A Student's Guide to the Schrödinger Equation

2020 ◽  
Daniel A. Fleisch

Quantum mechanics is a hugely important topic in science and engineering, but many students struggle to understand the abstract mathematical techniques used to solve the Schrödinger equation and to analyze the resulting wave functions. Retaining the popular approach used in Fleisch's other Student's Guides, this friendly resource uses plain language to provide detailed explanations of the fundamental concepts and mathematical techniques underlying the Schrödinger equation in quantum mechanics. It addresses in a clear and intuitive way the problems students find most troublesome. Each chapter includes several homework problems with fully worked solutions. A companion website hosts additional resources, including a helpful glossary, Matlab code for creating key simulations, revision quizzes and a series of videos in which the author explains the most important concepts from each section of the book.

Shigeto Nagao

The Schrödinger equation is one of the cores in quantum mechanics, but bears a contradiction. In the process to obtain the energy and momentum operators, the relation [Formula: see text] is used for [Formula: see text]. However, when they are applied to the Hamiltonian equation, the kinetic energy is set as [Formula: see text]. Based on the Energy Circulation Theory, we examine in this paper the quantization of motions of a particle. We clarify in which situation and for what energy we can use the relation [Formula: see text]. We derive a wave equation de novo to provide wave functions representing a concrete motion and energy distribution of a particle. The Schrödinger equation has a similar form by chance but the mass in our new equation is that of energy quantum expressed by [Formula: see text], which is common for any energies of any particles and decided only by the moving speed. A solution shows an energy location in the 3D real space even if it is expressed in complex. When a motion of a particle gets in circle, its circular frequency becomes quantized. In an atom, an electron circulates around the hidden dimensional axis, and the circulation can further rotate. We propose the quantization conditions for the electron orbiting, and derive the wave functions in concrete for S and P orbitals, which are different from current perceptions. We also demonstrate that the uncertainty principle is not valid for a motion of a particle.

2018 ◽  
Vol 33 (03) ◽  
pp. 1850021 ◽  
A. I. Ahmadov ◽  
Maria Naeem ◽  
M. V. Qocayeva ◽  
V. A. Tarverdiyeva

In this paper, the bound-state solution of the modified radial Schrödinger equation is obtained for the Manning–Rosen plus Hulthén potential by using new developed scheme to overcome the centrifugal part. The energy eigenvalues and corresponding radial wave functions are defined for any [Formula: see text] angular momentum case via the Nikiforov–Uvarov (NU) and supersymmetric quantum mechanics (SUSY QM) methods. Thanks to both methods, equivalent expressions are obtained for the energy eigenvalues, and the expression of radial wave functions transformations to each other is presented. The energy levels and the corresponding normalized eigenfunctions are represented in terms of the Jacobi polynomials for arbitrary [Formula: see text] states. A closed form of the normalization constant of the wave functions is also found. It is shown that, the energy eigenvalues and eigenfunctions are sensitive to [Formula: see text] radial and [Formula: see text] orbital quantum numbers.

2019 ◽  
Vol 34 (14) ◽  
pp. 1950107 ◽  
V. H. Badalov ◽  
B. Baris ◽  
K. Uzun

The formal framework for quantum mechanics is an infinite number of dimensional space. Hereby, in any analytical calculation of the quantum system, the energy eigenvalues and corresponding wave functions can be represented easily in a finite-dimensional basis set. In this work, the approximate analytical solutions of the hyper-radial Schrödinger equation are obtained for the generalized Wood–Saxon potential by implementing the Pekeris approximation to surmount the centrifugal term. The energy eigenvalues and corresponding hyper-radial wave functions are derived for any angular momentum case by means of state-of-the-art Nikiforov–Uvarov and supersymmetric quantum mechanics methods. Hence, the same expressions are obtained for the energy eigenvalues, and the expression of hyper-radial wave functions transforming each other is shown owing to these methods. Furthermore, a finite number energy spectrum depending on the depths of the potential well [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text], the radial [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] orbital quantum numbers and parameters [Formula: see text], [Formula: see text], [Formula: see text] are also identified in detail. Next, the bound state energies and corresponding normalized hyper-radial wave functions for the neutron system of the [Formula: see text]Fe nucleus are calculated in [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] as well as the energy spectrum expressions of other higher dimensions are revealed by using the energy spectrum of [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text].

