Face of Mystery, Mystery of a Face: An Anthropological Trajectory in Wittgenstein, Cavell, and Kaufman's Biohistorical Theology

1995 ◽  
Vol 88 (3) ◽  
pp. 389-409
Alec Irwin

The work of Ludwig Wittgenstein counts among the most significant philosophical influences on Gordon Kaufman's recent theology. Yet important convergences between Kaufman's theological worldview and Wittgenstein's philosophical teaching remain unexplored. In this essay I shall examine a number of such convergences connected with the concept of the human. The thought of Stanley Cavell will play a central role in the discussion. Kaufman shares with the skeptical Wittgenstein revealed in Cavell's writings an abiding concern with the ordinary in human life—for example, everyday language, the human body—but both are interested in this ordinariness as the locus of ineradicable mystery. A richly textured treatment of the ordinary (and mysterious) situation of face-to-face human encounter emerges when relevant passages of Wittgenstein's, Cavell's, and Kaufman's writings are compared. This article will develop some of the implications of this comparison that hold particular promise for theological anthropology. The orientation and concerns of the paper are thus primarily constructive.

Rohit Rastogi ◽  
Mamta Saxena ◽  
Mayank Gupta ◽  
Akshit Rajan Rastogi ◽  
Pradeep Kumar ◽  

From ancient times, humans are striving for being healthy and to live with mental peace with family and society. In the previous centuries also, some manmade and mostly natural disasters have disturbed the pace of human life. There have been times when the whole human race has been in terror, danger, and utmost worry. The electrical gadgets also have made the human life comfortable, but also machines have dominated its consciousness. The stress, aggression, depression, and many more issues are also showing presence in all our lives. The chapter is a trial to establish the effect of yagna and mantra science over human calmness and its effect on human health irrespective to gender and age. The article also elaborates the effect of Sanskrit sound and mantra chanting on emission of radiations from electronic gadgets. It also presents the effect of spiritual practices on the human body and soul after the terror, stress, grief created due to COVID-19.

А.Р. Куссмауль

Изоляционные эксперименты, предоставляющие возможность изучения действия факторов космического полета на организм и отработки технологий для использования на борту космических кораблей, космических и напланетных станций, также являются платформой для эффективной международной кооперации. Координация усилий приводит к взаимообогащению сторон (знания, опыт, технические, финансовые и методические возможности сторон) и дает возможность повысить эффективность проводимых исследований. Такое сотрудничество позволит обеспечить жизнедеятельность человека в дальних космических полетах и сделать возможной широкую коммерциализацию космических технологий. Isolation experiments providing an opportunity to study the effects of space flight factors on human body and to develop technologies for use on board spacecraft, space and planetary stations serve also as a platform for international cooperation. Coordination of efforts leads to mutual enrichment (knowledge, experience, technical, financial and methodological capabilities of parties) and increase the effectiveness of research. Such cooperation will ensure the human life being in long-distance space flights and widespread commercialization of space technology.

V.G. Cherkasov ◽  
O.V. Malikov

The human sacrum shape and its metamorphoses should be considered due to their effect, primarily mechanical, predisposing for the vertebral column function evolution. The aim of the study is to define the human sacrum shapes and explain for such variability. The object of the study is represented with 68 sacrums obtained from the review collection of anatomical study preparations of the Bogomolets National Medical University Department of Anatomy. Each of the known human sacrum shapes represents the stage of the process of “sinking” of the sacral vertebrae bodies into the sacrum, with simultaneous fixation of external apices of their lateral parts in the sacroiliac joint. Generally, metamorphoses of the sacrum shape make up an accommodation for the new mechanical conditions as well as causal external factors. The sacrum continuously sustains multiple factors’ effects in each moment of the human life, which affects its shape and metamorphoses. The analysis of the human sacrum shape and functions reveals important instances: first, certain parts of the sacrum don’t preserve permanent relations; secondly, alterations in these relations keep to a certain sequence. This issue permits us to consider various sacrum shapes as sequential stages of the same process, occurring in the human body.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 28
Rusudan Asatiani ◽  
Natia Dundua ◽  
Marine Ivanishvili

