Comparison of manual and automated shadow detection on satellite imagery for agricultural land delineation

Agnieszka Tarko ◽  
Sytze de Bruin ◽  
Arnold K. Bregt
Geosciences ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (8) ◽  
pp. 312
Barbara Wiatkowska ◽  
Janusz Słodczyk ◽  
Aleksandra Stokowska

Urban expansion is a dynamic and complex phenomenon, often involving adverse changes in land use and land cover (LULC). This paper uses satellite imagery from Landsat-5 TM, Landsat-8 OLI, Sentinel-2 MSI, and GIS technology to analyse LULC changes in 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015, and 2020. The research was carried out in Opole, the capital of the Opole Agglomeration (south-western Poland). Maps produced from supervised spectral classification of remote sensing data revealed that in 20 years, built-up areas have increased about 40%, mainly at the expense of agricultural land. Detection of changes in the spatial pattern of LULC showed that the highest average rate of increase in built-up areas occurred in the zone 3–6 km (11.7%) and above 6 km (10.4%) from the centre of Opole. The analysis of the increase of built-up land in relation to the decreasing population (SDG 11.3.1) has confirmed the ongoing process of demographic suburbanisation. The paper shows that satellite imagery and GIS can be a valuable tool for local authorities and planners to monitor the scale of urbanisation processes for the purpose of adapting space management procedures to the changing environment.

2020 ◽  
Vol 202 ◽  
pp. 06036
Nurhadi Bashit ◽  
Novia Sari Ristianti ◽  
Yudi Eko Windarto ◽  
Desyta Ulfiana

Klaten Regency is one of the regencies in Central Java Province that has an increasing population every year. This can cause an increase in built-up land for human activities. The built-up land needs to be monitored so that the construction is in accordance with the regional development plan so that it does not cause problems such as the occurrence of critical land. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor land use regularly. One method for monitoring land use is the remote sensing method. The remote sensing method is much more efficient in mapping land use because without having to survey the field. The remote sensing method utilizes satellite imagery data that can be processed for land use classification. This study uses the sentinel 2 satellite image data with the Object-Based Image Analysis (OBIA) algorithm to obtain land use classification. Sentinel 2 satellite imagery is a medium resolution image category with a spatial resolution of 10 meters. The land use classification can be used to see the distribution of built-up land in Klaten Regency without having to conduct a field survey. The results of the study obtained a segmentation scale parameter value of 60 and a merge scale parameter value of 85. The classification results obtained by 5 types of land use with OBIA. Agricultural land use dominates with an area of 50% of the total area.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 65
Senthot Sudirman

Abstract: The purpose of the research is to design (a) The mapping system of agricultural land sustainable food (LP2B) indicativebased landscape, agriculture and mapping LP2B Actual based areas of agricultural land are computerized, and (b) using informationwork CAM for designing systems LP2B protection. Loci used for the benefit of mapping LP2B Indicative District of Mlati, while formapping LP2B Currents is Nogotirto village in Sleman District and Village Banjararum in Kulon Progo Regency. Data werecollected through field surveys and analysis of satellite imagery, as well as analysis of other thematic maps. Computerized textualdata were analyzed using Excel software and computerized spatial data were analyzed using software ArcGIS 10.1. Connectivitybetween the textual data and spatial data are key in the design of this CAM. The results of the study include (a) CAM containingstep mapping LP2B Indicative and LP2B Actual computerized, (b) spatial information and textual distribution and spacious LP2BIndicative, (c) spatial information and textual number of fields, extensive fields, and distribution fields Actual LP2B -bidang, and (d)examples of the use of information for the benefit of the results of CAM planning and financing LP2B protection.Keywords: Computer Assisted Mapping, LP2B Indicative, LP2B Actual, LP2B Protection.Intisari: Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk merancang (a) sistem pemetaan lahan pertanian pangan berkelanjutan (LP2B) indikatifberbasis bentang lahan pertanian dan pemetaan LP2B Aktual berbasis bidang-bidang lahan pertanian secara komputerisasi, dan (b)menggunakan informasi hasil kerja CAM ini untuk merancang sistem perlindungan LP2B. Lokus yang digunakan untuk kepentinganpemetaan LP2B Indikatif adalah Kecamatan Mlati, sedangkan untuk pemetaan LP2B Aktual adalah Desa Nogotirto di KabupatenSleman dan Desa Banjararum di Kabupaten Kulonprogo. Data dikumpulkan melalui survei lapangan dan analisis citra satelit, sertaanalisis peta-peta tematik lain. Data tekstual dianalisis secara komputerisasi menggunakan software Excell dan data spasial dianalisissecara komputerisasi menggunakan software ArcGIS 10.1. Konektivitas antara data tekstual dan data spasial merupakan kuncidalam perancangan CAM ini. Hasil penelitian meliputi (a) CAM yang memuat langkah pemetaan LP2B Indikatif dan LP2B Aktualsecara komputerisasi, (b) informasi spasial dan tekstual tentang sebaran dan luas LP2B Indikatif, (c) informasi spasial dan tekstualtentang jumlah bidang, luas bidang, dan sebaran bidang-bidang LP2B Aktual, dan (d) contoh pemanfaatan informasi hasil CAMuntuk kepentingan perencanaan dan pembiayaan perlindungan LP2B.Kata kunci: Computer Assisted Mapping, LP2B Indikatif, LP2B Aktual, Perlindungan LP2B.

