The influence of age of sire on quality of progeny in Swaledale sheep

1955 ◽  
Vol 46 (2) ◽  
pp. 180-182 ◽  
Helga M. T. Frankland

An inquiry has been made to determine whether shearling rams sire more good-quality offspring than would be expected from the proportion of them used in Swaledale flocks in northern England, 1951–3.Quality was assessed at two levels, both concerning shearling rams: those passed for registration in the Flock Book, and those making £50 or more at Kirkby Stephen ram sale.The expected percentage of lambs, and hence good-quality offspring, by shearling rams was estimated from the practice on a sample group of farms, using the formulawhere E is the estimated percentage of lambs by shearlings, x the proportion of shearlings to all rams in use, and y the fractional value in numbers of ewes served where aged rams are regarded as having unit value.The estimated percentage of lambs by shearlings is 28·7, with s.e. = 2·444.The actual percentage of registered shearlings sired by shearlings in 1951–3 was 35·7 with s.e. = 0·764, and the actual percentage of shearlings sold for £50 or more in the same years was 32·8 with s.e. = 3·313.That shearlings sire a slightly, but significantly, higher number of registered shearlings than would be expected is probably due to the transmission of earlymaturing qualities, since shearlings of high quality are consistently used in early-maturing, and therefore shearling-producing, flocks. Those likely to sire ‘£50’ shearlings often remain in early-maturing flocks throughout life and, by continuing to sire this high-quality progeny, depress the percentage of such shearlings sired by shearlings to a figure not significantly higher than the ‘expected’ figure.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
Ekaterina TARASOVA ◽  
Anatoliy SMYKOV

The fruits of sweet cherry are valued for early maturing and high quality of a taste.The sweet cherry likes a warm dry climate. The steppe Crimea (Russia) is afavorable region for cultivation of sweet cherry varieties with high-quality fruits.The aim of research was to evaluate a consuming quality of fruits of new sweetcherry forms selected in Nikita Botanical Gardens. The study included 33perspective forms and control zoned varieties, growing at the plots withoutirrigation in Simferopol region of the Republic of Crimea. As the rootstocks ofstudied forms we used seedlings of Prunus mahaleb L. Mill. The study was carriedout during 2012-2015. Characteristics such as fruits size, attraction of appearance,density and succulence of a pulp, quality of a taste and fragrance of the fruits werevalued. According to the results of evaluation, 12 forms were marked out: № 387,№ 275, № 434, № 767, № 305 and etc. According to the results of evaluation offruits size, all marked samples were evaluated at 4,7-5,0 points (according to 5point scale). The fruits weight was ranging from 7.2 to 8.9 g. The evaluation ofattraction of appearance of marked samples was ranging from 4.8 to 5.0 points. Theevaluation of the quality of taste was 4.8-4.9 points.

K. Chien ◽  
R.L. Van de Velde ◽  
R.C. Heusser

Sectioning quality of epoxy resins can be improved by the addition of a 1% silicone 200 fluid (Dow Corning), however this produces a softer block. To compensate, a harder plastic has been used for embedding various tissues encountered in our pathology laboratory. Exact amounts of the plastic mixture can be directly made up for embedding as shown: The chart reveals a Poly/Bed 812 (WPE 145) to anhydride ratio of 1:0.7 and a NMA to DDSA ratio of 7:3. 1% silicone fluid is added to above mixtures.Due to impurities within the DDSA and NMA, the polymerized epoxy blocks vary in darkness and appear to affect sectioning quality. After discussing this problem with Polysciences Inc., they have agreed to purify their anhydrides in an effort to standardize the consistency of the plastic.

A. T. Kunakbaeva ◽  
A. M. Stolyarov ◽  
M. V. Potapova

Free-cutting steel gains specific working properties thanks to the high content of sulfur and phosphorus. These elements, especially sulfur, have a rather high tendency to segregation. Therefore, segregation defects in free-cutting steel continuously cast billets can be significantly developed. The aim of the work was to study the influence of the chemical composition of freecutting steel and casting technological parameters on the quality of the macrostructure of continuously cast billets. A metallographic assessment of the internal structure of cast metal made of free-cutting steel and data processing by application of correlation and regression analysis were the research methods. The array of production data of 43 heats of free-cutting steel of grade A12 was studied. Steel casting on a five-strand radial type continuous casting machine was carried out by various methods of metal pouring from tundish into the molds. Metal of 19 heats was poured with an open stream, and 24 heats – by a closed stream through submerged nozzles with a vertical hole. High-quality billets had a cross-sectional size of 150×150 mm. The macrostructure of high-quality square billets made of free-cutting steel of A12 grade is characterized by the presence of central porosity, axial segregation and peripheral point contamination, the degree of development of which was in the range from 1.5 to 2.0 points, segregation cracks and strips – about 1.0 points. In the course of casting with an open stream, almost all of these defects are more developed comparing with the casting by a closed stream. As a result of correlation and regression analysis, linear dependences of the development degree of segregation cracks and strips both axial and angular on the sulfur content in steel and on the ratio of manganese content to sulfur content were established. The degree of these defects development increases with growing of sulfur content in steel of A12 grade. These defects had especially strong development when sulfur content in steel was of more than 0.10%. To improve the quality of cast metal, it is necessary to have the ratio of the manganese content to the sulfur content in the metal more than eight.

2020 ◽  
pp. 52-58 ◽  
A. A. Eryomenko ◽  
N. V. Rostunova ◽  
S. A. Budagyan ◽  
V. V. Stets

The experience of clinical testing of the personal telemedicine system ‘Obereg’ for remote monitoring of patients at the intensive care units of leading Russian clinics is described. The high quality of communication with the remote receiving devices of doctors, the accuracy of measurements, resistance to interference from various hospital equipment and the absence of its own impact on such equipment were confirmed. There are significant advantages compared to stationary patient monitors, in particular, for intra and out-of-hospital transportation of patients.

