scholarly journals Milnor K-theory and the graded representation ring

Pierre Guillot ◽  
Ján Mináč

AbstractLet F be a field, let G = Gal(/F) be its absolute Galois group, and let R(G,k) be the representation ring of G over a suitable field k. In this preprint we construct a ring homomorphism from the mod 2 Milnor K-theory k*(F) to the graded ring grR(G,k) associated to Grothendieck's γ-filtration. We study this map in particular cases, as well as a related map involving the W-group of F, rather than G. The latter is an isomorphism in all cases considered.Naturally this echoes the Milnor conjecture (now a theorem), which states that k*(F) is isomorphic to the mod 2 cohomology of the absolute Galois group G, and to the graded Witt ring grW(F).The machinery developed to obtain the above results seems to have independent interest in algebraic topology. We are led to construct an analog of the classical Chern character, which does not involve complex vector bundles and Chern classes but rather real vector bundles and Stiefel-Whitney classes. Thus we show the existence of a ring homomorphism whose source is the graded ring associated to the corresponding K-theory ring KO(X) of the topological space X, again with respect to the γ-filtration, and whose target is a certain subquotient of H*(X, F2).In order to define this subquotient, we introduce a collection of distinguished Steenrod operations. They are related to Stiefel-Whitney classes by combinatorial identities.

2015 ◽  
Vol 284 ◽  
pp. 186-212 ◽  
Lior Bary-Soroker ◽  
Moshe Jarden ◽  
Danny Neftin

2006 ◽  
Vol 80 (1) ◽  
pp. 89-103 ◽  
Cristian Virdol

AbstractIn this paper we compute and continue meromorphically to the whole complex plane the zeta function for twisted modular curves. The twist of the modular curve is done by a modprepresentation of the absolute Galois group.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
A. ASOK ◽  
J. FASEL ◽  

Suppose $X$ is a smooth complex algebraic variety. A necessary condition for a complex topological vector bundle on $X$ (viewed as a complex manifold) to be algebraic is that all Chern classes must be algebraic cohomology classes, that is, lie in the image of the cycle class map. We analyze the question of whether algebraicity of Chern classes is sufficient to guarantee algebraizability of complex topological vector bundles. For affine varieties of dimension ${\leqslant}3$, it is known that algebraicity of Chern classes of a vector bundle guarantees algebraizability of the vector bundle. In contrast, we show in dimension ${\geqslant}4$ that algebraicity of Chern classes is insufficient to guarantee algebraizability of vector bundles. To do this, we construct a new obstruction to algebraizability using Steenrod operations on Chow groups. By means of an explicit example, we observe that our obstruction is nontrivial in general.

2019 ◽  
Vol 371 (3) ◽  
pp. 921-973 ◽  
Tomasz Maciążek ◽  
Adam Sawicki

Abstract We show that non-abelian quantum statistics can be studied using certain topological invariants which are the homology groups of configuration spaces. In particular, we formulate a general framework for describing quantum statistics of particles constrained to move in a topological space X. The framework involves a study of isomorphism classes of flat complex vector bundles over the configuration space of X which can be achieved by determining its homology groups. We apply this methodology for configuration spaces of graphs. As a conclusion, we provide families of graphs which are good candidates for studying simple effective models of anyon dynamics as well as models of non-abelian anyons on networks that are used in quantum computing. These conclusions are based on our solution of the so-called universal presentation problem for homology groups of graph configuration spaces for certain families of graphs.

2008 ◽  
Vol 190 ◽  
pp. 87-104
Cristian Virdol

In this paper we compute and continue meromorphically to the entire complex plane the zeta functions of twisted quaternionic Shimura varieties of dimension 3. The twist of the quaternionic Shimura varieties is done by a mod ℘ representation of the absolute Galois group.

1985 ◽  
Vol 37 ◽  
pp. 155-165 ◽  
Dan Haran ◽  
Moshe Jarden

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