scholarly journals I.—Notes on the Phylogeny of the Graptolites

1895 ◽  
Vol 2 (12) ◽  
pp. 529-539 ◽  
H. A. Nicholson ◽  
J. E. Marr

Since the remarkable paper by Professor Lapworth “On an Improved Classification of the Rhabdophora” was published in the Geological Magazine for 1873, a great deal of fresh information has been gathered as to these interesting fossils; but the classification given in that paper, though to some extent confessedly artificial, is still generally adhered to. Observations made by the authors in recent years lead them to suppose that that classification will in the future undergo considerable modification; but in the present state of our knowledge it serves a purpose so useful, that it is not our intention to propose any immediate change in it. Our object, on the other hand, is to bring forward certain conclusions which we have independently reached, and which will, we believe, enhance the value of Graptolites to the stratigraphical geologist, and lead to results important to the biologist. Our conclusions are based upon an examination of a large number of forms generally referred to the family Dichograptidæ; but, as we propose very briefly to indicate, they affect the relationships of Graptolites belonging to other families also.

2008 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 464-479
Alejandro Klein

This study seeks to determine how certain social situations cannot help but influence subjectivity and family ties. The Keynesian age encouraged and promoted a relatively stable socioeconomic matrix based on a probable future and achievable promise. The installation of a family model related to protective parents who were capable of caring for and protecting their children has been observed. Adolescent subjectivity is constructed based on parameters like generational confrontation and growth, and happiness before the possibility of exercising autonomy. On the other hand, neoliberalism produces a “retraction” of social spaces, dismisses the future, and feelings of instability and insecurity are prevalent, making the family model a “structure that overwhelms parents.” Adolescent subjectivity seems incapable of executing generational confrontation, predominantly showing a desire to “protect” the family (“exacerbated messiah complex”) by means of a fantasy that acts as a “threading scene” capable of annulling the search for autonomy and growth.

2010 ◽  
Vol 51 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 215-224
Alexander Carpenter

This paper explores Arnold Schoenberg’s curious ambivalence towards Haydn. Schoenberg recognized Haydn as an important figure in the German serious music tradition, but never closely examined or clearly articulated Haydn’s influence and import on his own musical style and ethos, as he did with many other major composers. This paper argues that Schoenberg failed to explicitly recognize Haydn as a major influence because he saw Haydn as he saw himself, namely as a somewhat ungainly, paradoxical figure, with one foot in the past and one in the future. In his voluminous writings on music, Haydn is mentioned by Schoenberg far less frequently than Bach, Mozart, or Beethoven, and his music appears rarely as examples in Schoenberg’s theoretical texts. When Schoenberg does talk about Haydn’s music, he invokes — with tacit negativity — its accessibility, counterpoising it with more recondite music, such as Beethoven’s, or his own. On the other hand, Schoenberg also praises Haydn for his complex, irregular phrasing and harmonic exploration. Haydn thus appears in Schoenberg’s writings as a figure invested with ambivalence: a key member of the First Viennese triumvirate, but at the same time he is curiously phantasmal, and is accorded a peripheral place in Schoenberg’s version of the canon and his own musical genealogy.

2014 ◽  
Vol 58 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-22
Roman Wituła ◽  
Edyta Hetmaniok ◽  
Damian Słota

Abstract In the paper we present the selected properties of composition relation of the convergent and divergent permutations connected with commutation. We note that a permutation on ℕ is called the convergent permutation if for each convergent series ∑an of real terms, the p-rearranged series ∑ap(n) is also convergent. All the other permutations on ℕ are called the divergent permutations. We have proven, among others, that, for many permutations p on ℕ, the family of divergent permutations q on ℕ commuting with p possesses cardinality of the continuum. For example, the permutations p on ℕ having finite order possess this property. On the other hand, an example of a convergent permutation which commutes only with some convergent permutations is also presented.

