Landscape history since the Saalian Drenthe stadial in the Widawa Catchment Area in Silesia, Poland: A case study on long-term landscape changes

2018 ◽  
Vol 463 ◽  
pp. 57-73 ◽  
Michael Thelemann ◽  
Wiebke Bebermeier ◽  
Philipp Hoelzmann ◽  
Brigitta Schütt
Karmem Julya Miron Batista ◽  
Allan Jayson Nunes de Melo ◽  
Maria Carolina Duarte Marques Soares ◽  
Simone Rosa Da Silva

With the growth in water demand worldwide, cities are experiencing increasing difficulties to guarantee the public supply of drinking water. Therefore, the search for alternatives that replace the available sources needs to be disseminated. An alternative to reduce the demand for drinking water is to use the Rainwater harvesting system. This work analyzes the feasibility of implementing a system for capturing, storing, and distributing rainwater for non-drinking purposes in three standard projects of the National Fund for the Development of Education in three locations in the state of Pernambuco: Recife, Caruaru, and Petrolina. To achieve this objective, local rainfall data, the catchment area used and the demand for non-drinking water in the building were analyzed. Then, sizing calculations of the storage reservoir were performed by different methods. The time for return on investment was considered satisfactory for all types located in Recife and for the 1-room type in Caruaru and Petrolina, considering the benefit from the system in the long term. Therefore, the typologies of 6 and 12 rooms in Caruaru and Petrolina were excluded since they had a return time of more than 24 years. The advantages are not only financial, but also environmental, cultural, and educational.

2016 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 155-164
Magda Sikora ◽  
Roman Cieśliński

Abstract The aim of this study is to reconstitute the changes in the local water cycle and plant habitats occurring in wetlands under anthropic influence. The selected area for the study in this paper is the swamp of Pobłockie Peatbog, located in the catchment area of the river Łeba in northern Poland. The fieldwork was performed in October of 2013. Using ArcMap the hydrographic network of the study area in the years 1837, 1918, 1936, 1976 and 2000 were digitized and represented. Using a LIDAR image, the terrain model for the swamp of Pobłockie Peatbog was generated in ArcMap. This was then used to create a map showing the location of runoff pathways from the waterlogged areas. Long-term drainage and the construction of new drainage ditches have led to the encroachment of bog woodland on the originally treeless swamp of Pobłockie Peatbog.

2020 ◽  
Vol 29 (4) ◽  
pp. 2049-2067
Karmen L. Porter ◽  
Janna B. Oetting ◽  
Loretta Pecchioni

Purpose This study examined caregiver perceptions of their child's language and literacy disorder as influenced by communications with their speech-language pathologist. Method The participants were 12 caregivers of 10 school-aged children with language and literacy disorders. Employing qualitative methods, a collective case study approach was utilized in which the caregiver(s) of each child represented one case. The data came from semistructured interviews, codes emerged directly from the caregivers' responses during the interviews, and multiple coding passes using ATLAS.ti software were made until themes were evident. These themes were then further validated by conducting clinical file reviews and follow-up interviews with the caregivers. Results Caregivers' comments focused on the types of information received or not received, as well as the clarity of the information. This included information regarding their child's diagnosis, the long-term consequences of their child's disorder, and the connection between language and reading. Although caregivers were adept at describing their child's difficulties and therapy goals/objectives, their comments indicated that they struggled to understand their child's disorder in a way that was meaningful to them and their child. Conclusions The findings showed the value caregivers place on receiving clear and timely diagnostic information, as well as the complexity associated with caregivers' understanding of language and literacy disorders. The findings are discussed in terms of changes that could be made in clinical practice to better support children with language and literacy disorders and their families.

2001 ◽  
Randi C. Martin ◽  
Mary R. Newsome ◽  
Monica L. Freedman

CFA Digest ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 41 (2) ◽  
pp. 14-16
Chirag B. Patel

2018 ◽  
Vol 59 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-79
Katarzyna Nikorowicz-Zatorska

Abstract The present paper focuses on spatial management regulations in order to carry out investment in the field of airport facilities. The construction, upgrades, and maintenance of airports falls within the area of responsibility of local authorities. This task poses a great challenge in terms of organisation and finances. On the one hand, an active airport is a municipal landmark and drives local economic, social and cultural development, and on the other, the scale of investment often exceeds the capabilities of local authorities. The immediate environment of the airport determines its final use and prosperity. The objective of the paper is to review legislation that affects airports and the surrounding communities. The process of urban planning in Lodz and surrounding areas will be presented as a background to the problem of land use management in the vicinity of the airport. This paper seeks to address the following questions: if and how airports have affected urban planning in Lodz, does the land use around the airport prevent the development of Lodz Airport, and how has the situation changed over the time? It can be assumed that as a result of lack of experience, land resources and size of investments on one hand and legislative dissonance and peculiar practices on the other, aviation infrastructure in Lodz is designed to meet temporary needs and is characterised by achieving short-term goals. Cyclical problems are solved in an intermittent manner and involve all the municipal resources, so there’s little left to secure long-term investments.

1991 ◽  
Vol 24 (6) ◽  
pp. 25-33
A. J. Jakeman ◽  
P. G. Whitehead ◽  
A. Robson ◽  
J. A. Taylor ◽  
J. Bai

The paper illustrates analysis of the assumptions of the statistical component of a hybrid modelling approach for predicting environmental extremes. This shows how to assess the applicability of the approach to water quality problems. The analysis involves data on stream acidity from the Birkenes catchment in Norway. The modelling approach is hybrid in that it uses: (1) a deterministic or process-based description to simulate (non-stationary) long term trend values of environmental variables, and (2) probability distributions which are superimposed on the trend values to characterise the frequency of shorter term concentrations. This permits assessment of management strategies and of sensitivity to climate variables by adjusting the values of major forcing variables in the trend model. Knowledge of the variability about the trend is provided by: (a) identification of an appropriate parametric form of the probability density function (pdf) of the environmental attribute (e.g. stream acidity variables) whose extremes are of interest, and (b) estimation of pdf parameters using the output of the trend model.

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