scholarly journals The origin of brackish and saline groundwater in the coastal area of the Netherlands

2003 ◽  
Vol 82 (2) ◽  
pp. 133-147 ◽  
V.E.A. Post ◽  
H. Van der Plicht ◽  
H.A.J. Meijer

AbstractAn explanation is presented for the origin of brackish to saline groundwater in the coastal area of the Netherlands based on geological, chemical (chlorinity), isotopic and geophysical data. A critical review of all possible salinization mechanisms shows that the origin of the brackish water is related to former transgressions. Both the vertical salinity distribution and the carbon-14 activity of the groundwater indicate that connate sea water from the Pliocene to Early Pleistocene is not the source of the brackish to saline waters in the overlying Pleistocene fluvial aquifers. Instead, it derives from Holocene transgressions. The salinization mechanism is discussed in relation to the paleogeographical development during the Holocene and the occurrence of low-permeability strata. Finally, freshening of the aquifers following retreat of the sea is briefly considered.

2012 ◽  
Vol 16 (7) ◽  
pp. 1845-1862 ◽  
F. Jørgensen ◽  
W. Scheer ◽  
S. Thomsen ◽  
T. O. Sonnenborg ◽  
K. Hinsby ◽  

Abstract. Geophysical techniques are increasingly being used as tools for characterising the subsurface, and they are generally required to develop subsurface models that properly delineate the distribution of aquifers and aquitards, salt/freshwater interfaces, and geological structures that affect groundwater flow. In a study area covering 730 km2 across the border between Germany and Denmark, a combination of an airborne electromagnetic survey (performed with the SkyTEM system), a high-resolution seismic survey and borehole logging has been used in an integrated mapping of important geological, physical and chemical features of the subsurface. The spacing between flight lines is 200–250 m which gives a total of about 3200 line km. About 38 km of seismic lines have been collected. Faults bordering a graben structure, buried tunnel valleys, glaciotectonic thrust complexes, marine clay units, and sand aquifers are all examples of geological structures mapped by the geophysical data that control groundwater flow and to some extent hydrochemistry. Additionally, the data provide an excellent picture of the salinity distribution in the area and thus provide important information on the salt/freshwater boundary and the chemical status of groundwater. Although the westernmost part of the study area along the North Sea coast is saturated with saline water and the TEM data therefore are strongly influenced by the increased electrical conductivity there, buried valleys and other geological elements are still revealed. The mapped salinity distribution indicates preferential flow paths through and along specific geological structures within the area. The effects of a future sea level rise on the groundwater system and groundwater chemistry are discussed with special emphasis on the importance of knowing the existence, distribution and geometry of the mapped geological elements, and their control on the groundwater salinity distribution is assessed.

Radiocarbon ◽  
1980 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
pp. 684-692 ◽  
Georgette Delibrias

14C measurements were carried out on sea water samples collected in 1973, in the Indian ocean. The results obtained for 9 vertical profiles between 27° S and 48°S are presented. In surface water, the bomb 14C content is maximum at middle latitudes. A time lag relative to the north hemisphere bomb 14C delivery is apparent. In the more southern latitudes, 14C content remains very low.

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 505 ◽  
Rachmansyah Rachmansyah ◽  
Akhmad Mustafa ◽  
Mudian Paena

