The apparent digestibility of crude protein by the ruminant: III. The application of the general equation to rations containing urea

1957 ◽  
Vol 48 (3) ◽  
pp. 384-386 ◽  
M. H. French

The digestibility of the crude-protein equivalent (N × 6·25) of rations containing urea conforms with the general equation, y = 70 log x − 15, correlating the dry-matter crude-protein content (x) with its coefficient of digestibility (y), irrespective of whether the urea nitrogen is absorbed as ammonium salts or converted to microbial protein prior to digestion.

1957 ◽  
Vol 49 (1) ◽  
pp. 78-80 ◽  
J. Glover ◽  
M. H. French

The role of crude fibre in modifying the general equation relating the digestibility coefficient of crude protein to the percentage of crude protein in the dry matter of a feed is described.It is shown that for normal average food-stuffs the effect is slight and that for all practical routine purposes the original equation will provide satisfactory estimates of the digestibility coefficient when only the crude-protein content of the dry feed is known.On the other hand, when exceptional feeds are encountered, particularly those in which the crudefibre/crude-protein relationship is abnormal, then more accurate estimates of the digestibility coefficient of crude protein can be obtained from the modified equation which is described above.

Rangifer ◽  
1981 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 27
Endre Jacobsen

<p>The digestibility of the lichen Stereocaulon paschale is studied in a digestibility trial with two reindeer calves. The lichen is collected near Kautokeino in Northern Norway. Chemical composition of the lichen is shown in Table 1. Compared with Cladonia-species the content of crude protein and ash is higher in Stereocanlon paschale The content of Ca, P and Mg in the two species is of the same magnitude, while the content of Na and CI is ten times higher in Cladonia alpestris. The estimated digestibility is shown in Table 2. The dry matter digestibility is calculated to 46, 4%, which is very low compared to Cladonia-species. The higher crude protein content in Stereocaulon paschale has resulted in a positive apparent digestibility of protein.</p><p>Tinaj&aring;k&aring;l&aring;n (Stereocanlon paschale) sulavuus porolla.</p><p>Abstract in Finnish / Yhteenveto: Tinaj&aring;k&aring;l&aring;n sulavuutta on tutkittu sulavuuskokeissa kahdella poronvasalla. Kokeessa k&aring;ytetty j&aring;k&aring;l&aring; on koottu l&aring;helt&aring; Kautokemoa. J&aring;k&aring;l&aring;n kemiallinen koosturnus on esitetty taulukossa I. Tinaj&aring;k&aring;l&aring;n sis&aring;lt&aring;m&aring; raakaproteiini- ja tuhkapitoisuus on korkeampi kuin (Cladonia-lajeilla). Ca-, P- ja Mg-pitoisuudet ovat po. j&aring;k&aring;l&aring;lajeilla samantasoiset, kun taas Cladonia alpestris sisalt&aring;m&aring;t Na- ja Cl-pitoisuudet ovat kymmenen kertaa korkeampia. Sulavuuslaskelmat esitet&aring;&aring;n taulukossa 2. Kuiva-aineen sulavuus on 46,4% mik&aring; on eritt&aring;in alhainen verrattuna Cladonia-lajien sulavuuteen. Tinaj&aring;k&aring;l&aring;n korkeampi proteiinisis&aring;lto on vaikuttanut myonteisesti valkuaisaineen sulavuuteen.</p><p>Ford&oslash;yelighet av saltlav, (Stereocaulon paschale) til rein</p><p>Abstract in Norwegian / Sammendrag: Ford&oslash;yeligheten av saltlav (Stereocaulon paschale) er unders&oslash;kt i ford&oslash;yelsesfors&oslash;k med 2 reinkalver. Lav til fors&oslash;ket er sanket n&aelig;r Kautokeino. Kjemisk sammensetning av lavet er vist i Tabell 1. Sammenlignet med Cladonia-arter er innholdet av r&aring;protein og aske h&oslash;yere i saltlavet. Innholdet av Ca. P og Mg er p&aring; samme niv&aring; i disse arter, mens innholdet av Na og Cl er ti ganger h&oslash;yere i Cladonia alpestris. Den beregnede ford&oslash;yelighet er vist i Tabell 2. For t&oslash;rrstoff er ford&oslash;yeligheten 46,4%, som er sv&aelig;rt lavt sammenlignet med ford&oslash;yeligheten for Cladonia-arter. Det h&oslash;yere proteininnholdet i saltlav har f&oslash;rt til positiv ford&oslash;yelighet for protein.</p>

1962 ◽  
Vol 58 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-51
J. Glover ◽  
H. W. Dougall

A simple method for the estimation of the digestible non-nitrogenous fraction of normal pig feeds is described. It requires only knowledge of the digestibility coefficient of the crude protein contained in the dry matter of the feed.More accurate estimates can be obtained by applying to this method a simple correction involving only the crude protein content of the dried feed. Attention is drawn to the intimacy of the relationship between the digestibilities of the non-nitrogenous and nitrogenous components of the diet.