ARTic ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 4 ◽  
pp. 167-176
Risti Puspita Sari Hunowu

This research is aimed at studying the Hunto Sultan Amay Mosque located in Gorontalo City. Hunto Sultan Amay Mosque is the oldest mosque in the city of Gorontalo The Hunto Sultan Amay Mosque was built as proof of Sultan Amay's love for a daughter and is a representation of Islam in Gorontalo. Researchers will investigate the visual form of the Hunto Sultan Amay Mosque which was originally like an ancient mosque in the archipelago. can be seen from the shape of the roof which initially used an overlapping roof and then converted into a dome as well as mosques in the world, we can be sure the Hunto Sultan Amay Mosque uses a dome roof after the arrival of Dutch Colonial. The researcher used a qualitative method by observing the existing form in detail from the building of the mosque with an aesthetic approach, reviewing objects and selecting the selected ornament giving a classification of the shapes, so that the section became a reference for the author as research material. Based on the analysis of this thesis, the form  of the Hunto Sultan Amay mosque as well as the mosques located in the archipelago and the existence of ornaments in the Hunto Sultan Amay Mosque as a decorative structure support the grandeur of a mosque. On the other hand, Hunto Mosque ornaments reveal a teaching. The form of a teaching is manifested in the form of motives and does not depict living beings in a realist or naturalist manner. the decorative forms of the Hunto Sultan Sultan Mosque in general tend to lead to a form of flora, geometric ornaments, and ornament of calligraphy dominated by the distinctive colors of Islam, namely gold, white, red, yellow and green.

Zoran Vrucinic

The future of medicine belongs to immunology and alergology. I tried to not be too wide in description, but on the other hand to mention the most important concepts of alergology to make access to these diseases more understandable, logical and more useful for our patients, that without complex pathophysiology and mechanism of immune reaction,we gain some basic insight into immunological principles. The name allergy to medicine was introduced by Pirquet in 1906, and is of Greek origin (allos-other + ergon-act; different reaction), essentially representing the reaction of an organism to a substance that has already been in contact with it, and manifested as a specific response thatmanifests as either a heightened reaction, a hypersensitivity, or as a reduced reaction immunity. Synonyms for hypersensitivity are: altered reactivity, reaction, hypersensitivity. The word sensitization comes from the Latin (sensibilitas, atis, f.), which means sensibility,sensitivity, and has retained that meaning in medical vocabulary, while in immunology and allergology this term implies the creation of hypersensitivity to an antigen. Antigen comes from the Greek words, anti-anti + genos-genus, the opposite, anti-substance substance that causes the body to produce antibodies.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (01) ◽  
Shlesha Singh ◽  
Mrinalini Pandey

Organizations are these days realizing the importance of women in the workforce and to tap that talent, organizations are now-a-days putting extra efforts. Workplaces were designed keeping men in mind and which has been intercepting women from continuing the competitive jobs and career along with the family responsibilities. On the other hand, there are various workplace barriers which are adding to the other problems. Women face several barriers at the workplace like sexual harassment, glass ceiling and gender stereotype.

Matthias Albani

The monotheistic confession in Isa 40–48 is best understood against the historical context of Israel’s political and religious crisis situation in the final years of Neo-Babylonian rule. According to Deutero-Isaiah, Yhwh is unique and incomparable because he alone truly predicts the “future” (Isa 41:22–29)—currently the triumph of Cyrus—which will lead to Israel’s liberation from Babylonian captivity (Isa 45). This prediction is directed against the Babylonian deities’ claim to possess the power of destiny and the future, predominantly against Bel-Marduk, to whom both Nabonidus and his opponents appeal in their various political assertions regarding Cyrus. According to the Babylonian conviction, Bel-Marduk has the universal divine power, who, on the one hand, directs the course of the stars and thus determines the astral omens and, on the other hand, directs the course of history (cf. Cyrus Cylinder). As an antithesis, however, Deutero-Isaiah proclaims Yhwh as the sovereign divine creator and leader of the courses of the stars in heaven as well as the course of history on earth (Isa 45:12–13). Moreover, the conflict between Nabonidus and the Marduk priesthood over the question of the highest divine power (Sîn versus Marduk) may have had a kind of “catalytic” function in Deutero-Isaiah’s formulation of the monotheistic confession.

