Clinician, Social Scientist, and Body Image: Collaboration and Future Prospects

1982 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 379-385 ◽  
S.Michael Kalick
Raquel Rey Villar ◽  
Salvador Pita Fernández ◽  
Carmen Cereijo Garea ◽  
Mª Teresa Seoane Pillado ◽  
Vanesa Balboa Barreiro ◽  

ABSTRACT Objectives: to determine the quality of life and anxiety in patients with breast cancer and the changes they experience after treatments. Method: prospective study. Breast cancer statistics (n=339, confidence=95%, accuracy= ± 5.32%). The quality of life questionnaires (QLQ) used were QLQ C-30 and QLQ Br23, and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) was used for anxiety. A multivariate analysis was performed to identify variables associated with baseline quality of life and anxiety as well as pre- and post-treatment differences. Authorization was obtained from the Ethics Committee, and informed consent was provided by all patients. Results: the baseline quality of life dimensions with the lowest score were future prospects (46.0/100) and sexual enjoyment (55.7/100). The dimensions with the highest score were body image (94.2/100) and role (93.3/100). The most disturbing symptoms were insomnia, fatigue and concern about hair loss. After treatment, the dimensions of physical function, role, body image, financial concerns and symptomatology worsened, whereas emotional function and future prospects improved. Severe anxiety presented as a state (48.6%) and as a trait (18.2%). The highest baseline state anxiety was associated with married-widowed status and anxiolytic medication. The greatest trait anxiety was associated with an inactive work situation, anxiolytic medication, breast swelling and advanced stage at diagnosis. After treatment, anxiety significantly decreased. Conclusions: After treatment, the quality of life score was positively modified, while state and trait anxiety decreased.

Diagnostica ◽  
2007 ◽  
Vol 53 (4) ◽  
pp. 218-225 ◽  
Tanja Legenbauer ◽  
Silja Vocks ◽  
Sabine Schütt-Strömel

Zusammenfassung. Ziel dieser Studie ist die Validierung der deutschsprachigen Übersetzung des Body Image Avoidance Questionnaire (BIAQ). Der 19-Item-Fragebogen ist ein Instrument zur Selbstbeurteilung von Verhaltensweisen, die häufig bei Körperbildstörungen auftreten und mit Sorgen hinsichtlich der physischen Erscheinung einhergehen können. Er erfasst insbesondere körperbezogenes Vermeidungs- und Kontrollverhalten. Die deutschsprachige Version des BIAQ wurde an einer Stichprobe von n = 296 Studentinnen (KG) und n = 64 Frauen mit einer Essstörung (EG) überprüft. Die explorative Faktorenanalyse ergab im Gegensatz zur Originalversion die drei Faktoren “Kleidung“, “Soziale Aktivitäten“ und “Essensbezogenes Kontrollverhalten“. Reliabilität und Trennschärfe sind als gut zu beschreiben. Die Skalen stehen in einem inhaltlichen Zusammenhang mit konvergenten Fragebögen zum Körperbild und zur Essstörungssymptomatik. Die Subskalen des BIAQ trennen zuverlässig zwischen EG und KG. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die deutschsprachige Übersetzung und Modifikation des BIAQ ein reliables und valides Instrument zur Beurteilung von körperbildbezogenem Vermeidungsverhalten ist.

Jonathan E. Handelzalts ◽  
Yael Ben-Artzy-Cohen

The Draw-A-Person (DAP) test has been the center of a long-lasting debate regarding its validity. This study investigated the DAP indices of height, width (size), and inclusion/omission of details and their relation to body image as measured by a self-report scale (Gray’s body image scale) and manifested by the diet behaviors and body mass index of 55 healthy female students. Although the drawings of the diet group were smaller, there was no significant relationship between figure size and diet behaviors. However, body image as measured by a self-report scale did result in significant differences between groups. Moreover, there was a significant correlation between the size of the figure drawn and body image as measured by a self-report scale (larger figures correlated with better body image). No significant results were found for the omission/inclusion indices of the DAP. These results are discussed in light of previous findings regarding the DAP.

2001 ◽  
Vol 46 (4) ◽  
pp. 409-412
Patty E. Matz ◽  
Myles S. Faith

1991 ◽  
Vol 36 (3) ◽  
pp. 263-263
C. Peter Herman

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