

2019 ◽  
Vol 96 ◽  
pp. 104072 ◽  
Huiping Zhang ◽  
Peilian Chi ◽  
Haili Long ◽  
Xiaoying Ren
2021 ◽  
pp. 088626052110163
Huiping Zhang ◽  
Yali Li

Child neglect is a social problem that causes great concern and affects the long-term well-being of left-behind rural Chinese children against the backdrop of their parents having to leave them in the care of others for extended periods while they have to go and work in cities. However, previous studies have disproportionally focused on the negative processes through which child neglect may influence their life satisfaction. Guided by positive psychology, this study examined the role of self-compassion and gratitude on the association between child neglect and life satisfaction. Our research questionnaire Likert survey used a sample of 1,091 left-behind children and 754 non left-behind children from Shanxi Province and Hunan Province. The results indicated that left-behind children reported a higher level of child neglect, and that child neglect was negatively associated with left-behind children’s life satisfaction through decreased self-compassion and gratitude. The implications of these findings are that policy measures and interventions that focus on increasing the self-compassion and gratitude of neglected left-behind children may have a positive effect on their life satisfaction.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 17-31
Jue Wang

“Left-behind” children in rural China are those whose parents seek work in urban areas and leave them behind in their hometowns. In this article, I focus on the experiences of five young “left-behind” girls who were socially isolated because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on the Chinese authorities’ instruction to schools to “Stop classes, but don’t stop learning,” I examine microlevel data on the tensions and challenges experienced by these girls during the COVID-19 lockdown. I look at how the pandemic has affected these girls in relation to school and family life and suggest that it has exposed and magnified gender inequalities, particularly those related to the maltreatment exerted by their guardians and/or brothers, that have left them even further behind.

2021 ◽  
pp. 135910532110499
Jingxin Zhao ◽  
Jing Ge ◽  
Qianyu Li

This study examined the roles of grandparent-child cohesion and friendship quality in left-behind children’s positive and negative affect compared with non-left-behind children. Data from 557 participants indicated that grandparent-child cohesion and friendship quality predicted children’s emotional adaptation. Friend trust and support and intimate exchange had a stronger predictive effect on positive affect among non-left-behind children. Moreover, the interaction effects between grandparent-child cohesion and friendship quality on children’s positive affect supported the reinforcement model, while the interaction effects on negative affect supported the reinforcement model among left-behind children but supported the compensation model among non-left-behind children.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. S880-S880
Zhiyong Lin

Abstract As the processes of urbanization and globalization have intensified across the world, a burgeoning literature has documented the impact of emigration on the health of family members left behind in emigrant communities. Although the association between children’s migration and parental well-being is well documented, few have examined the health implications of children’s migration in the milieu of multiple children and further differentiated between children’s short-term and long-term migration. Therefore, I argue that it is not the geographic locality of a single child but the composition of all children’s location that matters. I further suggest that the impact of children’s migration on parental wellbeing is conditioned on the duration of children’s migration. Using a six waves longitudinal data (2001-2015) collected in rural China, this paper compares mental health (measured as depressive symptoms) trajectories of old adults (aged 60 and older) across different compositions of local and migrant children over a 14-year span. Results from growth curve models show that parents having more migrant children relative to local children experience a more rapid increase in depressive symptoms. In addition, older adults who have their most children migrate away for three or more waves of data have experienced the steepest rate of increase in depressive symptoms. These findings provide new evidence to support the life course processes of mental health disparities among older adults from the perspective of intergenerational proximity.

2015 ◽  
Vol 48 (1) ◽  
pp. 129-142 ◽  

SummaryThis study examines the associations between parental and sibling rural-to-urban migration and blood pressure (BP) of rural left-behind children (LBC) in rural China. Analysis was based on the 2000, 2004, 2006 and 2009 waves of longitudinal data from the China Health and Nutrition Survey, which is an ongoing prospective survey covering nine provinces with an individual-level response rate of 88%. Blood pressure levels were measured by trained examiners at three consecutive times on the same visit and the means of three measurements were used as the final BP values. An ordinal BP measure was then created using a recently validated age–sex-specified distribution for Chinese children and adolescents, distinguishing normal BP, pre-hypertension and hypertension. Random effect modelling was performed. Different migration circumstances play different roles in LBC's BP with mother-only and both-parent migration being particularly detrimental and father-only and sibling-only migration either having no association or a negative association with LBC's BP levels or odds of high BP. In conclusion, the link between family migration and left-behind children's blood pressure is complex, and depends on who is the person out-migrating.

2014 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 1037-1080 ◽  
Sophie Xuefei Wang

Abstract About 60 million children under the age of 18 are left behind by their parents in rural China. This paper studies the effect of migrant parents on the educational attainment of their left-behind children in rural China. A theoretical model of optimal schooling in the context of parental migration is proposed. Then, reduced-form equations are estimated using probit model, instrumental variables probit model, and linear instrumental variables model. Results show that parental migration has a negative effect on children’s school enrollment. This negative effect is significant and sizable on the school enrollment of boys, but insignificant on the school enrollment of girls. The most important source of this robust negative effect on boys is the absence of fathers. Results suggest that left-behind mothers or relatives cannot fulfill fathers’ role successfully in disciplining boys and help with their educational needs.

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