A survey of sources of heat-resistant bacteria in milk with particular reference to psychrotrophic spore-forming bacteria

1983 ◽  
Vol 50 (2) ◽  
pp. 163-170 ◽  
Charles H. McKinnon ◽  
Graham L. Pettipher

SummarySamples of winter bedding and summer pasture, rinses of teats and milking equipment, and milk samples from bulk tanks from 4 farms were analysed bacteriologically for total count (TC), thermoduric count, total spore count (TSC) and psychrotrophic spore count (PSC).In bedding and pasture samples the TSC comprised the main component of the thermoduric flora but was less than 0·1 % of the TC. The PSC formed ∼ 1 % of the TSC in winter bedding and ∼23 % of the TSC in pasture. For pasture, the PSC: TSC ratio was highest for the upper layer of soil and lower for the grass and deeper layer of soil. The TSC formed 5% of the thermoduric flora in rinses of milking equipment and only a very low PSC was obtained. The TSC of farm bulk tank milks was higher in the winter than the summer but the PSC was similar in both seasons. This was due to an increase of ∼9 times in the PSC:TSC ratio for milks in summer compared with winter. The PSC in raw and commercially pasteurized milks from a local creamery showed a similar seasonal trend.

2021 ◽  
Cemil Kürekci ◽  
Muhsin Aydın ◽  
İbrahim Ozan Tekeli ◽  
Pınar Ambarcıoğlu ◽  
Seydi Ahmet Şengül ◽  

Animals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
pp. 1590
Grażyna Czyżak-Runowska ◽  
Jacek Antoni Wójtowski ◽  
Romualda Danków ◽  
Daniel Stanisławski

The objective of this study was to determine the chemical composition, fatty acid profile, and values of healthy indices of milk from a specialized farm of Polish Coldblood mares of different ages, birth orders, and lactation stages. Milk samples (n = 48) were collected for analysis in weeks 10, 15, and 25 of lactation from mares aged between five and 14 years. The study showed that the stage of lactation has a significant effect on the fatty acid (FA) profile of the milk produced on the farm. The highest concentration of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated FAs was found in milk produced from the 15th week of lactation. The milk was also characterized by low values of atherogenic and thrombogenic indices, which indicate the health benefits of milk with respect to the content of fatty acids and their potential to prevent or cause atherosclerosis and thrombosis. The study also found a significant correlation between the number of foalings (birth order), the fatty acid profile, and atherogenic index of milk produced on the farm. The findings from the study indicate that it is possible to modify the fatty acid profile of bulk tank milk through appropriate management of the age structure of the herd of mares. To confirm this dependence, the study will be continued on a larger group of mares.

Animals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
pp. 1530
Amanuel Balemi ◽  
Balako Gumi ◽  
Kebede Amenu ◽  
Sisay Girma ◽  
Muuz Gebru ◽  

A study was carried out from August 2017 to February 2018 on lactating dairy cows, one-humped dromedary camels, and goats to determine mastitis in the Bule Hora and Dugda Dawa districts of in Southern Ethiopia. Milk samples from 564 udder quarters and udder halves from 171 animals consisting of 60 dairy cows, 51 camels, and 60 goats were tested for mastitis. Sixty-four positive udder milk samples were cultured, and bacterial mastitis pathogens were isolated and identified. The antibiotic resistance of bacterial isolates from milk with mastitis was tested against nine antimicrobials commonly used in the study area. Cow- and quarter-level prevalence of mastitis in dairy cows, camels, and goats was 33.3%, 26.3%, and 25% and 17.6%, 14.5%, and 20%, respectively. In cattle, the prevalence was significantly higher in Dugda Dawa than in Bule Hora. Major bacterial isolates were coagulase-negative Staphylococcus species (39.1%), S. aureus (17.2%), S. hyicus (14.1%), and S. intermedius and Escherichia coli (9.4% each). In camels, udder abnormality and mastitis were significantly higher in late lactation than in early lactation. Mastitis tends to increase with parity in camels. E. coli isolates were highly resistant to spectinomycin, vancomycin, and doxycycline, whereas most S. aureus isolates were multidrug-resistant. Most of the rural and periurban communities in this area consume raw milk, which indicates a high risk of infection with multidrug-resistant bacteria. We recommend a community-focused training program to improve community awareness of the need to boil milk and the risk of raw milk consumption.

Pathogens ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (7) ◽  
pp. 841
Maria Liapi ◽  
George Botsaris ◽  
Costas Arsenoglou ◽  
Nikolas Markantonis ◽  
Christodoulos Michael ◽  

One hundred and seventy-seven (177) bulk tank milk samples were analyzed with a commercially available real-time polymerase chain reaction kit and 11 (6.21%), 41 (23.16%), and 58 (32.77%) tested positive for Mycoplasma bovis, Staphylococcus aureus, and Streptococcus agalactiae, respectively. Statistical analysis revealed a significant relationship between the presence of S. aureus and S. agalactiae. Enumeration of somatic cells was performed in the same samples by flow cytometry. The somatic cell counts were found higher in S. aureus and S. agalactiae positive samples. No association was found between M. bovis presence and somatic cells counts. Low internal assay control Ct values were found to be related with high somatic cell counts. Noticeably, this is the first report for the presence of M. bovis in Cyprus. Therefore, its presence was confirmed by bulk tank milk culture, conventional PCR, and next generation sequencing. Furthermore, M. bovis was typed with multilocus sequencing typing and was allocated to sequence type 29 (ST 29). Real-time PCR in bulk tank milk samples is a useful tool to detect mammary infections, especially for neglected pathogens such as M. bovis.