Comparative-historical study of languages makes it possible to represent the diachronic process of structuring the world and forming the corresponding concepts. The abovementioned process is inherently integral and reflected in such socio-cultural areas of human life as language, art, religion, farming, ethno-traditional customs, culture (in its broadest sense), etc. The proto-language reconstructed as a result of the comparative-historical study and the picture of its diachronic development provide some information about the genetic relations between the people speaking the corresponding related languages, about their original homeland and the directions of their historical migrations, about their knowledge, ideas and representations. This time we have analyzed the semantic field of the lexemes denoting the human body parts, which are reconstructed at the Proto-Kartvelian language and exist in the contemporary Kartvelian languages (Georgian, Megrelian, Laz, and Svan) and some dialects (notably, Gurian, Rachian, Xevsurian, and Kiziqian). Our goal is to reveal the semantic structure of the mentioned field, to analyze the respective concepts as well as to outline processes of the development and the establishment of corresponding tokens (resp. lexemes). Vocabulary denoting a human body (resp. Somatic lexemes), its parts and inner organs is a constituent part of the basic core vocabulary of a language and presumably ought to be fixed in the ancient times’ reflecting data. Analysis of the lexical units, which have been reconstructed either at the Common-Kartvelian or Georgian-Zan level on the basis of regular sound correspondences between the Kartvelian languages, allows us to highlight the main course of forming and developing the linguistic units we are concerned with; namely, the accumulation of “knowledge” had been carried out due to the process of differentiation and detailed elaboration of the human body anatomy and respectively, the corresponding semantic field, somatic vocabulary, had been underway to be enriched based on the relation of cognitively interpreted markedness. Language changes and development, formation of new categories and concepts, and consequently, creation of new linguistic units is mainly carried out as the result of detailed elaboration, further specification and partition of unmarked categories: an unmarked category undergoes the division-differentiation on the basis of formally marked oppositions that leads to the formation of new linguistic units and structures and reflects the dynamic picture of enhancement of linguistic cognition of the universe. Dialectic material enriches the semantic space even more and specifies and fills the meanings of lexemes to be studied.

Fahm-i-Islam ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-38
Dr. Zainab Ameen ◽  
Sana Zia

Like the limits of crime, crimes against human life and body are also very dangerous in terms of their effects, so the Qur'an has fixed their punishment for them. Islamic law has set specific punishments for it, and it does not allow any kind of crime to be reduced. These crimes have schakled the very basis of society and they have to be dealt with severely. The basic elements of society are the need to protect the structures on which the lives and deaths of society depend. These crimes can be basically divided into two types: 1.Crimes against human beings (e.g. murder) 2.Crimes against the human body. There is a long way to go around, and in the meantime, this kind of research is needed, the seriousness of which is far greater than the rest of researches. This article examined the crimes against humanity in the light of Islamic law.

2013 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Sanyoto Sanyoto ◽  
Antonius Sidik Maryono ◽  
Rahadi Wasi Bintoro

The growth of technological Progress make the change of pattern in  the socialize human life, and it can conduct the economic activity in the local scale, regional and also global. In the individual assocciation by using internet technology will take the relation pattern between individual which it is unlike what that happened in the real world. By the existence of internet, contractual terms between subject of law and each other without meeting (face to face), even it is enabled for subject of law not to recognizing each other. During the people conducting activity in the illusory world, especially in the private law, like commerce, agreement and also banking activity, it is enabled to take a problems such as performed in the conventional private relationship. If the consumer internet in the private activity feel their private rights are impinged and they are wish to claim their rights, so there is civil conflict.  The relationship between the individual in the transaction using internet not yet arrange peculiarly in law and regulation. But judge have to find the law and also create the law if he confronted with a dispute in the transaction using internet. Kata kunci : hakim, hukum, internet, perdagangan elektronik, tanda tangan digital

