scholarly journals Hippocampal network oscillations — recent insights from in vitro experiments

2015 ◽  
Vol 31 ◽  
pp. 40-44 ◽  
James L Butler ◽  
Ole Paulsen
Neuroscience ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 192 ◽  
pp. 11-19 ◽  
C.J. Behrens ◽  
R. ul Haq ◽  
A. Liotta ◽  
M.L. Anderson ◽  
U. Heinemann

2007 ◽  
Vol 98 (4) ◽  
pp. 2324-2336 ◽  
Adriano Augusto Cattani ◽  
Valérie Delphine Bonfardin ◽  
Alfonso Represa ◽  
Yehezkel Ben-Ari ◽  
Laurent Aniksztejn

Cell-surface glutamate transporters are essential for the proper function of early cortical networks because their dysfunction induces seizures in the newborn rat in vivo. We have now analyzed the consequences of their inhibition by dl-TBOA on the activity of the developing CA1 rat hippocampal network in vitro. dl-TBOA generated a pattern of recurrent depolarization with an onset and decay of several seconds' duration in interneurons and pyramidal cells. These slow network oscillations (SNOs) were mostly mediated by γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in pyramidal cells and by GABA and N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptors in interneurons. However, in both cell types SNOs were blocked by NMDA receptor antagonists, suggesting that their generation requires a glutamatergic drive. Moreover, in interneurons, SNOs were still generated after the blockade of NMDA-mediated synaptic currents with MK-801, suggesting that SNOs are expressed by the activation of extrasynaptic NMDA receptors. Long-lasting bath application of glutamate or NMDA failed to induce SNOs, indicating that they are generated by periodic but not sustained activation of NMDA receptors. In addition, SNOs were observed in interneurons recorded in slices with or without the strata pyramidale and oriens, suggesting that the glutamatergic drive may originate from the radiatum and pyramidale strata. We propose that in the absence of an efficient transport of glutamate, the transmitter diffuses in the extracellular space to activate extrasynaptic NMDA receptors preferentially present on interneurons that in turn activate other interneurons and pyramidal cells. This periodic neuronal coactivation may contribute to the generation of seizures when glutamate transport dysfunction is present.

Neuroscience ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 164 (4) ◽  
pp. 1764-1775 ◽  
J.M. Decker ◽  
A.M. Wójtowicz ◽  
R. Ul Haq ◽  
K.-H. Braunewell ◽  
U. Heinemann ◽  

J. Metuzals

It has been demonstrated that the neurofibrillary tangles in biopsies of Alzheimer patients, composed of typical paired helical filaments (PHF), consist also of typical neurofilaments (NF) and 15nm wide filaments. Close structural relationships, and even continuity between NF and PHF, have been observed. In this paper, such relationships are investigated from the standpoint that the PHF are formed through posttranslational modifications of NF. To investigate the validity of the posttranslational modification hypothesis of PHF formation, we have identified in thin sections from frontal lobe biopsies of Alzheimer patients all existing conformations of NF and PHF and ordered these conformations in a hypothetical sequence. However, only experiments with animal model preparations will prove or disprove the validity of the interpretations of static structural observations made on patients. For this purpose, the results of in vitro experiments with the squid giant axon preparations are compared with those obtained from human patients. This approach is essential in discovering etiological factors of Alzheimer's disease and its early diagnosis.

2020 ◽  
Vol 65 (5) ◽  
pp. 779-783
V. V. Zinchuk ◽  
E. S. Biletskaya

Chemistry ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 238-255
Esther M. Sánchez-Carnerero ◽  
Marina Russo ◽  
Andreas Jakob ◽  
Lucie Muchová ◽  
Libor Vítek ◽  

Carbon monoxide (CO) is an endogenously produced signaling molecule involved in the control of a vast array of physiological processes. One of the strategies to administer therapeutic amounts of CO is the precise spatial and temporal control over its release from photoactivatable CO-releasing molecules (photoCORMs). Here we present the synthesis and photophysical and photochemical properties of a small library of meso-carboxy BODIPY derivatives bearing different substituents at positions 2 and 6. We show that the nature of substituents has a major impact on both their photophysics and the efficiency of CO photorelease. CO was found to be efficiently released from π-extended 2,6-arylethynyl BODIPY derivatives possessing absorption spectra shifted to a more biologically desirable wavelength range. Selected photoCORMs were subjected to in vitro experiments that did not reveal any serious toxic effects, suggesting their potential for further biological research.

BMC Biology ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
Kristyna Pluhackova ◽  
Andreas Horner

Abstract Background Lipid-protein interactions stabilize protein oligomers, shape their structure, and modulate their function. Whereas in vitro experiments already account for the functional importance of lipids by using natural lipid extracts, in silico methods lack behind by embedding proteins in single component lipid bilayers. However, to accurately complement in vitro experiments with molecular details at very high spatio-temporal resolution, molecular dynamics simulations have to be performed in natural(-like) lipid environments. Results To enable more accurate MD simulations, we have prepared four membrane models of E. coli polar lipid extract, a typical model organism, each at all-atom (CHARMM36) and coarse-grained (Martini3) representations. These models contain all main lipid headgroup types of the E. coli inner membrane, i.e., phosphatidylethanolamines, phosphatidylglycerols, and cardiolipins, symmetrically distributed between the membrane leaflets. The lipid tail (un)saturation and propanylation stereochemistry represent the bacterial lipid tail composition of E. coli grown at 37∘C until 3/4 of the log growth phase. The comparison of the Simple three lipid component models to the complex 14-lipid component model Avanti over a broad range of physiologically relevant temperatures revealed that the balance of lipid tail unsaturation and propanylation in different positions and inclusion of lipid tails of various length maintain realistic values for lipid mobility, membrane area compressibility, lipid ordering, lipid volume and area, and the bilayer thickness. The only Simple model that was able to satisfactory reproduce most of the structural properties of the complex Avanti model showed worse agreement of the activation energy of basal water permeation with the here performed measurements. The Martini3 models reflect extremely well both experimental and atomistic behavior of the E. coli polar lipid extract membranes. Aquaporin-1 embedded in our native(-like) membranes causes partial lipid ordering and membrane thinning in its vicinity. Moreover, aquaporin-1 attracts and temporarily binds negatively charged lipids, mainly cardiolipins, with a distinct cardiolipin binding site in the crevice at the contact site between two monomers, most probably stabilizing the tetrameric protein assembly. Conclusions The here prepared and validated membrane models of E. coli polar lipids extract revealed that lipid tail complexity, in terms of double bond and cyclopropane location and varying lipid tail length, is key to stabilize membrane properties over a broad temperature range. In addition, they build a solid basis for manifold future simulation studies on more realistic lipid membranes bridging the gap between simulations and experiments.

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