Metal–silicate partitioning and the incompatibility of S and Si during core formation

1997 ◽  
Vol 152 (1-4) ◽  
pp. 139-148 ◽  
M.R. Kilburn ◽  
B.J. Wood
2019 ◽  
Vol 116 (29) ◽  
pp. 14485-14494 ◽  
Celia Dalou ◽  
Evelyn Füri ◽  
Cécile Deligny ◽  
Laurette Piani ◽  
Marie-Camille Caumon ◽  

The present-day nitrogen isotopic compositions of Earth’s surficial (15N-enriched) and deep reservoirs (15N-depleted) differ significantly. This distribution can neither be explained by modern mantle degassing nor recycling via subduction zones. As the effect of planetary differentiation on the behavior of N isotopes is poorly understood, we experimentally determined N-isotopic fractionations during metal–silicate partitioning (analogous to planetary core formation) over a large range of oxygen fugacities (ΔIW −3.1 < logfO2 < ΔIW −0.5, where ΔIW is the logarithmic difference between experimental oxygen fugacity [fO2] conditions and that imposed by the coexistence of iron and wüstite) at 1 GPa and 1,400 °C. We developed an in situ analytical method to measure the N-elemental and -isotopic compositions of experimental run products composed of Fe–C–N metal alloys and basaltic melts. Our results show substantial N-isotopic fractionations between metal alloys and silicate glasses, i.e., from −257 ± 22‰ to −49 ± 1‰ over 3 log units of fO2. These large fractionations under reduced conditions can be explained by the large difference between N bonding in metal alloys (Fe–N) and in silicate glasses (as molecular N2 and NH complexes). We show that the δ15N value of the silicate mantle could have increased by ∼20‰ during core formation due to N segregation into the core.

2011 ◽  
Vol 75 (6) ◽  
pp. 1451-1489 ◽  
Julien Siebert ◽  
Alexandre Corgne ◽  
Frederick J. Ryerson

2017 ◽  
Vol 835 (2) ◽  
pp. 234 ◽  
Laura Schaefer ◽  
Stein B. Jacobsen ◽  
John L. Remo ◽  
M. I. Petaev ◽  
Dimitar D. Sasselov

2020 ◽  
Vol 117 (45) ◽  
pp. 27893-27898
Dongyang Huang ◽  
James Badro ◽  
Julien Siebert

The bulk silicate Earth (BSE), and all its sampleable reservoirs, have a subchondritic niobium-to-tantalum ratio (Nb/Ta). Because both elements are refractory, and Nb/Ta is fairly constant across chondrite groups, this can only be explained by a preferential sequestration of Nb relative to Ta in a hidden (unsampled) reservoir. Experiments have shown that Nb becomes more siderophile than Ta under very reducing conditions, leading the way for the accepted hypothesis that Earth’s core could have stripped sufficient amounts of Nb during its formation to account for the subchondritic signature of the BSE. Consequently, this suggestion has been used as an argument that Earth accreted and differentiated, for most of its history, under very reducing conditions. Here, we present a series of metal–silicate partitioning experiments of Nb and Ta in a laser-heated diamond anvil cell, at pressure and temperature conditions directly comparable to those of core formation; we find that Nb is more siderophile than Ta under any conditions relevant to a deep magma ocean, confirming that BSE’s missing Nb is in the core. However, multistage core formation modeling only allows for moderately reducing or oxidizing accretionary conditions, ruling out the need for very reducing conditions, which lead to an overdepletion of Nb from the mantle (and a low Nb/Ta ratio) that is incompatible with geochemical observations. Earth’s primordial magma ocean cannot have contained less than 2% or more than 18% FeO since the onset of core formation.