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 419-440
Adieli Waruwu ◽  
Samuel Purdaryanto

At the end of 2019, the whole world and Indonesia were shocked by the emergence of the new coronavirus disease 2019. It has been more than a year since this disaster struck. The number of victims around the world has reached more than one hundred million with the death toll of more than two million people. Various efforts have been made to prevent the spread of this virus, one of which is social restrictions so that it has an impact in various areas of human life. One of the impacts is the missionary service which usually carries out social and face-to-face interactions. By using qualitative research methods with a literature review approach, observation, and interviews and then describing, this study will provide answers and solutions for mission service strategies during the Covid19 pandemic. The results of this study found answers to mission services online or online. By utilizing internet networks and social media, the gospel can still be preached despite social restrictions. Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Tiktok are some social media applications that can be used for mission services during the Covid-19 pandemic, through these applications this news can be presented in the form of writing, audio, and video which are shared via social media. This strategy, with its strengths and weaknesses, provides a great opportunity to continue working on the Great Commission of the Lord Jesus during the Covid-19 pandemic.

2020 ◽  
Ester Lina Situmorang

Technology has significantly brought changes in all aspects of human life, thechanges that occur require everyone to change from old habits to new habits thatare not used to be done. Changes in general in face-to-face classes began to shift tovirtual classes. Even the elements of education have undergone many changes bothparents, students and teachers. They experience new teaching patterns and ways ofteaching. Learning places are transformed and can be done at home, public places,and so on. Time and place are no longer a barrier to teaching and learning activitiesbecause they can be done online. Online learning is carried out by utilizing existingtechnology through media that uses the internet to carry out teaching and learningprocesses such as cellphones and laptops. This media will support the teaching andlearning process through available applications such as whatsApp, googleclassroom and so on. Learning brings many challenges and obstacles faced byparents in particular. Of course this is a challenge in itself for parents in monitoringchildren's learning activities, especially in the application of technology as alearning medium for children.

2020 ◽  
Vol 0 (37) ◽  
pp. 0-0
Pırıl Ayris GÜRSİLİ ◽  

Aim: Life has changed very fast during last 10 years. The adaptation of sedentary life, changes of eating habbits and other negative environmental factors consisted of reactive oxygen species in the human body and causing immunity to weaken. The prevelance of chronic dieases are increased caused by this reason. To take precautions against increasing diseases and to stop their progress, too much medication usage has been observed. People who don’t want to use medicine, started to use natural herbal products. Herbals are essentials for life and diseases. Herbals have different and comlex compounds which can be a cure for a diease. It has been possible to benefit the body mechanism and diseases with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antifibrotic effects. Thistle is one of the major herbal that is used for both as a cure and a nutrient. Its nutritional value and the bioactive compounds are important for a human life. Method: Current studies reviewed to explain thistles with its nutritional value, bioactive compounds and effects on diseases. Result: The thistle has important role as a component of medicines and also the natural form itself has a huge nutritional value for health. Consclusion: thistle have a beneficial effect on human body to be treated naturally, and its benefits are focused on noncommunicable diseases. Treatment of most chronic diseases, they had the advantages to stop their healing, protection and progression against diseases. Many studies have had positive effects. however, more studies should be done.

Andrew Marsham

Capital punishment can be understood as simultaneously an exercise of actual power – the ending of a human life – and an exertion of symbolic, or ritual, power.1 In this combination of symbolic transformation with real physical change, executions are unusual rituals. But the use of extreme violence against the human body certainly does have ritual characteristics, in that it has established rules (which may, of course, be deliberately challenged or broken) and in that these rules are used to make the drastic transformation in the status of the executed party seem legitimate and proper, to reassert more general ideas about the correct social order and to communicate threats and warnings to others who might seek to upset it. The victim of the execution is quite literally marked out as beyond reintegration into society. Their body becomes a kind of text, which can be read in a multitude of ways: the authorities carrying out the killing usually have one set of messages in mind, but the victim themselves, and those who witness or remember the act, may have very different ideas.

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