scholarly journals Despite Some Success Stories, Policy Measures Lag Behind

Sunday Israel Akinde

Nigeria appears too slow in harnessing domestic resources towards meeting her socioeconomic needs. However, CSR has been found in several contexts as important means of realizing much–needed expectations of development. Nigeria is currently at the level of perceiving CSR merely as one-off philanthropic thing focusing merely on environmental protection. This study employs various means such as success stories of others, methods adopted for realization of vibrant CSR initiative in their own experience, and some time-tested examples of road map towards international best practices in order to arouse the curiosity of policy makers in Nigeria. The study identified certain structural- functional elements working in tandem for effective realization of CSR in Nigeria. These include Synergy of CSR and Corporate Governance (CG), a viable CSR organization, and institutionalization or culture of monitoring and control. Policy measures recommended include creating CSR into an agency or commission for effective take-off.

2021 ◽  
Vol 32 (4) ◽  
Štefan Bojnec ◽  

The article highlights the Slovenian strategies, institutions, policies, programmes, projects, and measures in tackling the NEETs, particularly the rural ones. The Youth Guarantee, and particularly active employment policy measures at a national level implemented via regional offices for employment work together to play a crucial role in bridging the gaps for the structurally and long-term unemployed in general, and especially for rural NEETs who are in transition from education and training to employment. National strategies and policies are supported by international programmes and projects. Amongst the success stories can be tentatively included the integration of the Roma population of at least one-cross-border area with geographical proximity to the neighbouring Styria region of Austria. Whilst the percentage of rural NEETs in Slovenia is modest, this does not mean an absence of the problems typical to this group i.e., less favourable personal, household, and/or other characteristics for the vulnerable, and economically and socially excluded rural NEETs. The hidden, unregistered NEETs (not participating in any programmes and policies) are at least as important as the registered ones. Both registered and unregistered NEETs are challenging issues in terms of their economic and social integration. To that end, it is necessary to provide general and specific opportunities for continued lifelong learning within the context of their personal, family, and social commitments: this will help to ensure their successful labour market and social integration, survival in the competitive labour market, quality of life by avoiding poverty risks, and sustainable rural development more broadly. Keywords: youth; NEET; education; Active Employment Policy; rural NEET; NEET strategy; NEET policy measures; Slovenia. ····· Articolul scoate în evidență strategiile slovene, instituțiile, politicile, programele, proiectele și măsurile privind tinerii NEET, în special pe cei din mediul rural. Programul Youth Guarantee și în special măsurile active de ocupare la nivel național implementate prin birourile naționale, joacă un rol crucial în acoperirea celor care sunt în șomaj structural și pe termen lung, în general, și pentru tinerii NEET care sunt în tranziție între educație, ucenicie și muncă. Strategiile naționale și politicile sunt susținute de programe și proiecte internaționale din cadrul fondurilor UE și granturilor EEA – Granturi Norvegiene (Mecanismul Financiar Norvegian). Printre poveștile de succes poate fi inclusă în mod special cea a integrării populației Roma din cel puțin o zonă transfrontalieră cu proximitate geografică cu regiunea Styria, Austria (cu capitala la Graz). În timp ce procentul tinerilor NEET din rural în Slovenia este modest, asta nu înseamnă absența problemelor de acest gen, care pot fi legate de diferitele caracteristici personale, gospodărești sau de alte feluri, pentru cei vulnerabili și excluși economic și social, NEET din mediul rural. Cei din categoria NEET care nu `se văd`, cei neînregistrați, care nu participă în niciun program sau necuprinși în politici sunt cel puțin la fel de importanți ca cei care sunt înregistrați. Ambele categorii sunt provocări pentru integrarea lor socială și economică, cu scopul de a li se crea oportunități specifice și generale pentru a continua procesul de învățare ]n vederea unui angajament personal, de familie și social față de integrarea socială și pe piața muncii, pentru supraviețuirea în competitiva piață a muncii, legat de calitatea vieții – (evitarea riscului sărăciei) –, și pentru o dezvoltare rurală sustenabilă. Cuvinte-cheie: tineri; NEET; educație; Politici Active de Angajare; NEET din rural; strategia NEET; măsuri pentru politici; NEET Slovenia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Heleen L. van Soest ◽  
Lara Aleluia Reis ◽  
Luiz Bernardo Baptista ◽  
Christoph Bertram ◽  
Jacques Després ◽  

AbstractClosing the emissions gap between Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and the global emissions levels needed to achieve the Paris Agreement’s climate goals will require a comprehensive package of policy measures. National and sectoral policies can help fill the gap, but success stories in one country cannot be automatically replicated in other countries. They need to be adapted to the local context. Here, we develop a new Bridge scenario based on nationally relevant, short-term measures informed by interactions with country experts. These good practice policies are rolled out globally between now and 2030 and combined with carbon pricing thereafter. We implement this scenario with an ensemble of global integrated assessment models. We show that the Bridge scenario closes two-thirds of the emissions gap between NDC and 2 °C scenarios by 2030 and enables a pathway in line with the 2 °C goal when combined with the necessary long-term changes, i.e. more comprehensive pricing measures after 2030. The Bridge scenario leads to a scale-up of renewable energy (reaching 52%–88% of global electricity supply by 2050), electrification of end-uses, efficiency improvements in energy demand sectors, and enhanced afforestation and reforestation. Our analysis suggests that early action via good-practice policies is less costly than a delay in global climate cooperation.

2009 ◽  
pp. 54-69 ◽  
A. Shastitko ◽  
S. Avdasheva ◽  
S. Golovanova

The analysis of competition policy under economic crisis is motivated by the fact that competition is a key factor for the level of productivity. The latter, in its turn, influences the scope and length of economic recession. In many Russian markets buyers' gains decline because of the weakness of competition, since suppliers are reluctant to cut prices in spite of the decreasing demand. Data on prices in Russia and abroad in the second half of 2008 show asymmetric price rigidity. At least two questions are important under economic crisis: the 'division of labor' between pro-active and protective tools of competition policy and the impact of anti-crisis policy on competition. Protective competition policy is insufficient in transition economy, especially in the days of crisis it should be supplemented with the well-designed industrial policy measures which do not contradict the goals of competition. The preferable tools of anti-crisis policy are also those that do not restrain competition.

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