Safety formats for nonlinear analysis tested on concrete beams subjected to shear forces and bending moments

2011 ◽  
Vol 33 (8) ◽  
pp. 2350-2356 ◽  
Hendrik Schlune ◽  
Mario Plos ◽  
Kent Gylltoft
2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (72) ◽  
pp. 34-37
A. Abdullaev .

Experimental studies have been carried out to study the effect of longitudinal compression on the strength of the wall of I-beams of reinforced concrete beams.It has been established that with the central application of a longitudinal compressive force, the strength of the wall of I-beams of reinforced concrete beams with an alternating diagram of bending moments in the zone of action of transverse forces practically depends little on the degree of longitudinal compression.A comparative analysis of the results obtained with the results of similar experimental studies carried out on I-beam reinforced concrete beams with an unambiguous diagram of bending moments in the zone of action of shear forces is carried out.

2017 ◽  
Vol 36 (3) ◽  
pp. 705-711
CP Amulu ◽  
CA Ezeagu

This study investigated the effect of combined actions of torsional moments, bending moments and shear forces in reinforced concrete beams with concrete compressive strength of 30N/mm2.The ultimate torsional moments, bending moments, and shear forces of the beams were determined experimentally, through a simple test arrangement set-up on fifteen beam specimens grouped from BC1 to BC5, three beam specimens in each group. The combined loads were induced by loading the test beams at an eccentricity of  from the beam’s principal axis at the mid-span, using Computerized Universal Testing Machine TUE-C-100. BS 8110, Euro code 2 and ACI 318 were used to calculate the ultimate torsional moments provided by both longitudinal and transverse reinforcements, bending moments and shear forces induced. The values obtained from the codes were compared with those of experimental results for validation. It was observed that Eurocode 2 predicted the highest bending moment of 21.1530kNm, the highest torsional moments of 9.8470kNm and 12.6193kNm, for torsional resistance provided by longitudinal and transverse reinforcements respectively, at an angle crack of 45°, while BS 8110 predicted the least values. ACI 318 predicted the highest value of internal shear forces that the beams possessed before yielding to the applied loads.

1977 ◽  
Vol 44 (3) ◽  
pp. 509-511 ◽  
P. K. Ghosh

The problem of large deflection of a rectangular plate resting on a Pasternak-type foundation and subjected to a uniform lateral load has been investigated by utilizing the linearized equation of plates due to H. M. Berger. The solutions derived and based on the effect of the two base parameters have been carried to practical conclusions by presenting graphs for bending moments and shear forces for a square plate with all edges simply supported.

Yaser Sami Garib Al-Chasnavi ◽  
Nikolay Nikolaevich Laskov ◽  
Oleg Ivanovich Efimov ◽  
Farit Sakhapovich Zamaliev

1981 ◽  
Vol 25 (04) ◽  
pp. 243-251
J. Juncher Jensen ◽  
P. Terndrup Pedersen

This paper presents some results concerning the vertical response of two different ships sailing in regular and irregular waves. One ship is a containership with a relatively small block coefficient and with some bow flare while the other ship is a tanker with a large block coefficient. The wave-induced loads are calculated using a second-order strip theory, derived by a perturbational procedure in which the linear part is identical to the usual strip theory. The additional quadratic terms are determined by taking into account the nonlinearities of the exiting waves, the nonvertical sides of the ship, and, finally, the variations of the hydrodynamic forces during the vertical motion of the ship. The flexibility of the hull is also taken into account. The numerical results show that for the containership a substantial increase in bending moments and shear forces is caused by the quadratic terms. The results also show that for both ships the effect of the hull flexibility (springing) is a fair increase of the variance of the wave-induced midship bending moment. For the tanker the springing is due mainly to exciting forces which are linear with respect to wave heights whereas for the containership the nonlinear exciting forces are of importance.

2018 ◽  
Vol 250 ◽  
pp. 03003
Noor Suhaida Galip ◽  
Roslli Noor Mohamed ◽  
Ramli Abdullah

The bent-up bars have not been used as shear reinforcement in beams since the past 40 years or so. In all cases of design and construction nowadays, shear forces are resisted by vertical links only. Some complications in installing the multiple set of bent-up bars, the less opportunity to have sufficient number of bent-up bars due to small number of flexural reinforcement provided at the mid-span of the beams and also the large anchorage required for the horizontal portion of the bars beyond the upper end of the bend could be the reasons behind this. This paper presents the results of tests on five rectangular reinforced concrete beams in which the effectiveness of welded inclined bars (WIB) as shear reinforcement was studied. Two of the beams were controlled specimens, with no shear reinforcement in one, and full design vertical links in another. The other three beams were provided with three different quantities of WIB, measured in terms of area to distance ratio, Asw / S as shear reinforcement in the shear spans. All beams were tested to failure under two point loads with a shear span to effective depth ratio of 2.34, which would ensure that the failure was due to shear unless their shear capacities were larger than the flexural capacity. The performances of the beams were measured in terms of deflection, crack formation, strains in WIB and on the concrete surfaces in the shear region, ultimate loads and failure modes. The results show that WIB alone is capable of carrying the whole shear forces in the beam, and larger shear capacities are achieved with a larger quantity of WIB, and a higher grade of the bars used. The beam with WIB requires 22% less in the quantity of Asw / S compared to that with vertical links to achieve the same shear resistance. These suggest that WIB can be used as an effective system of shear reinforcement in beams.

2001 ◽  
Vol 01 (02) ◽  
pp. 79-96 ◽  

The effect of a vessel joint of different properties on the heart pulse propagation and anastomosis junction is investigated. The system under consideration is modelled by an elastic piecewise-constant vessel consisting of two perfectly jointed vessels of different thicknesses and radii. A mathematical model is developed, to perform numerical calculations and to obtain some qualitative and quantitative estimations. The effect of different thicknesses and radii of jointed blood vessels on the concentrations of pressure, radial vessel wall displacement, bending moments and shear forces are analyzed in detail.

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