2018 ◽  
Vol 34 (3) ◽  
pp. 345-353 ◽  
Violeta Mandic ◽  
Zorica Bijelic ◽  
Vesna Krnjaja ◽  
Aleksandar Simic ◽  
Maja Petricevic ◽  

Maize is the very important silage source in the world. Timely harvesting ensure high maize forage yield and quality. Therefore, the study focused on the effects of four harvesting times (starting at the 12 August every 7 days) on yield and qualitative parameters of forage green mass of maize hybrid ZP 677. The experiment was set in Vojvodina Province, Serbia, during the 2013 and 2014 growing seasons. Plant height, stem diameter, number of leaves per plant, ear percentage, forage yield, dry matter content and crude protein content were higher, while stem percentage was lower in 2014 with favorable climatic condition. Forage yield, crude protein content, ADF and NDF decreased, while dry matter content significantly increased with delay in harvesting. The maize hybrid should be harvested when the milk line is three-quarter of the way down the grain that is in the third decade of August.

2008 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 252 ◽  

The development of the yield and nutritive value of timothy (Phleum pratense L.) both in the primary growth and in the regrowth were studied at MTT Plant Production Research, a unit of MTT Agrifood Research Finland, in Rovaniemi (66°35´N) in 1999–2001. The dry matter yield and leaf:stem ratio were measured from the crop samples, and the contents of crude protein and organic matter digestibility of both whole plant samples and leaf and stem fractions were analysed. In primary growth, the most rapid increase of dry matter, 220–240 kg ha-1 per day, was measured around the beginning of the heading stage. There was a very strong positive correlation between the proportion of stems and the amount of dry matter in the primary yield. The daily growth rate of the regrowth was less than half of that of the primary growth. The fastest decrease, 1 percentage unit per day, in crude protein content was measured at the pasture stage (4–5-leaf stage). During the entire sampling period, the average daily decline in crude protein content in the primary growth of timothy was 0.65 percentage units. The main cause for the rapid decline in crude protein content was the high proportion of stem matter and its low protein content. In the regrowth, during the last four weeks before the harvest, the average daily decline in crude protein content was 0.28 percentage units.The average decline in organic matter digestibility from early pasture stage to late silage stage was 0.9 percentage units per day. The most remarkable change was noticed at the growth stage of timothy when about the half of stems were heading and it was then that the digestibility decreased by more than one percentage unit per day. The rapid decline in organic matter digestibility was due to the low digestibility of stem matter. The daily change in forage digestibility in the regrowth was very small, on average 0.11%.;

2013 ◽  
Vol 59 (4) ◽  
pp. 167-177
Miriam Kizeková ◽  
Ján Tomaškin ◽  
Jozef Čunderlík ◽  
Ľubica Jančová ◽  
Janka Martincová

Abstract This study highlights the effect of drought and ambient temperature on performance and herbage quality of legume monocultures and grass-legume mixtures. In a field experiment, the total dry matter yield, seasonal pattern of dry matter yield distribution, content of crude protein and crude fibre of monocultures of red clover and alfalfa and grass-legume mixtures were investigated during two consecutive dry years (2011-2012). Alfalfa cultivars Kamila and Tereza grown as monocultures or as mixtures with Festulolium braunii (cultivar Achilles) outperformed the red clover cultivars Fresko and Veles and provided a well-balanced total and seasonal dry matter yield during both years. Across all experimental years, crude protein content was significantly higher at alfalfa monocultures and mixture when compared with clover monocultures (P < 0.05). However, considerable lower content of crude fibre at clover monocultures in comparison with alfalfa ones was found. Responses of nutritive parameters of both legume species to weather variables were different. Crude protein content in red clover was independent of rainfall and temperature. In contrast, the crude fibre content correlated with temperature whereby the alfalfa monocultures showed stronger correlations (P < 0.05) than red clover monocultures.

