Reply to the comment on “Origin and evolution of hydrothermal fluids in epithermal Pb Zn Cu ± Au ± Ag deposits at Koru and Tesbihdere mining districts, Çanakkale, Biga Peninsula, NW Turkey” by Çiçek, M. and Oyman, T.

2017 ◽  
Vol 86 ◽  
pp. 977-979
Mustafa Çiçek ◽  
Tolga Oyman
Minerals ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 58
Antoni Camprubí ◽  
Eduardo González-Partida ◽  
Antonin Richard ◽  
Marie-Christine Boiron ◽  
Luis González-Ruiz ◽  

The formation of most fluorite deposits in northern Coahuila (NE Mexico) is explained by MVT models, and is a part of the metallogenic province of northeastern Mexico. However, fluorite skarn deposits also occur in the same region, and there is evidence for late hydrothermal manifestations with no clear origin and evolution. The latter are the main focus of this study; in particular, F–Be–U–Mo–V–P stringers in the Aguachile-Cuatro Palmas area that overprint preexisting fluorite mantos. The region experienced the emplacement of several intrusives during the Eocene and the Oligocene that are collectively grouped into the East Mexico Alkaline Province (EMAP) and postdate MVT-like deposits. Some of these intrusives have associated skarn deposits; most of them are polymetallic, but the unusual El Pilote deposit contains fluorite mineralisation that was remobilised from MVT-like deposits. The formation of the Aguachile deposit (and, collectively, part of the Cuatro Palmas deposit) has been attributed to a shallow retrograde skarn model. The Cuatro Palmas and Las Alicias fluorite deposits consist of MVT-like deposits overprinted by late hydrothermal fluorite mineralisation rich in Be–U–Mo–V–P, and the Aguachile deposit consists entirely of the latter type. The systematic fluid inclusion study of MVT-like, skarn, and late hydrothermal fluorite deposits reveals a very different distribution of temperature and salinity data that allows the discrimination of mineralising fluids for the type of deposit. MVT-like deposits were formed by fluids with temperatures of homogenisation that range between 50 °C and 152 °C and salinities between 5 and 15.5 wt.% NaCl equivalent. The El Pilote fluorite skarn was formed by fluids with temperatures of homogenisation that range between 78 °C and 394 °C and salinities between 5 and 34 wt.% NaCl equivalent, and include CaCl2-rich brines with salinities that range between 24.5 and 29.1 wt.% CaCl2. Late shallow fluorite–Be–U–Mo–V–P hydrothermal deposits were formed by fluids with temperatures of homogenisation that range between 70 °C and 180 °C and salinities between 0.9 and 3.4 wt.% NaCl equivalent; the sole exception to the above is the La Fácil deposit, with salinities that range between 7.9 and 8.8 wt.% NaCl equivalent. While temperatures of homogenisation are similar between MVT-like and late hydrothermal deposits, and both even have hydrocarbon-rich fluid inclusion associations, the salinity of late deposits is similar to that of retrograde skarn fluids, although further diluted. However, homogenisation temperatures tend to be higher in late hydrothermal than in MVT-like deposits, thus making them more similar to retrograde skarn fluids. Although this characteristic cannot solely establish a genetic link between a retrograde skarn model and late hydrothermal deposits in the study area, the characteristics of fluids associated with the latter separate these deposits from those ascribed to an MVT-like model. Assuming that mineralising fluids for late fluorite–Be–U–Mo–V–P hydrothermal deposits may correspond to a retrograde skarn (or “epithermal”) deposit, the source for fluorine may be either from (A) the dissolution of earlier formed MVT-like deposits, (B) the entrainment of remaining F-rich basinal brines, or (C) hydrothermal fluids exsolved from highly evolved magmas. Possibilities A and B are feasible due to a hypothetical situation similar to the El Pilote skarn, and due to the occurrence of hydrocarbon-rich fluid inclusions at the La Fácil deposit. Possibility C is feasible because intrusive bodies related to highly evolved magmas would have provided other highly lithophile elements like Be, U and Mo upon the exsolution of their hydrothermal fluids. Such intrusive bodies occur in both study areas, and are particularly conspicuous at the Aguachile collapse structure.

