Exploring the role of Black Soldier Fly Larva technology for sustainable management of municipal solid waste in developing countries

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 ◽  
pp. 101934
Muhammad Salam ◽  
Fakhri Alam ◽  
Shi Dezhi ◽  
Ghulam Nabi ◽  
Amina Shahzadi ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 127516
Marcio Batista ◽  
Rodrigo Goyannes Gusmão Caiado ◽  
Osvaldo Luiz Gonçalves Quelhas ◽  
Gilson Brito Alves Lima ◽  
Walter Leal Filho ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (55) ◽  
Rianna De Carvalho Feitosa ◽  
Maristela Oliveira de Andrade

Resumo: Neste artigo buscamos compreender o papel da participação social na construção de políticas públicas relacionadas à gestão de resíduos sólidos urbanos (RSU). Fazemos isso a partir da análise do contexto de aprovação de uma lei pioneira no Brasil, que ficou conhecida como Lei da Compostagem (2019), pelo município de Florianópolis/SC. Realizamos pesquisa qualitativa e descritiva, com uma etapa documental e outra etnográfica. Primeiramente, sistematizamos um quadro histórico-político das relações da cidade com o lixo, apontando a sucessão de políticas e ações que reflete na forma como os RSU são geridos no município. Em seguida, apresentamos resultados da pesquisa etnográfica feita a partir da observação de duas sessões plenárias nas quais ocorreram as votações do Projeto de Lei 17.506/2018, conhecido como PL da Compostagem. Buscamos demonstrar a importância da participação social na aprovação dessa lei, capaz de trazer avanços significativos em relação à gestão de resíduos no município e no país.Palavras-chave: Resíduos sólidos urbanos. Compostagem. Políticas ambientais. Participação social.  COMPOSTING LAW AND SOCIAL PARTICIPATION: ETHNOGRAPHY OF PUBLIC POLICIES IN FLORIANÓPOLIS / SC  Abstract: This paper aims to understand the role of social participation in the construction of public policies related to municipal solid waste management (MSWM). We do this by analyzing the context of approval of a pioneering law in Brazil, which became known as the Composting Law (2019), by the municipality of Florianópolis/SC. We conducted qualitative and descriptive research, with a documentary and an ethnographic stage. Initially, we systematized a historical-political framework of the city's relationship with waste, pointing the succession of policies and actions that reflected in how the MSW are managed in the municipality. Thereafter, we present results of the ethnographic research conducted from the observation of two plenary sessions, situations in which voting of PL (Bill) 17.506/2018, known as Composting Bill, took place. We aim to demonstrate the importance of social participation in the approval of this law, capable of bringing significant advances in relation to waste management in the municipality and in the country.Keywords: Municipal solid waste. Composting. Environmental policies. Social participation.

2021 ◽  
Giacomo Di Foggia ◽  
Massimo Beccarello

After having divided waste management cost in its cost items, we focus on how well-known exogenous and endogenous drivers impact on such cost items. To this end, we collected empirical data of 6,616 Italian municipalities for a two-year period. We develop four regression-based models to analyze the data according to cost items. Models are also reiterated using different data normalization: cost per ton of waste or waste per capita. Besides exogenous determiners of cost, such as altitude, population density, and coastal zone, results refer to both unsorted and sorted waste management cost items. In this respect economies of scale are confirmed along with the critical role of adequate waste facilities that play a remarkable role in cost minimization. Policymakers and regulators may benefit from such results when it comes to define allowed revenues and design the scope of municipal solid waste regulation.

Mani Nepal ◽  
Apsara Karki Nepal ◽  
Madan S. Khadayat ◽  
Rajesh K. Rai ◽  
Priya Shyamsundar ◽  

AbstractMany cities in developing countries lack adequate drainage and waste management infrastructure. Consequently, city residents face economic and health impacts from flooding and waterlogging, which are aggravated by solid waste infiltrating and blocking drains. City governments have recourse to two strategies to address these problems: a) ‘hard’ infrastructure-related interventions through investment in the expansion of drainage and waste transportation networks; and/or, b) ‘soft’, low-cost behavioural interventions that encourage city residents to change waste disposal practices. This research examines whether behavioural interventions, such as information and awareness raising alongside provision of inexpensive street waste bins, can improve waste management in the city. We undertook a cluster randomized controlled trial study in Bharatpur, Nepal, where one group of households was treated with a soft, low-cost intervention (information and street waste bins) while the control group of households did not receive the intervention. We econometrically compared baseline indicators – perceived neighbourhood cleanliness, household waste disposal methods, and at-source waste segregation – from a pre-intervention survey with data from two rounds of post-intervention surveys. Results from analysing household panel data indicate that the intervention increased neighbourhood cleanliness and motivated the treated households to dispose their waste properly through waste collectors. The intervention, however, did not increase household waste segregation at source, which is possibly because of municipal waste collectors mixing segregated and non-segregated waste during collection. At-source segregation, a pre-requisite for efficiently managing municipal solid waste, may improve if municipalities arrange to collect and manage degradable and non-degradable waste separately.

Hamidi Abdul Aziz ◽  
Salem S. Abu Amr

Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) disposal has become an increasingly serious problem in many parts of the world. In general, greater economic prosperity and a higher percentage of urban population correspond to a greater amount of solid waste produced. However, less effort has been exerted in the proper management of solid wastes produced by urban dwellers, particularly in developing countries. This chapter introduces the basic MSW rules. MSW composition, production, and collection are also highlighted. Furthermore, the concept of landfilling and waste decomposition is discussed in this chapter.

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