Accounting education is taught in some private universities has impressed as stagnant knowledge, mechanical, and oriented material that causes a lot of students in general become saturated in the learning process. In Indonesia at several universities, almost all accounting courses little or no charge to enter the motivation, creativity, and mentality in the accounting curriculum-based motivation, creativity, and mentality can only he done well when formulated in a more complete firm of the curriculum. Therefore, this study examines the effect of motivation, creativity and mentality in accounting education to obtain empirical evidence. In this study using primary data obtained through questionnaires from a list of questions posed to accounting students in private universities in the city of Padang. The sample in this study was conducted with a purposive sampling technique where the sampling method was based on certain criteria, namely : involving student participants who majored in accounting class of 2010, 2011, and 2012 who had studied the sciences and overall accounting associated with accounting. Testing the hypothesis of this research is conducted with multiple regression analysis. The first hypothesis testing results found that motivation does not significantly influence accounting education in private universities Padang. The second hypothesis testing results found that creativity significantly influence accounting education in private universities Padang. The third hypothesis testing results found that significantly influence the mentality of accounting education in private universities Padang.