Cross-sectional area evaluation and tensile properties of alkali-treated kenaf fibres

Y. Nitta ◽  
K. Goda ◽  
J. Noda ◽  
W-Il Lee
Mohammad W. Dewan ◽  
M. A. Wahab ◽  
Ayman M. Okeil

Fusion welding of Aluminum and its alloys is a great challenge for the structural integrity of lightweight material structures. One of the major shortcomings of Aluminum alloy welding is the inherent existence of defects in the welded area. In the current study, tests have been conducted on tungsten inert gas (TIG) welded AA6061-T651 aluminum alloy to determine the effects of defect sizes and its distribution on fracture strength. The information will be used to establish weld acceptance/rejection criteria. After welding, all specimens were non-destructively inspected with phased array ultrasonic and measured the projected area of the defects. Tensile testing was performed on inspected specimens containing different weld defects: such as, porosity, lack of fusion, and incomplete penetration. Tensile tested samples were cut along the cross section and inspected with Optical Microscope (OM) to measure actual defect sizes. Tensile properties were correlated with phased array ultrasonic testing (PAUT) results and through microscopic evaluations. Generally, good agreement was found between PAUT and microscopic defect sizing. The tensile strength and toughness decreased with the increase of defect sizes. Small voids (area ratio <0.04) does not have significant effect on the reduction of tensile strength and toughness values. Once defective “area ratio (cross sectional area of the defect) / (total specimen cross sectional area)” reached a certain critical value (say, 0.05), both strength and toughness values decline sharply. After that critical value both the tensile strength and toughness values decreases linearly with the increase of defect area ratio.

2001 ◽  
Vol 26 (5) ◽  
pp. 828-832 ◽  
Martin I. Boyer ◽  
Matthew J. Meunier ◽  
Jon Lescheid ◽  
Meghan E. Burns ◽  
Richard H. Gelberman ◽  

2012 ◽  
Vol 38 (3) ◽  
pp. 107-115
Junji NODA ◽  
Yujiro TERASAKI ◽  
Yuji NITTA ◽  
Koichi GODA

2014 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
pp. 253-269 ◽  
Junji Noda ◽  
Yujiro Terasaki ◽  
Yuji Nitta ◽  
Koichi Goda

1994 ◽  
Vol 07 (03) ◽  
pp. 110-113 ◽  
D. L. Holmberg ◽  
M. B. Hurtig ◽  
H. R. Sukhiani

SummaryDuring a triple pelvic osteotomy, rotation of the free acetabular segment causes the pubic remnant on the acetabulum to rotate into the pelvic canal. The resulting narrowing may cause complications by impingement on the organs within the pelvic canal. Triple pelvic osteotomies were performed on ten cadaver pelves with pubic remnants equal to 0, 25, and 50% of the hemi-pubic length and angles of acetabular rotation of 20, 30, and 40 degrees. All combinations of pubic remnant lengths and angles of acetabular rotation caused a significant reduction in pelvic canal-width and cross-sectional area, when compared to the inact pelvis. Zero, 25, and 50% pubic remnants result in 15, 35, and 50% reductions in pelvic canal width respectively. Overrotation of the acetabulum should be avoided and the pubic remnant on the acetabular segment should be minimized to reduce postoperative complications due to pelvic canal narrowing.When performing triple pelvic osteotomies, the length of the pubic remnant on the acetabular segment and the angle of acetabular rotation both significantly narrow the pelvic canal. To reduce post-operative complications, due to narrowing of the pelvic canal, overrotation of the acetabulum should be avoided and the length of the pubic remnant should be minimized.

2020 ◽  
Vol 0 (4) ◽  
pp. 19-24

The paper presents solutions to the direct and inverse problems on longitudinal vibrations of a rod with a variable cross-sectional area. The law of variation of the cross-sectional area is modeled as an exponential function of a polynomial of degree n . The method for reconstructing this function is based on representing the fundamental system of solutions of the direct problem in the form of a Maclaurin series in the variables x and λ. Examples of solutions for various section functions and various boundary conditions are given. It is shown that to recover n unknown coefficients of a polynomial, n eigenvalues are required, and the solution is dual. An unambiguous solution was obtained only for the case of elastic fixation at one of the rod’s ends. The numerical estimation of the method error was made using input data noise. It is shown that the error in finding the variable crosssectional area is less than 1% with the error in the eigenvalues of longitudinal vibrations not exceeding 0.0001.

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