The Impact of Mental Factor as an Indicator of the Population State of Health

2017 ◽  
Vol 41 (S1) ◽  
pp. S89-S90
A. Vasileva ◽  
N. Neznanov

In the framework of biopsychosocial model of health and pathology that is nowadays widely recognized in the different fields of modern medicine the mind, building the core of personality and the brain as the central regulatory organ play an essential role in the interdisciplinary approach to somatic illnesses. It is a common knowledge that comorbid anxiety and depression disorders can influence the course of various somatic illnesses and worsen their prognosis. We also have evidence-based studies that depression for example is an independent risk factor of heart infarct onset. On the other hand, we observe the somatization of clinical picture of mental disorders, the increase of atypical forms manifesting through pain or other somatic syndromes that leads to the increase of mental illnesses in the primary care. The research of common pathways of mental and somatic pathology should be the subject of further interdisciplinary research programs. The other issue is the patient's compliance that plays in important role in the success of every kind of treatment. Personality traits and status of mental health can influence ones attitude to illness as well as motivation to therapy. We cannot assess the population state of health without taking into consideration the evaluation of mental status as well as such definitions like subjective well being, life quality and stigmatization.Disclosure of interestThe authors have not supplied their declaration of competing interest.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-23
Raisa V. Strebkova-Lazarova

Summary Symptoms of fatigue and exhaustion are considered to be the most common complaints in patients with oncological diseases during and after treatment. The manifestations can be on a physical, cognitive and emotional level. At diagnosis, 40% of patients report fatigue, and this percentage increases to 90% during treatment. However, the exact determinants of fatigue are not yet known. This article is a literary review of the problem of cancer-related fatigue – mechanisms, risk factors, and the impact on the lives of those affected. Literary data on the role of subjective well-being in terms of fatigue and emotional responses of patients with oncological diseases are described. A number of contemporary studies of the combined effect of fatigue and pain on the functioning of oncology patients have been discussed. It is concluded that the symptoms of fatigue, exhaustion and pain are considered the most common complaints in patients with oncologic pathology during and after treatment, whose manifestations may be physical, cognitive and emotional. On the other hand, human health satisfaction is one of the most important predictors of life satisfaction, which contributes significantly to the overall well-being of the patients group discussed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 129 (4) ◽  
pp. 127-131
Agnieszka Parfin ◽  
Krystian Wdowiak ◽  
Marzena Furtak-Niczyporuk ◽  
Jolanta Herda

AbstractIntroduction. The COVID-19 is the name of an infectious disease caused by a new strain of coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2). It was first diagnosed in December 2019 in patients in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China. The symptoms are dominated by features of respiratory tract infections, in some patients with a very severe course leading to respiratory failure and, in extreme cases to death. Due to the spread of the infection worldwide, the WHO declared a pandemic in March 2020.Aim. An investigation of the impact of social isolation introduced due to the coronavirus pandemic on selected aspects of life. The researchers focused on observing changes in habits related to physical activity and their connections with people’s subjective well-being and emotional state.Material and methods. The study was carried out within the international project of the group „IRG on COVID and exercise”. The research tool was a standardized questionnaire.Results. Based on the data collected and the analysis of the percentage results, it can be observed that the overwhelming majority of people taking up physical activity reported a better mood during the pandemic. However, statistical tests do not confirm these relationships due to the small sample size.Conclusions. Isolation favours physical activity. Future, in-depth studies, by enlarging the population group, are necessary to confirm the above observations.

Lion D. Comfort ◽  
Marian C. Neidert ◽  
Oliver Bozinov ◽  
Luca Regli ◽  
Martin N. Stienen

Abstract Background Complications after neurosurgical operations can have severe impact on patient well-being, which is poorly reflected by current grading systems. The objective of this work was to develop and conduct a feasibility study of a new smartphone application that allows for the longitudinal assessment of postoperative well-being and complications. Methods We developed a smartphone application “Post OP Tracker” according to requirements from clinical experience and tested it on simulated patients. Participants received regular notifications through the app, inquiring them about their well-being and complications that had to be answered according to their assigned scenarios. After a 12-week period, subjects answered a questionnaire about the app’s functionality, user-friendliness, and acceptability. Results A total of 13 participants (mean age 34.8, range 24–68 years, 4 (30.8%) female) volunteered in this feasibility study. Most of them had a professional background in either health care or software development. All participants downloaded, installed, and applied the app for an average of 12.9 weeks. On a scale of 1 (worst) to 4 (best), the app was rated on average 3.6 in overall satisfaction and 3.8 in acceptance. The design achieved a somewhat favorable score of 3.1. One participant (7.7%) reported major technical issues. The gathered patient data can be used to graphically display the simulated outcome and assess the impact of postoperative complications. Conclusions This study suggests the feasibility to longitudinally gather postoperative data on subjective well-being through a smartphone application. Among potential patients, our application indicated to be functional, user-friendly, and well accepted. Using this app-based approach, further studies will enable us to classify postoperative complications according to their impact on the patient’s well-being.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Takashi Oshio ◽  
Hiromi Kimura ◽  
Toshimi Nishizaki ◽  
Takashi Omori

