Mid-ocean ridge and supra-subduction geochemical signatures in spinel–peridotites from the Neotethyan ophiolites in SW Turkey: Implications for upper mantle melting processes

Lithos ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 113 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 691-708 ◽  
E. Aldanmaz ◽  
M.W. Schmidt ◽  
A. Gourgaud ◽  
T. Meisel
2016 ◽  
Vol 176 ◽  
pp. 44-80 ◽  
Kei Shimizu ◽  
Alberto E. Saal ◽  
Corinne E. Myers ◽  
Ashley N. Nagle ◽  
Erik H. Hauri ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
A. Y. Yang ◽  
C. H. Langmuir ◽  
Y. Cai ◽  
P. Michael ◽  
S. L. Goldstein ◽  

AbstractThe plate tectonic cycle produces chemically distinct mid-ocean ridge basalts and arc volcanics, with the latter enriched in elements such as Ba, Rb, Th, Sr and Pb and depleted in Nb owing to the water-rich flux from the subducted slab. Basalts from back-arc basins, with intermediate compositions, show that such a slab flux can be transported behind the volcanic front of the arc and incorporated into mantle flow. Hence it is puzzling why melts of subduction-modified mantle have rarely been recognized in mid-ocean ridge basalts. Here we report the first mid-ocean ridge basalt samples with distinct arc signatures, akin to back-arc basin basalts, from the Arctic Gakkel Ridge. A new high precision dataset for 576 Gakkel samples suggests a pervasive subduction influence in this region. This influence can also be identified in Atlantic and Indian mid-ocean ridge basalts but is nearly absent in Pacific mid-ocean ridge basalts. Such a hemispheric-scale upper mantle heterogeneity reflects subduction modification of the asthenospheric mantle which is incorporated into mantle flow, and whose geographical distribution is controlled dominantly by a “subduction shield” that has surrounded the Pacific Ocean for 180 Myr. Simple modeling suggests that a slab flux equivalent to ~13% of the output at arcs is incorporated into the convecting upper mantle.

A systematic survey of rare-earth (r.e.) abundances in submarine tholeiitic basalts along mid-oceanic ridges has been made by neutron activation analysis. The r.e. fractionation patterns are remarkably uniform along each mid-oceanic ridge and from one ridge to another (Juan de Fuca Ridge, East Pacific and Chile Rise, Pacific-Antarctic, Mid-Indian and Carlsberg Ridge, Gulf of Aden, Red Sea Trough and Reykjanes Ridge). The patterns are all depleted in light r.e. except for three samples (Gulf of Aden and Mid-Indian Ridge) which are unfractionated relative to chondrites. They contrast markedly with tholeiitic plateau basalt which are shown to be related to the early volcanic phases associated with continental drift. Tholeiitic plateau basalts are light r.e. enriched as are most continental rocks. Mid-ocean ridge basalts are also distinguishable from spatially related oceanic shield volcanoes of tholeiitic composition (Red Sea Trough-Jebel Teir Is., East Pacific Rise-Culpepper Island). Thus on a r.e. basis there are tholeiites within tholeiites. The r.e. difference between mid-ocean ridge tholeiites and tholeiitic plateau basalts can be related to distinct thermal and tectonic régimes and consequently magmatic modes and rates of intrusions from the low velocity layer in the upper mantle. The difference between continental and oceanic volcanism appears to be triggered by: (1) presence or absence of a moving continental lithosphere over the low velocity layer, and (2) whether or not major rifts tap the low velocity layer through the lithosphere. Fractional crystallization during ascent of melts before eruption at the ridge crest does not affect appreciably the relative r.e. patterns. R.e. in mid-ocean ridge basalts appear to intrinsically reflect their distribution in the upper mantle source, i.e. the low velocity layer. Based on secondary order r.e. variation of mid-ocean ridge basalts: (1) If fractional crystallization is invoked for the small r.e. variations, up to approximately 50 % extraction of olivine and Ca-poor orthopyroxene in various combinations can be tolerated. However, only limited amount of plagioclase or Ca-rich clinopyroxene can be extracted, the former because of its effect on the abundance of Eu abundance and the latter because of its effect on the [La/Sm] e.f. ratio, alternatively. (2) If partial melting during ascent is invoked, and a minimum of 10% melting is assumed, the permissible degree of melting of originally a lherzolite upper mantle may vary between 10 and 30% . It is not possible to establish readily to what extent these two processes have been operative as they cannot be distinguished on the basis of r.e. data only. However, there is evidence indicating that both have been operative and are responsible for the small r.e. variations observed in mid-ocean ridge basalts. An attempt to correlate second order r.e. variations along or across mid-oceanic ridges with spreading rate, age, or distance from ridge crests has been made but the results are inconclusive. No r.e. secular variation of the oceanic crust is apparent. R.e. average ridge to ridge variations are attributed to small lateral inhomogeneities of the source of basalts in the low velocity layer, and to a certain extent, to its past history. The remarkable r.e. uniformity of mid-oceanic ridge tholeiites requires a unique and simple volcanic process to be operative. It calls for upward migration of melt or slush from a relatively homogeneous source in the mantle—the low velocity layer, followed by further partial melting during ascent. The model, although consistent with geophysics, may have to be reconciled with some evidence from experimental petrology. Models for r.e. composition of the upper mantle source of ridge basalt, formation of layers 2 and 3, and the moho-discontinuity, are also presented.