Zootaxa ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5051 (1) ◽  
pp. 346-386

An attempt was made to test if Lourinia armata (Claus, 1866)—as it is currently diagnosed—represents a species complex. Detailed examination and comparisons of several specimens collected from different localities suggest that L. armata indeed represents a complex of four closely related morphospecies that can be differentiated from one another by only detailed observations. One of the four species is identified as Lourinia aff. armata and the other three species are described as new to science and named as Lourinia wellsi sp. nov., L. gocmeni sp. nov., and L. aldabraensis sp. nov. Detailed review of previous species records indicates that the genus Lourinia Wilson, 1924 is distributed worldwide. Ceyloniella nicobarica Sewell, 1940, originally described from Nicobar Island and previously considered a junior subjective synonym of L. armata is reinstated as Lourinia nicobarica (Sewell, 1940) comb. nov. on the basis of the unique paddle-shaped caudal ramus seta V. It is postulated that almost all of these records are unreliable in terms of representing true Lourinia aff. armata described herein. On the other hand, the comparative evaluation of the illustrations and descriptions in the published literature indicates the presence of several new species waiting to be discovered in the genus Lourinia.                 It has been determined that, according to updated modern keys, the recent inclusion of the monotypic genus Archeolourinia Corgosinho & Schizas, 2013 in the Louriniidae is not justified since Archeolourinia shermani Corgosinho & Schizas, 2013 does not belong to this family but should be assigned to the Canthocamptidae. On the other hand, it has been argued that the exact phylogenetic position of the Louriniidae still remains problematic since none of the diagnostic characters supports the monophyly of the family within the Oligoarthra. It has also been argued that the close relationship between Louriniidae and Canthocamptidae is supported since both families share the homologous sexual dimorphism (apophysis) on P3 endopod. The most important characteristic that can possibly be used to define Louriniidae is the reduction of maxilliped.  

2021 ◽  
pp. 315-335
Edward W. Fuller

Every investment project is aimed at achieving some future goal. This goal can only be attained by employing scarce resources, like time. Every investment project entails foregoing other investment projects. It is impossible to undertake all investment projects simultaneously because resources are scarce. This means each investment project is subject to cost. The investment project may be unsuccessful in achieving the future goal and the entrepreneur may suffer a loss. On the other hand, investment projects are only undertaken because they are perceived as more valuable than their costs. Every investment project undertaken implies the possibility of earning a profit. Investment projects take time. An investment project can be represented by a time line. Time A represents the beginning of the production process. Time B is the end of the production pro-cess. Line AB is called the period of production. Present goods are scarce resources that can be consumed im-mediately. On the other hand, future goods cannot be consumed immediately. Future goods are only expected to be consumer goods at some point in the future. An investment project entails making an investment at time A and receiving a present good at time B. All else equal, present goods are more valuable than future goods.1 Any good at time A is more valuable than the same good at time B. This is called time preference. Money is the present good par excellence. Therefore, future goods can be called future cash flows. All else equal, present money is more valuable than future money. This is called the time value of money. The interest rate is the price of present goods in terms of future goods. The interest rate is the price which equates the amount of present goods provided by savers with the amount of present goods demanded by investors. Like all prices, the interest rate is determined by supply and demand. Savers are suppliers of present goods. The supply curve (S) is the quantity of present goods supplied at each interest rate. Factor owners (investors) are the demanders, or buyers, of present goods. The demand curve (D) is the quantity of present goods demanded at each interest rate. The intersection of the supply and demand curve determines the interest rate. The interest rate is determined by the supply and demand for present goods:2

2003 ◽  
Vol 81 (12) ◽  
pp. 1285-1292 ◽  
Takefumi Hattori ◽  
Akira Ohta ◽  
Masayuki Itaya ◽  
Mikio Shimada

We have investigated growth of ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi (i.e., 55 strains of 32 species in 15 genera) on saturated (palmitate), monounsaturated (oleate), diunsaturated (linoleate), triunsaturated (linolenate) fatty acids, and the triacylglyceride of oleate (triolein) lipid to elucidate an ability to utilize the fatty acids and lipid as a carbon source for growth. Relative utilization ratios (URs, %) based on mycelial growth on glucose suggest that ECM fungi belonging to the family Thelephoraceae have an ability to utilize palmitate. On the other hand, ECM fungi in the genus Laccaria can utilize at least either palmitate or oleate. Furthermore, Hygropharus russula grows on palmitate, oleate, and slightly on triolein. Lactarius chrysorrheus grows only on palmitate. These fatty-acid- and lipid-utilizing fungi may be promising as model fungi for further elucidation of the metabolic ability to utilize the fatty acids and lipid as a carbon source. On the contrary, the fungi in the genus Suillus were shown to scarcely utilize the fatty acids and lipid. Furthermore, most ECM fungi did not grow on either linoleate or linolenate.Key words: carbon source, ectomycorrhizal fungi, fatty acid, lipid, mycelial growth.

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