2012 ◽  
Vol 136 ◽  
pp. S21 ◽  
1996 ◽  
Vol 41 (3) ◽  
pp. 161-166 ◽  
Gary J Remington ◽  
Donald Addington ◽  
Evan J Collins ◽  
Barry D Jones ◽  
Pierre Lalonde ◽  

Objective: This study evaluates clozapine and its present role in the pharmacotherapy of schizophrenia. Method: Clozapine's current clinical status is reviewed, as is its position with respect to other treatment options. Results: Clozapine represents the prototype of “atypical” neuroleptics, with evidence of clinical efficacy in both positive and negative symptoms, as well as a diminished risk of extrapyramidal side effects. It is the only neuroleptic to date that has established itself as having little, if any, risk of tardive dyskinesia. More recent research has focused on its potential for overall savings in health care costs, as well as possible benefits in the area of neuropsychological functioning. Conclusion: Evidence suggesting that the course of schizophrenia can be altered by effective treatment favours a systematic approach that optimizes treatment options. While clozapine does not represent a 1st-line agent because of its risk of agranulocytosis, it has an integral role to play in treatment-resistant schizophrenia or in individuals experiencing intolerable side effects with conventional neuroleptics. Objectif: La présente étude vise à évaluer la clozapine et son rôle actuel dans la pharmacothérapie de la schizophrénie. Méthode: On évalue l'emploi clinique actuel de la clozapine ainsi que sa position par rapport à d'autres options de traitement. Résultats: La clozapine constitue le prototype des neuroleptiques «atypiques,» révélant une efficacité clinique autant sur les symptômes positifs que négatifs ainsi qu'un risque réduit d'effets secondaires extrapyramidaux. Elle constitue le seul neuroleptique à ce jour associé à peu, voire pas du tout, de risque de dyskinésie tardive. De récentes recherches se sont penchées sur son potentiel d'économies globales en soins de santé ainsi que sur ses avantages en matière de fonctionnement neuropsychologique. Conclusion: L'information qui suggère que l'évolution de la schizophrénie peut être modifiée par un traitement efficace encourage une approche systématique optimisant les options de traitement. Bien que la clozapine ne soit pas un médicament d'élection étant donné le risque d'agranulocytose, elle joue un rôle important dans le traitement de la schizophrénie résistante au traitement ou chez les personnes pour qui les effets secondaires des neuroleptiques conventionnels sont intolérables.

2014 ◽  
Vol 20 (4) ◽  
pp. 6 ◽  
Paul Chigozie Odinka ◽  
A C Ndukuba ◽  
R C Muomah ◽  
M Oche ◽  
M U Osika ◽  

<p><strong>Background.</strong> Duration of untreated psychosis (DUP) has been widely recognised in recent years as a potentially important predictor of illness outcome, and the manifestations of schizophrenia have been known to influence its early recognition as a mental illness. </p><p><strong>Objective.</strong> To assess the association between the positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia, help-seeking and DUP. </p><p><strong>Methods.</strong> We performed a cross-sectional study of 360 patients with schizophrenia, who had had no previous contact with Western mental health services. The Sociodemographic Questionnaire, World Health Organization Pathway Encounter Form and a questionnaire to establish DUP were used. The positive and negative syndrome scale and Composite International Diagnostic Interview were used for the assessment of mental disorders and to diagnose.</p><p><strong>Results.</strong> Respondents who had predominant positive symptoms and who had a median DUP of 8 weeks or 24 weeks, tended to use psychiatric hospitals and other Western medical facilities, respectively, as their first treatment options. However, those who had predominant negative symptoms and who had a median DUP of 144 weeks or 310 weeks, tended to use faith healers and traditional healers, respectively, as first treatment options.</p><p><strong>Conclusion.</strong> The predominance of negative symptoms could militate against early presentation among people with schizophrenia, probably because negative symptoms are poorly recognised as indicating mental illness in Nigeria, as they could be interpreted as deviant behaviour or spiritual problems that would require spiritual solutions.</p>

2008 ◽  
Vol 31 (4) ◽  
pp. 10
G Foussias ◽  
G Remington ◽  
R Mizrahi

Background: Schizophreniais a chronic and debilitating illness that affects approximately one percent of the population. The symptoms of schizophrenia are typically thought of in separate domains, including positive symptoms (hallucinations and delusions), negative symptoms (diminished emotional expression and amotivation), and cognitive deficits. Importantly, the negative symptoms have been consistently found to adversely influence functional outcomes, in particular due to markedamotivation.^1 There have been suggestions that these individuals also experience deficits in the experience of pleasure, especially in their capacity to anticipate pleasure.^2 However, such investigations have not included the examination of these symptoms in those in the prodromal phase ofthis illness, a time that holds promise for early intervention and altering thecourse of schizophrenia.^3 Methods: In an effort to examine deficits in motivation and pleasure in the prodromal phase of schizophrenia, we have used an experience sampling method to assess “in the moment” motivation and pleasure in individuals at high risk of developing schizophrenia and healthy controls. Subjects completed baseline assessments including evaluation of their positive and negative symptoms. Subsequently, through the use of a personal digital assistant, subjects rated their motivation and experience of consummatory and anticipatory pleasure in their daily lives, multiple times over the course of four days. Results and Conclusions: Preliminary data will be presented, as well as the importance of these findings in the context of understanding the underlying pathobiology of this illness, and guiding our search for effective treatments to improvefunctional outcomes in schizophrenia. References: 1. Sayers SL, Curran PJ, Mueser KT. Psychol Assessment 1996;8:269-80. 2. Gard DE, Kring AM, Gard GM, et al.. Schizophr Res 2007;93:253-60.