2017 ◽  
Vol 26 (05) ◽  
pp. 1750028 ◽  
H. I. Ahmadov ◽  
M. V. Qocayeva ◽  
N. Sh. Huseynova

In this paper, the analytical solutions of the [Formula: see text]-dimensional hyper-radial Schrödinger equation are studied in great detail for the Hulthén potential. Within the framework, a novel improved scheme to surmount centrifugal term, the energy eigenvalues and corresponding radial wave functions are found for any [Formula: see text] orbital angular momentum case within the context of the Nikiforov–Uvarov (NU) and supersymmetric quantum mechanics (SUSY QM) methods. In this way, based on these methods, the same expressions are obtained for the energy eigenvalues, and the expression of radial wave functions transforming each other is demonstrated. The energy levels are worked out and the corresponding normalized eigenfunctions are obtained in terms of orthogonal polynomials for arbitrary [Formula: see text] states for [Formula: see text]-dimensional space.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 43-47
A. Suparmi, C. Cari, Ina Nurhidayati

Abstrak – Persamaan Schrödinger adalah salah satu topik penelitian yang yang paling sering diteliti dalam mekanika kuantum. Pada jurnal ini persamaan Schrödinger berbasis panjang minimal diaplikasikan untuk potensial Coulomb Termodifikasi. Fungsi gelombang dan spektrum energi yang dihasilkan menunjukkan kharakteristik atau tingkah laku dari partikel sub atom. Dengan menggunakan metode pendekatan hipergeometri, diperoleh solusi analitis untuk bagian radial persamaan Schrödinger berbasis panjang minimal diaplikasikan untuk potensial Coulomb Termodifikasi. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan terjadi peningkatan energi yang sebanding dengan meningkatnya parameter panjang minimal dan parameter potensial Coulomb Termodifikasi. Kata kunci: persamaan Schrödinger, panjang minimal, fungsi gelombang, energi, potensial Coulomb Termodifikasi Abstract – The Schrödinger equation is the most popular topic research at quantum mechanics. The  Schrödinger equation based on the concept of minimal length formalism has been obtained for modified Coulomb potential. The wave function and energy spectra were used to describe the characteristic of sub-atomic particle. By using hypergeometry method, we obtained the approximate analytical solutions of the radial Schrödinger equation based on the concept of minimal length formalism for the modified Coulomb potential. The wave function and energy spectra was solved. The result showed that the value of energy increased by the increasing both of minimal length parameter and the potential parameter. Key words: Schrödinger equation, minimal length formalism (MLF), wave function, energy spectra, Modified Coulomb potential

Frank S. Levin

Chapter 7 illustrates the results obtained by applying the Schrödinger equation to a simple pedagogical quantum system, the particle in a one-dimensional box. The wave functions are seen to be sine waves; their wavelengths are evaluated and used to calculate the quantized energies via the de Broglie relation. An energy-level diagram of some of the energies is constructed; on it are illustrations of the corresponding wave functions and probability distributions. The wave functions are seen to be either symmetric or antisymmetric about the midpoint of the line representing the box, thereby providing a lead-in to the later exploration of certain symmetry properties of multi-electron atoms. It is next pointed out that the Schrödinger equation for this system is identical to Newton’s equation describing the vibrations of a stretched musical string. The different meaning of the two solutions is discussed, as is the concept and structure of linear superpositions of them.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-55
Timothy Brian Huber

The harmonic oscillator is a quantum mechanical system that represents one of the most basic potentials. In order to understand the behavior of a particle within this system, the time-independent Schrödinger equation was solved; in other words, its eigenfunctions and eigenvalues were found. The first goal of this study was to construct a family of single parameter potentials and corresponding eigenfunctions with a spectrum similar to that of the harmonic oscillator. This task was achieved by means of supersymmetric quantum mechanics, which utilizes an intertwining operator that relates a known Hamiltonian with another whose potential is to be built. Secondly, a generalization of the technique was used to work with the time-dependent Schrödinger equation to construct new potentials and corresponding solutions.

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