2021 ◽  
Jessica Leigh-Anne Carvalho

The Niagara Region contains land that is ideal for agricultural practices. This thesis strives to illuminate whether or not urban growth in the Niagara Region is a detriment to agricultural land use. Using Landsat 5 TM and 8 OLI-TIRS satellite imagery, spatial statistics, called landscape metrics, will be utilized to determine growth and loss of urban and agriculture land uses. Satellite imagery will be classified based on researched methods in order to create land class maps. These maps will then be utilized for landscape metrics using the Patch Analyst extension for ArcMap. Change detection methods will also be observed. The above methods will be done for the overall landscape of the Niagara Region. This study will find that agriculture in the Niagara Region is changing and endeavors to highlight how urban sprawl is part of the cause. Fragmentation will be discussed as part of the issues due to urban sprawl.

2021 ◽  
Jessica Leigh-Anne Carvalho

The Niagara Region contains land that is ideal for agricultural practices. This thesis strives to illuminate whether or not urban growth in the Niagara Region is a detriment to agricultural land use. Using Landsat 5 TM and 8 OLI-TIRS satellite imagery, spatial statistics, called landscape metrics, will be utilized to determine growth and loss of urban and agriculture land uses. Satellite imagery will be classified based on researched methods in order to create land class maps. These maps will then be utilized for landscape metrics using the Patch Analyst extension for ArcMap. Change detection methods will also be observed. The above methods will be done for the overall landscape of the Niagara Region. This study will find that agriculture in the Niagara Region is changing and endeavors to highlight how urban sprawl is part of the cause. Fragmentation will be discussed as part of the issues due to urban sprawl.

2019 ◽  
Vol 26 (3) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Ali Al-Aboodi ◽  
Zaid Hashim

Groundwater is the greatest significant source of water in the Bahr Al-Najaf area. In this research the DRASTIC technique has been utilized, to produce a map of ground water vulnerability for the area. Because of the relation between LULC (Land Use and Land Cover) and groundwater pollution, the LULC map was applied with the standard DRASTIC technique to confirm accuracy of vulnerability for pollution. A LULC map is extracted from Enhanced Thematic Mapper (TM) satellite imagery utilizing several methods in GIS. The LULC map shows that three portions of LULC can be recognized (Agricultural land, Wet land and Barren land). The LULC map was weighted and rated then changed to LULC index map. That index map is a supplementary factor that was combined to the standard DRASTIC technique to modify DRASTIC vulnerability in study area. The final vulnerability was obtained by the DRASTIC technique that varies from (70 to 140). The LULC index map as a modified DRASTIC with ranging of (95-175). The modified LULC of DRASTIC technique has a higher correlation (Pearson’s factor) 0.87 per concentration of nitrate values and is suggested as the best suitable technique to be utilized for the area of study.

2021 ◽  
Joshua Buxton ◽  
Thomas Powell ◽  
John Ambler ◽  
Chris Boulton ◽  
Arwen Nicholson ◽  

Abstract Nature-based solutions to climate change are growing policy priorities yet remain hard to quantify. Here we use remote sensing to quantify direct and indirect benefits from community-led agroforestry by The International Small group and Tree planting program (TIST) in Kenya. Since 2005, TIST-Kenya has incentivised smallholder farmers to plant trees for agricultural benefit and to sequester CO2. We use Landsat-7 satellite imagery to examine the effect on the historically deforested landscape around Mount Kenya. We identify positive greening trends in TIST groves during 2000-2019 relative to the wider landscape. These groves cover 27,198 hectares, and a further 27,750 hectares of neighbouring agricultural land is also positively influenced by TIST. This positive ‘spill-over’ impact of TIST activity occurs at up to 360m distance. TIST also benefits local forests, e.g. through reducing fuelwood and fodder extraction. Our results show that community-led initiatives can lead to successful landscape-scale regreening on decadal timescales.

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