Abstract Background Area-level deprivation is well known to have an adverse impact on mortality, morbidity, or other specific health outcomes. This study examined how area-level deprivation may affect self-rated health (SRH) and life satisfaction (LS), an issue that is largely understudied. Methods We used individual-level data obtained from a nationwide population-based internet survey conducted between 2019 and 2020, as well as municipality-level data obtained from a Japanese government database (N = 12,461 living in 366 municipalities). We developed multilevel regression models to explain an individual’s SRH and LS scores using four alternative measures of municipality-level deprivation, controlling for individual-level deprivation and covariates. We also examined how health behavior and interactions with others mediated the impact of area-level deprivation on SRH and LS. Results Participants in highly deprived municipalities tended to report poorer SRH and lower LS. For example, when living in municipalities falling in the highest tertile of municipality-level deprivation as measured by the z-scoring method, SRH and LS scores worsened by a standard deviation of 0.05 (p < 0.05) when compared with those living in municipalities falling in the lowest tertile of deprivation. In addition, health behavior mediated between 17.6 and 33.1% of the impact of municipality-level deprivation on SRH and LS, depending on model specifications. Conclusion Results showed that area-level deprivation modestly decreased an individual’s general health conditions and subjective well-being, underscoring the need for public health policies to improve area-level socioeconomic conditions.

2021 ◽  
pp. 223386592110117
Robert Davidson ◽  
Alexander Pacek ◽  
Benjamin Radcliff

While a growing literature within the study of subjective well-being demonstrates the impact of socio-political factors on subjective well-being, scholars have conspicuously failed to consider the role of the size and scope of government as determinants of well-being. Where such studies exist, the focus is largely on the advanced industrial democracies of the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development. In this study, we examine the size of the public sector as a determinant of cross-national variation in life satisfaction across a worldwide sample. Our findings strongly suggest that as the public sector grows, subjective well-being increases as well, conditional on the extent of quality of government. Using cross-sectional data on 84 countries, we show this relationship has an independent and separable impact from other economic and political factors.

Beata Kasperek‐Zimowska ◽  
Agata Bednarek ◽  
Marta Giguere ◽  
Dorota Parnowska ◽  
Agnieszka Żochowska ◽  

1988 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 69-75 ◽  
Valerie Møller

South African psychologists have identified the improvement of quality of life as a major goal of the 1980s. This paper reviews the impact of satisfaction with personal aspects of life on perceived well-being. The results of an exploratory study of South African quality of life conducted among 5 587 individuals of all population groups are discussed. Findings confirm the salience of the personal domain and the positive influence of personal satisfactions on subjective well-being. However, results of regression analyses suggest that the relative contribution of satisfactions in the personal domain is too low to play a major role in improving the quality of life of all South Africans in the longer term.

Samuel Browning ◽  
E. Scott Geller

To investigate the impact of writing a gratitude letter on particular mood states, we asked students in two university classes (a research class and a positive psychology class) to complete a 15-item mood assessment survey (MAS) twice a day (once in the morning and once at night). The research students who signed up for one or two pass/fail field-study credits in a research class also completed the MAS twice a day, but they did not write the weekly gratitude letter that was expected from the students in the positive psychology class. Each mood state was averaged per each day for the participants in each group and compared between the Gratitude Group and the Control Group. No group difference occurred for some mood states like “incompetent,” but for the “unmotivated” mood state, a significant difference was found. To investigate the potential effect of weekday, we compared the average mood rating between groups for each day of the week. For the mood state of “unmotivated”, a remarkable dip occurred on Wednesday for the Gratitude group, but not for the Control group. These results indicated that writing a gratitude letter increased the benefactor’s motivation, especially on the day when it was accomplished.

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