Kota Pekalongan memiliki lahan tambak yang produktivitas tambaknya masih tergolong relatif rendah. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui karakteristik lahan dalam upaya menentukan kesesuaian dan pengelolaan lahan untuk budidaya tambak demi peningkatan produktivitas tambak di Kota Pekalongan. Faktor yang dipertimbangkan dalam mengetahui karakteristik lahan adalah: tanah, topografi, hidrologi, vegetasi, dan iklim. Analisis spasial dalam Sistem Informasi Geografis digunakan dalam penentuan kesesuaian lahan untuk budidaya tambak. Pengelolaan lahan ditentukan berdasarkan karakteristik lahan yang disesuaikan dengan teknologi dan komoditas yang dapat diaplikasikan di tambak. Tanah tambak di Kota Pekalongan tergolong tanah aluvial non-sulfat masam yang tidak memiliki potensi kemasaman tanah yang tinggi dan sebagian kecil tanah sulfat masam. Sumber air laut untuk tambak tergolong agak keruh dan salinitas air tambak cukup bervariasi sebagai akibat adanya sumber air tawar yang berasal dari Sungai Pekalongan dan sodetan. Vegetasi bakau adalah jenis vegetasi yang dominan di kawasan tambak sebab adanya Program GERHAN (Gerakan Nasional Rehabilitasi Hutan dan Lahan) di Kota Pekalongan. Curah hujan di Kota Pekalongan sebesar 2.300 mm/tahun di mana curah hujan yang rendah dijumpai pada bulan Juli sampai Oktober. Di kawasan pesisir Kota Pekalongan dijumpai tambak, sawah, sawah terintrusi, dan pemukiman yang luasnya masing-masing 332,29; 372,53; 183,83; dan 619,73 ha. Dari luas tambak yang ada di Kota Pekalongan, yaitu 331,292 ha ternyata tidak ada tambak yang tergolong sangat sesuai (kelas S1), 191,856 ha tergolong cukup sesuai (kelas S2) dan 140,436 ha tergolong kurang sesuai (kelas S3). Pada areal yang mengandung unsur atau senyawa penyebab kemasaman yang tinggi disarankan untuk melakukan upaya perbaikan tanah terlebih dahulu berupa remediasi, pemberian pupuk yang mengandung nitrogen pada areal yang memiliki rasio C:N tanah yang tinggi serta pemberian pupuk kandang pada tanah yang mengandung liat lebih besar 60% dan bahan organik kurang dari 8%.Pekalongan City has brackishwater ponds with low productivity. Hence, a survey was conducted to know land characteristics as an effort to determine land suitability and land management to increase the productivity of brackishwater ponds in Pekalongan City, Central Java Province. Factors considered to determine the characteristics of land were soil, topography, hydrology, vegetation, and climate. Spatial analysis in Geographical Information System was used to determine land suitability for brackishwater ponds. Land management was determined based on the characteristics of land conditioned to the types of technology and commodity applied in the brackishwater ponds. Soil of brackishwater ponds in Pekalongan City was dominated by alluvial non-acid sulfate soil in large areas and acid sulfate soil in small areas. Source of sea water for brackishwater ponds has high turbidity and high variation of salinity due to presence of freshwater supply from Pekalongan River and man made canals. Mangrove vegetation is dominant in the coastal area of Pekalongan City, because the presence of GERHAN (National Action for Forest and Land Rehabilitation) Program. The average of rainfall in Pekalongan City is 2,230 mm/year, where low of rainfall occurrs in July until October. The result revealed that the coastal area of Pekalongan City had brackishwater ponds, paddy field, paddy field intruded saline water and settlement of 332.29 ha; 372.53 ha; 183.83ha; and 619.73 ha, respectively. From the total brackishwater ponds in Pekalongan City i.e. 331.292 ha, there were no brackishwater ponds classified as highly suitable (S1 class), but it was found moderately suitable or S2 class (191.856 ha) and marginally suitable or S3 class (140,436 ha). It is suggested to conduct improving soil quality first, including remediation of the areas that contain elements or compounds causing the high acidity of soil, fertilizing with fertilizer containing nitrogen in the areas that have high C:N ratio and applying manure in the soils that contain clay more than 60% and organic matter less than 8%. 

2017 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 35 ◽  
Sugeng Widada ◽  
Alfi Satriadi ◽  
Baskoro Rochaddi