1987 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 24-30 ◽  
Keith Bell ◽  
John Blenkinsop ◽  
S. T. Kwon ◽  
G. R. Tilton ◽  
R. P. Sage

Rb–Sr and U–Pb data from the Borden complex of northern Ontario, a carbonatite associated with the Kapuskasing Structural Zone, indicate a mid-Proterozoic age. A 207Pb/206Pb age of 1872 ± 13 Ma is interpreted as the emplacement age of this body, grouping it with other ca. 1900 Ma complexes that are the oldest known carbonatites associated with the Kapuskasing structure. A 206Pb–238U age of 1894 ± 29 Ma agrees with the Pb–Pb age but has a high mean square of weighted deviates (MSWD) of 42. A Rb–Sr apatite–carbonate–mica whole-rock isochron date of 1807 ± 13 Ma probably indicates later resetting of the Rb–Sr system.An εSr(T) value of −6.2 ± 0.5 (87Sr/86Sr = 0.70184 ± 0.00003) and an εNd(T) value of +2.8 ± 0.4 for Borden indicate derivation of the Sr and Nd from a source with a time-integrated depletion in the large-ion lithophile (LIL) elements. These closely resemble the ε values for Sr and Nd from the Cargill and Spanish River complexes, two other 1900 Ma plutons. The estimated initial 207Pb/204Pb and 206Pb/204Pb ratios from Borden calcites plot significantly below growth curves for average continental crust in isotope correlation diagrams, a pattern similar to those found in mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB) and most ocean-island volcanic rocks, again suggesting a source depleted in LIL elements. The combined Nd and Sr, and probably Pb, data strongly favour a mantle origin for the Borden complex with little or no crustal contamination and support the model of Bell et al. that many carbonatites intruded into the Canadian Shield were derived from an ancient, LIL-depleted subcontinental upper mantle.

2020 ◽  
He Li ◽  
Richard Arculus ◽  
Osamu Ishizuka ◽  
Rosemary Hickey-Vargas ◽  
Gene Yogodzinski ◽  

Abstract The character of magmatism associated with the early stages of subduction zone and island arc development is unlike that of mature systems, being dominated in the Izu-Bonon-Mariana (IBM) case by low-Ti-K tholeiitic basalts and boninites. Basalts recovered by coring the basement of the Amami Sankaku Basin (ASB), located west of the oldest remnant arc of the IBM system (Kyushu-Palau Ridge; KPR), were erupted at ~49 Ma, about 3 million years after subduction inception. The chain of stratovolcanoes defined by the KPR is superimposed on this basement. The basalts were sourced from upper mantle similar to that tapped following subduction inception, and represented by forearc basalt (FAB) dated at ~52-51 Ma. The mantle sources of the ASB basalt basement were more depleted by prior melt extraction than those involved in the vast majority of mid-ocean ridge (MOR) basalt generation. The ASB basalts are low-Ti-K, aluminous spinel-olivine-plagioclase-clinopyroxene-bearing tholeiites. We show this primary mineralogy is collectively distinct compared to basalts of MOR, backarc basins of the Philippine Sea Plate, forearc, or mature island arcs. In combination with bulk compositional (major and trace element abundances plus radiogenic isotope characteristics) data for the ASB basalts, we infer the upper mantle involved was hot (~1400oC), reduced, and refractory peridotite. For a few million years following subduction initiation, a broad region of mantle upwelling accompanied by partial melting prevailed. The ASB basalts were transferred rapidly from moderate pressures (1-2 GPa), preserving a mineralogy established at sub-crustal conditions, and experienced little of recharge-mix-tap-fractionate regimes typical of MOR or mature arcs.

2021 ◽  
Lei Gao ◽  
Shuwen Liu ◽  
Peter Cawood ◽  
Jintuan Wang ◽  
Guozheng Sun ◽  

Abstract The redox evolution of Archean mantle impacted Earth differentiation, mantle melting and the nature of chemical equilibrium between mantle, ocean and atmosphere of the early Earth. However, how and why it varies with time remain controversial. Archean mantle-derived volcanic rocks, especially basalts are ideal lithologies for reconstructing the mantle redox state. Here we show that the ~3.8-2.5 Ga basalts from fourteen cratons are subdivided geochemically into two groups, B-1, showing incompatible element depleted and modern mid-ocean ridge basalt-like features ((Nb/La)PM ≥ 0.75) and B-2 ((Nb/La)PM < 0.75), characterized by modern island arc basalt-like features. Our updated V-Ti redox proxy indicates the Archean upper mantle was more reducing than today, and that there was a significant redox heterogeneity between ambient and modified mantle presumably related to crustal recycling, perhaps via plate subduction, as shown by B-1 and B-2 magmas, respectively. The oxygen fugacity of modified mantle exhibits a ~1.5-2.0 log units increase over ~3.8-2.5 Ga, whereas the ambient mantle becomes more and more heterogeneous with respect to redox, apart from a significant increase at ~2.7 Ga. These findings are coincident with the increase in the proportions of crustal recycling-related lithologies with associated enrichment of associated incompatible elements (e.g., Th/Nb), indicating that increasing recycling played a crucial role on the secular oxidation of Archean upper mantle.

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