Writing a research proposal: The role of library anxiety, statistics anxiety, and composition anxiety

1997 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 5-33 ◽  
Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie
2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Guenter Faber ◽  
Heike Drexler

Based on a cognitive-motivational modeling of construct relations, the present study aimed at analyzing the role of prior statistics experiences to ex­­plain education science students’ statistics anxiety. Data were analyzed from two independent samples which consisted of N = 113 and N = 87 participants – using a different operationalization of the experience variable in each case. In both samples, analyses demonstrated students’ statistics anxiety to be substantially ex­plained by their self-concept and negative utility value – but not by their prior sta­tistics ex­periences. However, conceptually assumed interaction effects between motivation and ex­perience variables did not occur. Instead, students’ statistics anxiety appeared to be de­pendent on self-concept and value scores across all experience levels. Moreover, different operationa­lizations of the experience variable produced somewhat varying effect patterns. Find­ings are discussed in terms of conceptual, methodological, and instructional implications.

Caterina Primi ◽  
Maria Anna Donati ◽  
Francesca Chiesi

Maarouf Ramadan

This chapter aims to highlight the relationship between innovation and internationalization in the context of international development of Lebanese innovative SMEs. The problems of the commitment of these SMEs in a process of internationalization is relevant in the Mediterranean countries in general and Lebanon in particular, but few empirical studies have been done so far to understand their international development (Ramadan, 2008; Ramadan and Levratto, 2011). The role of key factors such as size, age, international cooperation and strategic planning in the international development of Lebanese SMEs has rarely been comprehensively studied. Motivated by the literature that establishes a positive relationship between innovation and internationalization, this study presents a research proposal on these SMEs to bring out certain variables that characterize them. Moreover, the aim of the study is to verify the effect of the above factors and integrates into schools of thought that attempt to demonstrate that the international development of SMEs is influenced by a context that must be identified in the case of Lebanon.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Surya Sari Faradiba ◽  
Sikky El Walida

Peranan Statistika sebagai salah satu bidang ilmu yang berfungsi untuk merencanakan, mengumpulkan, menganalisis, menginterpretasi, dan merepresentasikan data sebagai dasar untuk pengambilan keputusan sangat penting bagi perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. Oleh karena itu, tidak mengherankan jika Statistika banyak digunakan dalam berbagai disiplin ilmu lain, antara lain ilmu alam, ilmu sosial, maupun ilmu humaniora. Mengingat tidak semua pengguna statistika memiliki latar belakang pendidikan Matematika, maka penggunaan alat bantu program SPSS menjadi alternatif yang patut dipertimbangkan. Sayangnya, dalam aplikasinya, pengguna SPSS lebih banyak sekedar mengikuti langkah-langkah prosedural tanpa memahami mengapa mereka melakukan hal tersebut. Dampaknya, pengguna SPSS banyak yang merasa kesulitan dalam melakukan analisis data statistik dan semakin tidak menyukai statistika. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi kecemasan statistik pada mahasiswa yang menggunakan SPSS. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan mayoritas mahasiswa dalam penelitian ini (n = 105, 73,4%) tidak menunjukkan kecemasan terhadap statistik melalui empat domain utama yang diukur. Tiga puluh satu siswa (21,7%) menunjukkan kecemasan dalam satu domain, empat siswa (2,8%) menunjukkan kecemasan dalam dua domain dan tiga siswa (2,1%) menunjukkan kecemasan dalam tiga domain. Tidak ada siswa dalam penelitian ini yang menunjukkan kecemasan pada keempat domain sekaligus yang diukur. The role of Statistics as one of the fields of science that functions to plan, collect, analyze, interpret, and represent data as a basis for decision making is very important for the development of science and technology. Therefore, it is not surprising that Statistics is widely used in various other disciplines, including natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities. Given that not all statistical users have a Mathematics education background, the use of SPSS program tools is an alternative that should be considered. Unfortunately, in the application, SPSS users are more just following procedural steps without understanding why they are doing it. The impact is that many SPSS users find it difficult to analyze statistical data and increasingly dislike statistics. This study aims to determine statistical anxiety conditions in students using SPSS. The results of this study indicate that the majority of students in this study (n = 105, 73.4%) did not show statistics anxiety through the four main domains measured. Thirty-one students (21.7%) showed anxiety in one domain, four students (2.8%) showed anxiety in two domains and three students (2.1%) showed anxiety in three domains. There were no students in this study who showed anxiety in all four domains as well as being measured.

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