Antibiotic Prophylaxis Cuts Infections After Colon Surgery

2005 ◽  
Vol 38 (22) ◽  
pp. 60
2007 ◽  
Vol 28 (8) ◽  
pp. 997-1002 ◽  
Won Suk Choi ◽  
Joon Young Song ◽  
Jung Hae Hwang ◽  
Nam Soon Kim ◽  
Hee Jin Cheong

Objective.To determine the appropriateness of antibiotic prophylaxis regimens for major surgery in Korea.Design.Retrospective study using a written survey for each patient who underwent arthroplasty, colon surgery, or hysterectomy.Setting.Six tertiary hospitals in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province.Patients.From each hospital, a maximum of 150 patients who underwent each type of surgery were randomly chosen for the study.Results.Of 2,644 eligible patients, 1,914 patients were included in the analysis; 677 of these patients underwent arthroplasty, 578 underwent colon surgery, and 659 underwent hysterectomy. Nineteen patients were excluded from the analyses of the class and number of antibiotics used for prophylaxis because they underwent multiple surgeries at different sites. For each of the 1,895 remaining patients, antibiotic prophylaxis involved a mean ( ± SD) of 2.8 ± 0.9 classes of antibiotics. The most commonly prescribed agents were cephalosporins (prescribed for 1,875 [98.9%] of the patients) and aminoglycosides (1,404 [74.1%]). A total of 1,574 (83.1%) of patients received at least 2 classes of antibiotics simultaneously. Only 15 (0.8%) of 1,895 patients received antibiotic prophylaxis in accordance with published guidelines. Of 506 patients for whom the initial dose of antibiotics was evaluated, 374 (73.9%) received an appropriate initial dose. Of the 1,676 patients whose medical records included information about antibiotic administration relative to the time of surgery, only 188 (11.2%) received antibiotic prophylaxis an hour or less before the surgical incision was made. Of the 1,748 patients whose medical records included information about duration of surgery, antibiotic prophylaxis was discontinued 24 hours or less after surgery for only 3 (0.2%) of the patients.Conclusion.Most patients who had major surgery in Korea received inappropriate antibiotic prophylaxis. Measures to improve the appropriateness of antibiotic prophylaxis are urgently required.

1981 ◽  
Vol 305 (14) ◽  
pp. 795-799 ◽  
Mark L. Baum ◽  
David S. Anish ◽  
Thomas C. Chalmers ◽  
Henry S. Sacks ◽  
Harry Smith ◽  

2007 ◽  
Vol 205 (1) ◽  
pp. 189-190
William W. Hope ◽  
William L. Newcomb ◽  
Thomas M. Schmelzer ◽  
Scott D. Pope ◽  
Amy E. Lincourt ◽  

2015 ◽  
Vol 63 (S 01) ◽  
C. Schimmer ◽  
K. Hamouda ◽  
M. Oezkur ◽  
S. Sommer ◽  
M. Leistner ◽  

2019 ◽  
J Colan Hernandez ◽  
O Sendino ◽  
C Loras ◽  
X Andujar ◽  
A Pardo ◽  

1999 ◽  
Vol 135 (6) ◽  
pp. 716-717
R. D. Griego

2011 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 122-123
Dr.Chakane Milind ◽  
Dr.Snehal Purandare

2020 ◽  
Vol 73 (4) ◽  
pp. 148-152
Kornél Vajda ◽  
László Sikorszki

Összefoglaló. Bevezetés: A laparoszkópia térhódítása a jobb oldali colon műtéteknél is nyilvánvaló. Ma legtöbb helyen a laparoszkóposan asszisztált jobb oldali hemikolektómia extrakorporális anasztomózissal a gold standard. A morbiditás randomizált vizsgálatok alapján még 30% körüli. A technikai fejlődés lehetővé tette az intrakorporális anasztomózist. Célkitűzés: Retrospektív módon elemezni rosszindulatú jobb oldali vastagbéldaganat miatt végzett laparoszkópos hemikolektómiák rövid távú eredményeit a két módszer összehasonlításával. Eredmények: 2018. 01. 01. – 2019. 12. 31. között 184 jobb oldali hemikolektómiát végeztünk, ezek közül 122 történt malignus betegség miatt. 51 esetben nyitott és 71 esetben laparoszkópos műtét történt. 37 férfi (átlagéletkor: 70,59 év) és 34 nő (átlagéletkor: 72,14 év) volt. 50 esetben extrakorporális (EA) és 21 esetben pedig intrakorporális anasztomózist (IA) végeztünk. Az EA csoportban 18, míg az IA csoportban 3 szövődmény alakult ki 30 napon belül (p = 0,067). Az EA csoportból 3, az IA csoportból 1 beteget veszítettünk el 30 napon belül (p = 0,66). Az átlagos ápolási idő az EA csoportban 9,48 (5–32) nap, míg az IA csoportban 6,52 (4–19) nap volt (p = 0,001) a szövődményes esetekkel együtt. A szövődményes esetek nélkül az EA csoportban 6,35 (5–10) nap, az IA csoportban pedig 5,55 (4–8) napnak bizonyult (p = 0,09). A műtéti idő pedig az EA csoportban 147 (90–240) perc, az IA csoportban pedig 146,47 (90–265) perc volt (p = 0,11). Konklúzió: Az irodalommal összhangban azt találtuk, hogy IA esetén kevesebb a szövődmény, ezzel is összefüggésben rövidebb az átlagos ápolási idő, és a műtéti időt tekintve nincs szignifikáns különbség. Ezeket figyelembe véve az intrakorporális anasztomózis javasolható jobb oldali laparoszkópos hemikolektómia esetén. Summary. Introduction: Laparoscopy became evident for right-sided colon surgery too. Today the laparoscopic-assisted right-hemicolectomy is the gold standard with extracorporeal anastomosis. Morbidity according to randomized trials is still approximately 30%. The development of the surgical technique resulted in the creation of intracorporeal anastomosis. Our aim was to compare the short-term results of the two methods. Aim: To analyse the short-term results of right-sided hemicolectomy that were performed due to malignant tumours with the comparison of the two methods. Results: A cohort of 184 right-sided hemicolectomy were performed from 01.01.2018 to 31.12.2019 from which 122 were operated on because of a malignant disease. 51 open and 71 laparoscopic operations were performed. The average age of 37 men and 34 women were 70.59 and 72.14 years, respectively. 50 patients underwent extracorporeal (EA) anastomosis and 21 intracorporeal (IA) anastomosis. Within 30 days the number of complications were 18 in the EA group and 3 in the IA group (p = 0.067). 3 from the EA group and 1 from IA group died within 30 days (p = 0.66). The average length of stay were 9.48 days in the EA group and 6.52 days in the IA group together with the complicated cases (p = 0.001) while 6.35 days and 5.55 days without the complicated cases (p = 0.09). The average duration of operation was 147 minutes in the EA and 146.47 minutes in the IA group (p = 0.11). Conclusion: We found concordance with the literature that there are fewer complications in case of IA which might be related to shorter length of stay. There is no significant difference between the surgical times. Bearing these facts in mind, IA might be suggested for right- sided laparoscopic hemicolectomy.

2010 ◽  
Vol 82 (4) ◽  
Mirosław Jawień ◽  
Małgorzata Bulanda

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