2019 ◽  
Vol 113 ◽  
pp. 103087
Hossein Kouhestani ◽  
Mir Ali Asghar Mokhtari ◽  
Kezhang Qin ◽  
Junxing Zhao

Clay Minerals ◽  
2008 ◽  
Vol 43 (2) ◽  
pp. 281-315 ◽  
Ö. I. Ece ◽  
P. A. Schroeder ◽  
M. J. Smilley ◽  
J. M. Wampler

AbstractThe Biga Peninsula of NW Turkey is host to six major halloysite deposits in the Go¨nen, Yenice and Balya districts. Mineralization took place in areas of Permian limestone blocks where the Triassic Karakaya Complex is in contact with early Miocene calc-alkaline volcanic rocks. Hypogene halloysite mineralization was controlled by the intersection of minor faults in the vicinity of clay deposits. During the Pleistocene, activity of the North Anatolian Fault (NAF) brought ascending geothermal solutions through the fault zones to the surface, which led to hydrothermal alteration and halloysite formation. N-MORB normalized element values for each halloysite deposit and the volcanic rocks suggest genetic links. Alunite and halloysite were formed in the Turplu area where upwelling hydrothermal waters contained major H2S and SO2acids. Only halloysite mineralization occurred in outflow areas of the same fossil geothermal field.Pyrite and alunite samples from the Turplu deposits have δ34S values of 0.6–1.8% and 4.8–7.9%, respectively, with values for gypsum of 3.1–3.5%. The δ34S values of pyrite suggest that local meteoric waters had partially mixed with the dominant fluid during the closure stage of fossil hydrothermal activities. The range of δD values of halloysite samples from Turplu is –58.4 to –68.6%. The δ18O values for halloysite are in the range 16.7–18.1%. All halloysite deposits in the study areas are either overlying or adjacent to limestone blocks, and these provide excellent drainage for the discharging geothermal waters. Subsurface drainage systems in the karstic environment and the SO2-bearing thermal waters indicate the importance of acidic waters and the continuous leaching of elements in forming relatively pure hydrated halloysite. A steam-heated dissolution-precipitation model is proposed for the occurrence of all halloysite and alunite deposits. Sulphur gases (H2S-SO2) of hypogene origin rose from deep in the fault zone to the surface where they encountered oxygenated groundwater at the water table. The occurrence of H2SO4in this hydrothermal system enhanced the acidity of geothermal waters provoking advanced argillic alteration. Hypogene alunite deposits also have large P2O5contents, suggesting a parent material with a magmatic origin deeper than the alkaline tuffs. Halloysite is a fast-forming metastable precursor to kaolinite.

1991 ◽  
Vol 55 (381) ◽  
pp. 605-611 ◽  
D. H. M. Alderton ◽  
R. S. Harmon

AbstractThe oxygen and hydrogen isotope composition of hydrothermal fluids associated with the Variscan granites of southwest England has been inferred from analysis of various silicate minerals (predominantly quartz) and by direct analysis of fluid inclusions within quartz and fluorite. These data have been combined with the results of a fluid inclusion study to develop a model for the origin and evolution of hydrothermal fluids in the region. Magmatic fluids expelled from the granites had compositions in the range δD = −65 to −15‰, and δ18O = 9 to 13‰. Respective temperature, salinity, fluid δD, and fluid δ18O values for the (i) early Sn-W mineralization, (ii) later Cu-Pb-Zn sulphide mineralization, and (iii) latest ‘crosscourse’ Pb-Zn-F mineralization are: (i) 230–400 °C, 5–15 wt.% NaCl equiv., −39 to −16‰, and 7.0 to 11.2‰, (ii) 220–300 °C mostly 2–8 wt.% NaCl equiv., −41 to −9‰, and 2.3 to 8.1‰, and (iii) 110–150 °C 22–26 wt.% NaCl equiv., −45 to +2‰, and −1.8 to +5.5‰. These data highlight the important role of both magmatic fluids exsolved from the crystallizing granite, and basinal brines circulating within restricted fracture systems.

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