Coastal Region of Kangkung, Kendal Regency, Central Java Province is one of the areas that experiencing water in the dry season. Groundwater exploitation is one way solution to meet the water needs for people in the area, especially in the dry season. Therefore it is necessary to study potency of ground water in coastal area of Kangkung. The research was  conducted to determine the potential of ground water in the confined aquifer in the Coastal Region of Kangkung, Kendal District which is expected to be utilized as a source of water to meet the needs of local communities. The method used in this research is  descriptive analysis to describe the condition of aquifer, however some things are delivered quantitatively. The aquifer condition was obtained from the interpretation of geoelectricity (resistivity) data supported by geological and hydrogeological observation data and pumping test data as secondary data. Groundwater quality analysis and simple hydrochemical analysis is with Chlorida - Bicarbonat Ratio (CBR) method to know the possibility of sea water intrusion. The results showed that the aquifer in the coastal area of Kangkung has the potential of 29.13 lt / sec ground water discharge which can be utilized to meet the needs of clean water 18,800 people. Although it is adjacent to the sea, the groundwater in the study area does not undergo sea water intrusion. Groundwater quality in this location is qualified as raw drinking water according to SK Menkes No, 492/Menkes/Per/IV2010 tentang Persyaratan Kualitas Air Minum. Keywords: ground water, geoelectric, intrusion  Wilayah Pesisir Kangkung, Kabupaten Kendal Provinsi Jawa Tengah merupakan salah satu daerah yang pada musim kemarau mengalami kekeringan. Pemanfaatan air tanah merupakan salah satu cara untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air bagi masyarakat di daerah tersebut, terutama pada musim kemarau. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan kajian potensi air tanah di daerah Pesisir Kangkung tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi air tanah pada akuifer dalam (tertekan) di Wilayah Pesisir Kangkung, Kabupaten Kendal yang diharapkan dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber air bersih untuk memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat setempat. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah diskriptis analisis untuk menggambarkan kondisi akuifer, namun demikian beberapa hal disampaikan secara kuantitatif. Kondisi akuifer diperoleh dari hasil interpretasi data geolistrik resistiviti dengan didukung data hasil pengamatan geologi dan hidrogeologi serta data sekunder berupa hasil pumping test. Analisa kualitas air tanah dan analisis hidrokimia secara sederhana dengan metode Chlorida – Bicarbonat Ratio (CBR) dilakukan untuk mengetahui kemungkinan terjadinya intrui air laut. Hasil penelitian menujukan bahwa akuifer di daerah Pesisir Kangkung mempunyai potensi debit air tanah 29,13 lt/det yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air bersih 18.800 orang. Meskipun berbatasan dengan laut, namun air tanah di daerah kajian tidak mengalami  terintrusi air laut. Kualitas air tanah di lokasi ini memenuhi syarat sebagai bahan baku air minum sesuai SK Menkes No, 492/Menkes/Per/IV2010 tentang Persyaratan Kualitas Air Minum. Kata Kunci : air tanah, geolistrik, intrusi

2007 ◽  
Vol 86 (4) ◽  
pp. 317-332 ◽  
A.A. Slupik ◽  
F.P. Wesselingh ◽  
A.C. Janse ◽  
J.W.F. Reumer

AbstractWe investigate the stratigraphy of Neogene and Quaternary intervals of the Schelphoek borehole (Schouwen, Zeeland, the Netherlands). The Breda Formation (Miocene-Zanclean) contains three sequences separated by hiatuses. The Oosterhout Formation (Zanclean-Piacenzian) contains at least two sequences. This formation is overlain by seven sequences of the Gelasian Maassluis Formation that almost certainly represent glacial cycles. The three lowermost sequences are provisionally assigned to the Praetiglian (MIS 96, MIS 98 and MIS 100). A large hiatus exists between the top of the Maassluis Formation and the base of the late Middle to Late Quaternary succession. Due to extensivein situreworking of older strata (including fossils) at the base of several of the formations, their exact boundaries are difficult to establish. The Neogene succession in the Schelphoek borehole is compared to the stratigraphic successions in the Antwerp area to the south and the Dutch coastal area and continental platform to the north. Finally, the stratigraphic context of the Gelasian (‘Tiglian’) mammal fauna dredged from the bottom of a major tidal channel in the adjacent Oosterschelde is assessed by comparison with the Schelphoek borehole.

2020 ◽  
Vol 242 ◽  
pp. 106417
W.E. Westerhoff ◽  
T.H. Donders ◽  
N. Trabucho Alexandre ◽  
F.S. Busschers

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