Landon M.C. Warder ◽  
Enrique Doster ◽  
Jennifer K. Parker ◽  
Paul S. Morley ◽  
J.T. McClure ◽  

C. Ghazaei

Mycoplasmas are an important and economically significant cause of mastitis in dairy cows in various parts of the world. The organisms are highly contagious, with the main reservoir of infection originating from cows with subclinical mastitis. In 1998 the 1st cases of bovine mastitis due to Mycoplasma bovis were diagnosed in Ardabil State, Iran. An investigation was carried out with the aim of establishing the extent of mycoplasma infections in dairy cows in Ardabil State. Milk samples obtained from 80 cows with clinical mastitis were cultured in the laboratory for the presence of mycoplasmas. Similarly, 48 bulk-tank milk samples were examined for the presence of mycoplasmas. A modified Hayflick broth was used to isolate the mycoplasmas and an immunoperoxidase test used for the species identification of the isolates. Mycoplasma bovis was isolated from 39 (48.75 %) of the clinical mastitis samples and from 48 of the bulk-tank milk samples tested. This indicated that mycoplasma udder infections were more prevalent in dairy cows in Ardabil State than previously thought.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (8) ◽  
Asri Subkhan Mahulette ◽  
Anggra Alfian ◽  

Abstract. Mahulette AS, Alfian A, Kilkoda KA, Lawalata IJ, Marasabessy DA, Tanasale VL, Makaruku MH. 2021. Isolation and identification of indigenous Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) of forest clove rhizosphere from Maluku, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 22: 3613-3619. Forest clove is classified as wild-type and endemic to the Maluku (Moluccas) Islands, Indonesia. The different condition of growing areas causes various types of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) associated with forest clove. The study aimed to identify and obtain indigenous AMF inoculums from the forest clove rhizosphere from two distribution areas in Maluku. The results of AMF identification found two types of spores from the genus Glomus in the rhizosphere of forest cloves from Ambon Island with a spore density of 35/50 g of soil. In comparison, three spores were found in Seram Island, two from the genus Scutellospora and one from the Acaulospora. With an overall spore density of 5/50 g of soil. After culture trapping, there was a change in type and an increase in spore density in soil samples from the rhizosphere of the two forest clove distribution areas. Soil samples from Ambon after trapping culture obtained two new types of spores from the genus Acaulospora with a total spore number of 57/50 g soil while in soil samples from Seram found three new types of spores from the genus Glomus with a total spore count of 104/50 g of soil.

2020 ◽  
Vol 83 (11) ◽  
pp. 1929-1933

ABSTRACT For milk hygiene and safety, the milking phase is a critical moment because it is a probable pathway for the introduction of unwanted microorganisms in the dairy chain. In particular, Listeria monocytogenes and Escherichia coli are known as possible microbial contaminants of raw sheep's milk, although extensive knowledge regarding their contamination dynamics on sheep farms is still lacking. This study aimed to examine the occurrence and concentration of these microorganisms in milk samples collected from farm bulk tanks in the region of Lazio (Central Italy) and to investigate the related risk factors. Over a period of 1 year, we collected 372 milk samples from 87 sheep farms and administered a questionnaire to acquire information regarding relevant farm management variables. L. monocytogenes was not found in any of the samples, which indicates a low occurrence of this pathogen in sheep's bulk tank milk. In contrast, E. coli was found in almost two-thirds of milk samples (61%) but at levels below 102 CFU/mL in most of them (approximately 75%). Statistical analysis indicated that, during the warmest seasons, E. coli presence is more probable and counts are significantly higher. Unexpectedly, milk collected by hand milking had a lower level of contamination. Although further studies are necessary to clarify some aspects, the reported data add to the knowledge about the occurrence of L. monocytogenes and E. coli in raw sheep's milk and will be useful for future risk assessments. HIGHLIGHTS

1994 ◽  
Vol 77 (4) ◽  
pp. 862-870 ◽  
James S Cullor ◽  
Alison Van Eenennaam ◽  
Ian Gardner ◽  
Lynn Perani ◽  
Jon Dellbvger ◽  

Abstract The 10-point Milk and Dairy Beef Quality Assurance Program was developed collaboratively by the National Milk Producers Federation and the American Veterinary Medical Association and is designed to promote and document the responsible use of antibiotics in the dairy industry. One area of emphasis in this program is testing of individual animals for antibiotic residues after a specified post-treatment withdrawal time. We examined the performance of various assay systems on milk samples from individual cows. These assays are used at present on bulk tank milk samples by regulatory agencies, processing plants, producers, and veterinarians to detect the presence of β-lactam antibiotics. A high proportion of false-positive results was obtained for both the pretreatment milk samples from cows with clinical mastitis and the milk samples obtained 21 days after initial therapy (nonantibiotic and antibiotic) for the treatment of mastitis. A high proportion of false-positive outcomes was obtained from the milk of clinically normal cows that had not received any medication for at least 30 days prior to evaluation. The results indicate a serious problem in the use of some assays that were designed to evaluate residues bulk tank milk samples to analyze samples from individual cows. This error in assay specificity results in the unjustifiable discarding of milk that meets regulatory standards and may be misused to accuse the producer or veterinarian of not adhering to regulatory guidelines. Maintaining a safe, high-quality milk supply is a constant goal of the dairy industry, which must be provided the appropriate tools and techniques to meet this challenge.

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