2009 ◽  
Vol 2 (11) ◽  
pp. 798-801 ◽  
James M. Brenan ◽  
William F. McDonough

D.J Frost ◽  
U Mann ◽  
Y Asahara ◽  
D.C Rubie

Siderophile elements are depleted in the Earth's mantle, relative to chondritic meteorites, as a result of equilibration with core-forming Fe-rich metal. Measurements of metal–silicate partition coefficients show that mantle depletions of slightly siderophile elements (e.g. Cr, V) must have occurred at more reducing conditions than those inferred from the current mantle FeO content. This implies that the oxidation state (i.e. FeO content) of the mantle increased with time as accretion proceeded. The oxygen fugacity of the present-day upper mantle is several orders of magnitude higher than the level imposed by equilibrium with core-forming Fe metal. This results from an increase in the Fe 2 O 3 content of the mantle that probably occurred in the first 1 Ga of the Earth's history. Here we explore fractionation mechanisms that could have caused mantle FeO and Fe 2 O 3 contents to increase while the oxidation state of accreting material remained constant (homogeneous accretion). Using measured metal–silicate partition coefficients for O and Si, we have modelled core–mantle equilibration in a magma ocean that became progressively deeper as accretion proceeded. The model indicates that the mantle would have become gradually oxidized as a result of Si entering the core. However, the increase in mantle FeO content and oxygen fugacity is limited by the fact that O also partitions into the core at high temperatures, which lowers the FeO content of the mantle. (Mg,Fe)(Al,Si)O 3 perovskite, the dominant lower mantle mineral, has a strong affinity for Fe 2 O 3 even in the presence of metallic Fe. As the upper mantle would have been poor in Fe 2 O 3 during core formation, FeO would have disproportionated to produce Fe 2 O 3 (in perovskite) and Fe metal. Loss of some disproportionated Fe metal to the core would have enriched the remaining mantle in Fe 2 O 3 and, if the entire mantle was then homogenized, the oxygen fugacity of the upper mantle would have been raised to its present-day level.

2020 ◽  
Vol 117 (16) ◽  
pp. 8743-8749 ◽  
Rebecca A. Fischer ◽  
Elizabeth Cottrell ◽  
Erik Hauri ◽  
Kanani K. M. Lee ◽  
Marion Le Voyer

Earth’s core is likely the largest reservoir of carbon (C) in the planet, but its C abundance has been poorly constrained because measurements of carbon’s preference for core versus mantle materials at the pressures and temperatures of core formation are lacking. Using metal–silicate partitioning experiments in a laser-heated diamond anvil cell, we show that carbon becomes significantly less siderophile as pressures and temperatures increase to those expected in a deep magma ocean during formation of Earth’s core. Based on a multistage model of core formation, the core likely contains a maximum of 0.09(4) to 0.20(10) wt% C, making carbon a negligible contributor to the core’s composition and density. However, this accounts for ∼80 to 90% of Earth’s overall carbon inventory, which totals 370(150) to 740(370) ppm. The bulk Earth’s carbon/sulfur ratio is best explained by the delivery of most of Earth’s volatiles from carbonaceous chondrite-like precursors.

Peter Olson ◽  
Dayanthie Weeraratne

Short-lived isotope systematics, mantle siderophile abundances and the power requirements of the geodynamo favour an early and high-temperature core-formation process, in which metals concentrate and partially equilibrate with silicates in a deep magma ocean before descending to the core. We report results of laboratory experiments on liquid metal dynamics in a two-layer stratified viscous fluid, using sucrose solutions to represent the magma ocean and the crystalline, more primitive mantle and liquid gallium to represent the core-forming metals. Single gallium drop experiments and experiments on Rayleigh–Taylor instabilities with gallium layers and gallium mixtures produce metal diapirs that entrain the less viscous upper layer fluid and produce trailing plume conduits in the high-viscosity lower layer. Calculations indicate that viscous dissipation in metal–silicate plumes in the early Earth would result in a large initial core superheat. Our experiments suggest that metal–silicate mantle plumes facilitate high-pressure metal–silicate interaction and may later evolve into buoyant thermal plumes, connecting core formation to ancient hotspot activity on the Earth and possibly on other terrestrial planets.

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