2018 ◽  
pp. 26-35
Z. A. Agaeva ◽  
K. B. Baghdasaryan

The transthoracic echocardiography made by multifrequency probes with support of the mode of the second harmonic imaging, is a competitive method for visualization of the main coronary arteries and allows to estimate coronary blood flow with high quality. Of course, the method has considerable restrictions, most important of which is the low spatial resolution of a method, due to small acoustic window. Because of this the transthoracic visualization of coronary arteries perhaps will not become the leading method of anatomic reconstruction of separately taken coronary artery and especially all coronary arteries system. However uniqueness and indisputable advantage of this method is an opportunity to noninvasively estimate a coronary blood flow both once, and in dynamics.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (4) ◽  
pp. 739-752 ◽  
R.M. Sadykov

Subject. This article deals with the issues of social justice and a high quality of life, creating favorable economic and social conditions. Objectives. The article aims to assess the rate and changes in poverty in Russia and the Republic of Bashkortostan and develop complementary measures to reduce it. Methods. For the study, I used the methods of logical, comparative, economic and statistical analyses, the results of sociological studies, and official statistics. Results. The article highlights additional measures to reduce poverty in the region, including the establishment of a minimum social standard of living in each particular region that determines the poverty rate. Conclusions. Various factors, such as economic sanctions, economic slowdowns, territorial and regional imbalances, lead to living standards decline and poverty rise.

La Duc Minh ◽  
Nguyen Thi Hao ◽  
Vu Thi Thuy

Ethnic affairs play an important role in socio of ethnic groups’ solidarity, assurance of security and national defense stability. In -economic development, maintenanceorder to improve the quality of ethnic affairs, it is practical to carry out postgraduate training of officer implementing ethnic affairs using state budget with the aim of encouraging and enhancing officer quality to satisfy high-quality human resource in international integration.

2018 ◽  
V.A. Borisov ◽  
A.M. Menshikh ◽  
V.S. Sosnov ◽  
G.F. Monakhos

Показано действие минеральных удобрений, микрокристаллического комплексного водорастворимого удобрения «Мастер» и органоминерального наноудобрения с ростостимулирующей активностью «Арксойл» при капельном орошении на урожайность и качество сладкого перца нового гибрида F1 Темп. Сочетание основного удобрения с листовой и корневой подкормками позволяет получить до 65 т/га плодов перца высокого качества.The action of mineral fertilizers, microcrystalline complex water soluble fertilizer Master and organic mineral nano-fertilizer with growth-stimulating activity Arksoil under drip irrigation on the productivity and quality of sweet pepper of the new hybrid F1 Temp is shown. The combination of basic fertilizer with leaf and root fertilizing allows to obtain up to 65 t/ha of pepper fruits of high quality.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 498
Maria Stănescu

The article is about the role of the family in the education and formation of children and, especially, in the life and development of autistic children. It describes the problems their family is facing and the need for counseling to parents with autistic children. The reaction to finding the diagnosis of autism varies from one family to another and may encounter a large variety: from disbelief, anger, guilt, helplessness, devastation, surprise, or even rejection of the child, to understanding and relief when finally the parents have an explanation for their child behaviors. Early intervention is important in psychological sustaining of the parent, as parent involvement in the recovery of the child with autism has a determinant role in his development and in ensuring a high quality of life of the child and the life of the hole family. The response to a child's autism diagnosis varies from one family to another. The family goes through a variety of disbelief, anger, guilt, helplessness, devastation, surprise, or even rejection of the child, to understanding and relief. Early intervention is very important in the psychological support of the parent. Because any change disturbs the family equilibrium. A diagnosis of autism changes not only the life of the diagnosed child, but also the life of family members. All the resources are focused on the need of the child. Although each parent is different, after diagnosing the child with autism, all parents are overwhelmed by confusion, shock and denial. Parents' feelings can be influenced by how their children's situation affects different aspects of life - it has an impact on service, on social life and all their personal life. If we look at the family as a system and when a disturbing factor appears, all parts of the system are affected. The involvement of parents in the recovery of the child with autism has a decisive role in its development and in ensuring a high quality of child's life and family life.

Nikitin A.E. ◽  
Znamenskiy I.А ◽  
Shikhova Yu.A. ◽  
Kuzmina I.V. ◽  
Melchenko D.S. ◽  

This study provides a retrospective analysis of work to ensure high quality of medical care in an unfavorable epidemic situation. The consequence of COVID-19 was the implementation of a program to prevent the spread of infection, the re-profiling of medical institu-tions, and the introduction of restrictive and anti-epidemic measures. The experience of our work has shown the effectiveness of changing the order of med-ical care, the organization of the functioning of de-partments and patient routing. The study reflects the measures implemented in the hospital departments, the Department of clinical and laboratory diagnostics, radiation diagnostics and pathology Department. To ensure the safety of patients, it was decided to place patients on a single bed according to the type of infec-tious boxes. The safety of employees was ensured by the use of personal protective equipment, minimiza-tion of contact time with patients, and preventive weekly examination of staff for SARS-CoV-2 infection. The organized and well-coordinated work of the en-tire staff of the institution made it possible to prevent the spread of COVID-19 among employees, to detect cases of infection in a timely manner, and to carry out appropriate isolation and monitoring measures. At the time of completion of infectious diseases departments, the mortality rate among patients was less than 9%. Our experience in reorganizing a multi-specialty facil-ity can be used in the future when working with pa-tients who have undergone COVID-19, as well as in the context of a worsening epidemic situation.

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