Identification versus diagnosis: More than a semantic difference

1988 ◽  
Vol 112 (4) ◽  
pp. 677
Glen P. Aylward
Synthese ◽  
2020 ◽  
Bjørn Jespersen

AbstractTheories of structured meanings are designed to generate fine-grained meanings, but they are also liable to overgenerate structures, thus drawing structural distinctions without a semantic difference. I recommend the proliferation of very fine-grained structures, so that we are able to draw any semantic distinctions we think we might need. But, in order to contain overgeneration, I argue we should insert some degree of individuation between logical equivalence and structural identity based on structural isomorphism. The idea amounts to forming an equivalence class of different structures according to one or more formal criteria and designating a privileged element as a representative of all the elements, i.e., a first among equals. The proposed method helps us to a cluster of notions of co-hyperintensionality. As a test case, I consider a recent objection levelled against the act theory of structured propositions. I also respond to an objection against my methodology.

2018 ◽  
Vol 176 ◽  
pp. 02016
Qin Song ◽  
Wang Yi

For the better development of Yaozhou Kiln, the article is proposed a research method about cultural and creative products based on the example of extracting the lotus patterns on the Yanzhou Kiln in the Five Dynasties. By collecting data and extracting forms, through the combination of qualitative and quantitative, it mines the obscure information of the Yaozhou porcelain ornamentation in the Five Dynasties. The article analyzes the form evaluations of the 18 representative lotus patterns in the Five Dynasties by semantic difference method, extracts their stylized inheritance and recessive genes and makes the conclusion to guide the cultural and creative products design of the Yaozhou Kiln, which not only supplies a fresh design perspective for the innovation development of the famous domestic traditional kilns as a reference, but also a useful supplements for the research of the design art methodology.

2010 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 194-222 ◽  
Marta Carretero

The English degree adverb absolutely and its Spanish equivalent absolutamente may function as modifiers of words of different kinds, as Adjuncts and as (parts of) minor clauses. This article sets forth a quantitative analysis, based on naturally-occurring linguistic data, of the distribution of these functions for both adverbs. Apart from distributional differences between the two adverbs and between their occurrences in spoken and written language, the results show that when they are modifiers of words or Verbal Group-oriented Adjuncts, their main function is to qualify (part of) the propositional content of the utterance; however, when they are clausal Adjuncts or (parts of) minor clauses, they are often geared to the performance of discourse functions such as contrast, concession or agreement. These functions are shared with some adverbs of certainty such as ‘certainly’ or ‘definitely’, which suggests that the semantic difference between degree and certainty tends to be blurred when adverbs of maximal strength of both types are used for performing discourse functions that enhance assertiveness.

LingVaria ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-53
Magdalena Danielewiczowa

Coś innego (Something Else) Is Different than co innego (Something Different). These and Similar Issues The article discusses the opposition between Polish pronouns ending with -ś and corresponding pronouns which lack this exponent. Such an opposition can be noticed in the combinations of units of both types with the expressions: inny/indziej (else/other), (e.g. ktoś inny : kto inny, coś innego : co innego, gdzieś indziej : gdzie indziej, kiedyś indziej : kiedy indziej, etc.), as well as in some modal contexts (e.g. Potrzebuję kogoś do pomocy vs. Potrzebuję kogo do pomocy, i. e. ‘I need someone to help me’). The author of the article claims that pronouns in such pairs do not possess the same meaning, as they differ semantically and, in some cases, also pragmatically. The semantic difference between them comes down to the key contrast between the subject being spoken of and what is said about the subject. In the contexts under consideration, the pronouns ending with -ś are indexes used to denote objects in the world, while those belonging to the other type only pretend to occupy the positions of the predicate arguments, which are neither specified nor implemented. The article also considers the possibility of treating the analyzed types of expressions not as sets of separate lexemes, but rather as products of adequate operations that should be properly described.

2022 ◽  
Vol 40 (4) ◽  
pp. 1-45
Weiren Yu ◽  
Julie McCann ◽  
Chengyuan Zhang ◽  
Hakan Ferhatosmanoglu

SimRank is an attractive link-based similarity measure used in fertile fields of Web search and sociometry. However, the existing deterministic method by Kusumoto et al. [ 24 ] for retrieving SimRank does not always produce high-quality similarity results, as it fails to accurately obtain diagonal correction matrix  D . Moreover, SimRank has a “connectivity trait” problem: increasing the number of paths between a pair of nodes would decrease its similarity score. The best-known remedy, SimRank++ [ 1 ], cannot completely fix this problem, since its score would still be zero if there are no common in-neighbors between two nodes. In this article, we study fast high-quality link-based similarity search on billion-scale graphs. (1) We first devise a “varied- D ” method to accurately compute SimRank in linear memory. We also aggregate duplicate computations, which reduces the time of [ 24 ] from quadratic to linear in the number of iterations. (2) We propose a novel “cosine-based” SimRank model to circumvent the “connectivity trait” problem. (3) To substantially speed up the partial-pairs “cosine-based” SimRank search on large graphs, we devise an efficient dimensionality reduction algorithm, PSR # , with guaranteed accuracy. (4) We give mathematical insights to the semantic difference between SimRank and its variant, and correct an argument in [ 24 ] that “if D is replaced by a scaled identity matrix (1-Ɣ)I, their top-K rankings will not be affected much”. (5) We propose a novel method that can accurately convert from Li et al.  SimRank ~{S} to Jeh and Widom’s SimRank S . (6) We propose GSR # , a generalisation of our “cosine-based” SimRank model, to quantify pairwise similarities across two distinct graphs, unlike SimRank that would assess nodes across two graphs as completely dissimilar. Extensive experiments on various datasets demonstrate the superiority of our proposed approaches in terms of high search quality, computational efficiency, accuracy, and scalability on billion-edge graphs.

2019 ◽  
Vol 45 (4) ◽  
pp. 429-437
Ida Zilio-Grandi

Starting from the semantic difference between the Arabic terms samāḥa or tasāmuḥ, and the Latin tolerantia, this essay proposes some observations on the Islamic notion of tolerance according to some contemporary Arabic language texts of Islamic inspiration. This literature invariably emphasises the importance of tolerance in the context of the Islamic religion and thought; and, notwithstanding some evident differences among the authors, relating to schools and to varying degrees of openness to Western thought, the discourse remains anchored in the foundational literature, especially the Sunnah of the Prophet.

2020 ◽  
Vol 179 ◽  
pp. 02051
Jiawei Liu ◽  
Dongming Ma ◽  
Hao Qian

The purpose of this article is to explore new functions and experience methods for children’s air purifiers based on the theory of emotional design. The research method is, first, to collect perceptual vocabulary and typical samples, and use the semantic difference method to build a perceptual evaluation table. Secondly, the analysis data is imported into SPSS software for factor analysis and principal component analysis. Establish user demand models for children’s air purifiers through user interviews. Finally, using the hierarchical analysis method to get the three elements of design: shape, function, experience, and then use the three elements of design to guide practice. The significance of the research lies in the use of emotional design methods, which provide new solutions for communication between parents, children and purifiers.

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