Yasin Korkmaz ◽  
Tugay Ayasan ◽  
Sait Aykanat ◽  
Mustafa Avcı

The research was carried out in the Eastern Mediterranean Agricultural Research Institute-Hacı Ali location with 4 replications according to the randomized block trial design in 2013-2014. 13 public and 1 private sector maize variety were used as material in the trials. According to the results of the analysis, it was determined that the maize varieties examined showed statistically significant differences in plant properties, dry grass and silage quality. Average plant height, number of leaves, leaf ratio, stem diameter, number of cob, stem ratio, cob ratio and green grass yield were 249.9 cm, 12.97 plant/piece, 19.24%, 22.08 mm, 0.93 plant/unit, 38.40% and 4,251.57 kg/da respectively. According to the analysis, it was observed that the average crude protein content, ADF ratio, NDF ratio, crude ash content, digestible dry matter ratio, crude protein yield, dry matter rate, dry matter yield and hay yield were 8.80%, 34.91%, 59.7%, 7.2%, 61.7%, 993.9 kg/ha, 29.4%, 11,640 kg/ha 12,570 kg/ha in dry grass, respectively. For the silage of varieties, the average crude protein content, ADF ratio, NDF ratio, pH, digestible dry matter rate, dry matter ratio, crude protein yield and Fleig score were 8.22%, 29.27%, 50.48%, 3.57, 66.1%, 28.14%, 926 kg/ha and 118.35, respectively. Burak, Sasa 1 and Ada 334 genotypes performed better in terms of green yield per hectare (53,650, 50,290 and 45,630 kg/ha) and dry matter yield (14,710, 12,810 and 12,410 kg/ha). These varieties can be recommended to producers as silage maize varieties under second crop conditions in Çukurova region of Turkey.

1985 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
pp. 505 ◽  
TM Davison ◽  
RT Cowan ◽  
RK Shepherd ◽  
P Martin

A 3-year experiment was conducted at Kairi Research Station on the Atherton Tablelands, Queensland, to determine the effects of stocking rate and applied nitrogen fertilizer on the pasture yield and composition, diet selection by cows, and soil fertility of Gatton panic (Panicum maximum cv. Gatton) pastures. Thirty-two Friesian cows were used in a 4x2 factorial design: four stocking rates (2.0, 2.5, 3.0 and 3.5 cows/ha), each at two rates of fertilizer application 200 and 400 kg N/ha.year. The higher rate of fertilization increased the pasture green dry matter on offer at all samplings (P < 0.01); the increase ranged from 1 106 kg/ha in summer to 548 kg/ha in spring. Green dry matter decreased ( P< 0.0 1) with increasing stocking rate, with mean yields of 3736 and 2384 kg/ha at 2.0 and 3.5 cows/ha, respectively. Weed yields increased over the 3 years at the higher stocking rates for pastures receiving 200 kg N/ha.year. The crude protein content of leaf and stem increased with increasing stocking rate and amount of applied nitrogen fertilizer. Values ranged from 12.1 to 26.5% of dry matter (DM) in leaf and from 3.7 to 13.8% DM in stem. In leaf, sodium concentration (range 0.05-0.20% DM) was increased, while phosphorus concentration (range 0.21-0.44% DM) was decreased by the higher rate of fertilizer application. Plant sodium and phosphorus levels were inadequate for high levels of milk production. Dietary leaf content and crude protein contents were consistently increased by both a reduced stocking rate, and the higher rate of fertilization. Cows were able to select for leaf and at the lowest stocking rate, leaf in the diet averaged 38%; while the leaf content of the pasture was 20%. Dietary leaf content ranged from 38 to 57% in summer and from 11 to 36% in winter. Dietary crude protein ranged from 13 to 15% in summer and from 7 to 11% in winter and was positively correlated with pasture crude protein content and dietary leaf percentage. Soil pH decreased (P<0.05) from an overall mean of 6.3 in 1976 to 6.1 at 200 N and 5.8 at 400 N in 1979. Soil phosphorus status remained stable, while calcium and magnesium levels were lower (P<0.01) after 3 years.

1980 ◽  
Vol 60 (3) ◽  
pp. 807-811 ◽  

Midas marrowstem kale (Brassica oleracea L.) was grown in different row width associations with United 106 corn (Zea maize L.) in two studies and ensiled in different moisture blends with corn stover in another. Highest dry matter yields were obtained where a single row of kale was grown at 30 cm to the side of a corn row. This combination also provided the lowest moisture content feed and the highest in vitro digestibility and crude protein content. Changing the corn row width had no significant effect upon yield, plant height, in vitro digestibility, kale leaf or corn ear content. Blending kale with corn stover to provide a silage of about 70% moisture increased the digestibility and protein content of the feed and provided a silage that kept well in storage.

1980 ◽  
Vol 31 (6) ◽  
pp. 1103 ◽  
WC Morgan ◽  
DG Parbery

As well as reducing dry matter production of lucerne, infection of 15 % of the leaf area by Pseucbpeziza medicaginis reduced digestibility by 14% and crude protein content by 16%. Infection caused oestrogenic activity in green lucerne.

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