2020 ◽  
Avyarthana Dey ◽  
Kara Dempster ◽  
Michael Mackinley ◽  
Peter Jeon ◽  
Tushar Das ◽  

Background:Network level dysconnectivity has been studied in positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia. Conceptual disorganization (CD) is a symptom subtype which predicts impaired real-world functioning in psychosis. Systematic reviews have reported aberrant connectivity in formal thought disorder, a construct related to CD. However, no studies have investigated whole-brain functional correlates of CD in psychosis. We sought to investigate brain regions explaining the severity of CD in patients with first-episode psychosis (FEPs) compared with healthy controls (HCs).Methods:We computed whole-brain binarized degree centrality maps of 31 FEPs, 25 HCs and characterized the patterns of network connectivity in the two groups. In FEPs, we related these findings to the severity of CD. We also studied the effect of positive and negative symptoms on altered network connectivity.Results:Compared to HCs, reduced hubness of a right superior temporal gyrus (rSTG) cluster was observed in the FEPs. In patients exhibiting high CD, increased hubness of a medial superior parietal (mSPL) cluster was observed, compared to patients exhibiting low CD. These two regions were strongly correlated with CD scores but not with other symptom scores.Discussion:Our observations are congruent with previous findings of reduced but not increased hubness. We observed increased hubness of mSPL suggesting that cortical reorganization occurs to provide alternate routes for information transfer.Conclusion:These findings provide insight into the underlying neural processes mediating the presentation of symptoms in untreated FEP. A longitudinal tracking of the symptom course will be useful to assess the mechanisms underlying these compensatory changes.

2019 ◽  
Vol 47 (11) ◽  
pp. 1-8 ◽  
AiBao Zhou ◽  
Pei Xie ◽  
ChaoChao Pan ◽  
Zhe Tian ◽  
Junwei Xie

We explored differences in performance on the Synthetic House–Tree–Person Test between people with mainly positive symptoms and those with mainly negative symptoms of schizophrenia and, further, aimed to provide a basis for the diagnosis of schizophrenia symptom type. Participants were 58 people receiving treatment for schizophrenia, and we asked them to complete the Scale for the Assessment of Positive Symptoms, the Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms, and the Synthetic House–Tree–Person Test. There were significant differences in results on the Synthetic House–Tree–Person Test between the group with positive symptoms, the group with a mix of positive and negative symptoms, and the group with negative symptoms. There were 12 features of participants' drawings, such as big hands, which were correlated with hallucinations and delusions in positive symptoms, and 9 features, such as trees in a landscape, which were correlated with avolition and anhedonia in negative symptoms. Our study results suggest differences in performance on the Synthetic House–Tree–Person Test between these different symptom subtypes of schizophrenia; hence, the features that appear in drawings made during the test may contribute to the diagnosis of symptoms of people with schizophrenia.

1986 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 108-122 ◽  
Nancy C. Andreasen ◽  
William M. Grove

SummaryMost investigators concur that schizophrenia is probably a heterogeneous group of disorders that share the common features of psychotic symptoms, partial response to neuroleptics, and a relatively poor outcome. The subdivision of schizophrenia into two subtypes, positive versus negative, has achieved wide acceptance throughout the world during recent years. This distinction has heuristic and theoretical appeal because it unites phenomenology, pathophysiology, and etiology into a single comprehensive hypothesis.In spite of its wide appeal, the distinction has a number of problems. These include the failure to distinguish between symptom syndromes and diseases; failure to deal with the mixed patient; failure to take longitudinal course into account; and failure to address conceptually and methodologically the distinction between positive and negative symptoms.This paper focuses primarily on the conceptual basis for two instruments designed to measure positive and negative symptoms, the Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms (SANS) and the Scale for the Assessment of Positive Symptoms (SAPS), originally described in 1982. Since their description, these scales have been used in a variety of other centers. These scales are based on the hypothesis that negative symptoms represent a deficit or diminution in normal psychological functions wliile positive symptoms represent an excess or distortion of normal functions. Reliability data are now available from Italy, Spain, and Japan which suggest that these scales can be used reliably in cultural settings outside the United States. The results of these studies are summarized in this paper. In addition, a replication study involving a new sample of 117 schizophrenics collected at the University of Iowa is described. In this second study of the SANS and SAPS, internal consistency is found to be quite high in the SANS. Thus negative symptoms appear to be more internally correlated with one another than are positive symptoms. The implications of this result are discussed. A principal components analysis is used to explore the relationship between positive and negative symptoms. While the study reported in 1982 suggested that positive and negative symptoms are negatively correlated, in the present study they appear to be uncorrelated. Overall, the results suggest that the SANS and SAPS are useful comprehensive instruments for the evaluation of positive and negative symptoms. The relationship between these symptoms and external validators such as cognitive functioning or CT scan abnormalities will be reported in a subsequent investigation.

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