The zoom-on-possessee construction in Kam (Dong): the anatomy of a new construction type

2005 ◽  
Vol 41 (2) ◽  
pp. 307-352 ◽  

Kam, a Kadai language spoken in Guizhou province (People's Republic of China), has a family of intransitive possessive constructions with the word order ‘Possessor–Verb–Possessee’. (The basic word order in Kam is SV and AVO.) While two recent papers have featured this unique construction type for an array of other Southeast Asian languages, they fail to acknowledge its distinct semantic value in contrast to the related construction type ‘Possessee–Possessor–Verb’. The former construction type displays a so-called ‘zoom-effect’: the possessor is predicated IN, AT or THROUGH his/her/its possessee; the predication zooms from the possessor on his/her/its possessee. The latter construction, in contrast, views the possessee as an entity separated from its possessor, and the predicate as applying solely to the possessee. After illustrating the ‘zoom-effect’ for a representative sample of Kam constructions, I demonstrate that ‘zoom-effects’ do not merely exist when the possessee–possessor compound has the zero-role (=intransitive subject) as above, but also when it assumes other semantic roles (e.g. patient, force, etc.). A general definition of this construction type, called ‘zoom-on-possessee construction’, is proposed; it enables us to unify and account for an array of hitherto disparate construction types that run in the literature under labels such as ‘proprioceptive state expressions’, ‘body part locative constructions’, ‘dative of affect’, etc. Furthermore, I discuss in some detail whether zoom-on-possessee constructions are better accounted for within a multi-stratal or a mono-stratal framework and, finally, whether the concept of noun-incorporation has any relevance.

1997 ◽  
Vol 07 (05) ◽  
pp. 605-624 ◽  
Akihiro Yamamura

Originally the concept of an HNN extension of a group was introduced by Higman, Neumann and Neumann in their study of embeddability of groups. Howie introduced the concept of HNN extensions of semigroups and showed embeddability in the case that the associated subsemigroups are unitary. On the other hand, T. E. Hall showed the embeddability of HNN extensions of inverse semigroups of a special type in his survey article on amalgamation of inverse semigroups. We introduce a more general definition of an HNN extension and show that free inverse semigroups and the bicyclic semigroup are HNN extensions of semilattices as examples of our new construction. We discuss weak HNN embeddability in several classes of semigroups and strong HNN embeddability in the class of inverse semigroups. One of our main purposes in the study of HNN extensions of inverse semigroups is to employ HNN extensions to examine some algorithmic problems. We prove the undecidability of Markov properties of finitely presented inverse semigroups using HNN extensions. This result was announced by Vazhenin in 1978, but no proof of it has been published to date. We also show undecidability of several non-Markov properties and discuss some undecidable problems on finitely generated inverse subsemigroups of finitely presented inverse semigroups.

Diane Massam

This book presents a detailed descriptive and theoretical examination of predicate-argument structure in Niuean, a Polynesian language within the Oceanic branch of the Austronesian family, spoken mainly on the Pacific island of Niue and in New Zealand. Niuean has VSO word order and an ergative case-marking system, both of which raise questions for a subject-predicate view of sentence structure. Working within a broadly Minimalist framework, this volume develops an analysis in which syntactic arguments are not merged locally to their thematic sources, but instead are merged high, above an inverted extended predicate which serves syntactically as the Niuean verb, later undergoing movement into the left periphery of the clause. The thematically lowest argument merges as an absolutive inner subject, with higher arguments merging as applicatives. The proposal relates Niuean word order and ergativity to its isolating morphology, by equating the absence of inflection with the absence of IP in Niuean, which impacts many aspects of its grammar. As well as developing a novel analysis of clause and argument structure, word order, ergative case, and theta role assignment, the volume argues for an expanded understanding of subjecthood. Throughout the volume, many other topics are also treated, such as noun incorporation, word formation, the parallel internal structure of predicates and arguments, null arguments, displacement typology, the role of determiners, and the structure of the left periphery.

2016 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 1122-1124 ◽  
Ricardo Almeida ◽  
Małgorzata Guzowska ◽  
Tatiana Odzijewicz

AbstractIn this short note we present a new general definition of local fractional derivative, that depends on an unknown kernel. For some appropriate choices of the kernel we obtain some known cases. We establish a relation between this new concept and ordinary differentiation. Using such formula, most of the fundamental properties of the fractional derivative can be derived directly.

2020 ◽  
Vol 79 (Suppl 1) ◽  
pp. 1633.2-1634
F. Cosan ◽  
O. M. Gedar

Background:Reactive arthritis (ReA) is defined by 1999 ACR criteria as arthritis preceding a bacterial genitourinary (GUS) or gastrointestinal (GIS) infection in 3 days-6 weeks and evidence of triggering infection. Recently, ReA is classified as SpA and patients who do not fulfill SpA criteria are classified as undifferentiated spondyloarthritis (USpA) according to ASAS/EULAR SpA classification criteria.Objectives:In several case reports which are associated with other infective agents are reported and the definition is extended for some clinicians so that SpA which is occurred after any infection is called as ReA. On the other hand, some researchers still accept the classical definition of ReA. The problem with the heterogeneity of opinions and unstandardized definition of ReA hinders studies about pathogenesis and standardization of treatments. In this study, we aimed to determine the spectrum of the use of the definition of reactive arthritis in publications in PubMed between 2009-2019.Methods:The ReA keyword is searched in PubMed for the years between 2009-2019. 248 different publications have been identified and included in this research. 89 articles, 47 reviews, 108 case reports, 2 guidelines, and 2 editorials reviewed for the definition of ReA.Results:Only 42.7% (106 patients) of these publications meet the classical definition which suggests ReA after only GIS and GUS infections. In 4 (1.6%) of the publications ReA was defined after GIS, GUS and oropharyngeal infections; in 3 (1,2%) of the publications after any bacterial infection; in 9 (3.6%) of the publications after any infection. In 8 (3.2%) of the publications, ReA and USPA was used correspondingly. In 39 (15,7%) of the publications the term agent related, ReA was used without making a general definition for ReA. 79 publications (31,9%) have not defined ReA.According to causative agent and ReA relationship, in 64 (24,6%) general infective agents, in 75 (30,2%) classical agents, in 22 (8,9%) other bacterial agents, in 23 (9,3%) streptococcus, in 10(4%) intravesical BCG, in 6 (2.4%) HIV, in 6 (2.4%) tuberculosis, in 12 (4,8%) clostrudium difficle, in 2 (0.8%) parasites were reported. In 31 (12,5%) of the publications the causative agent for the ReA was unknown, the diagnosis was made clinically.Conclusion:In this study, it is aimed to draw attention terminology intricacy and the need for the standardization of the definition of ReA and USpA. It is clear that to standardize the definition of Rea and USpA is necessary. Between 2009-2019 there are reported cases diagnosed as ReA associated with bacterial infections (especially with Clostridium difficile, streptococcus and tuberculosis infections), and viral infections (by a majority with HIV), and parasitic infections. It is not clear if we need to define them classically or define them as USPA. Another important consideration is the necessity of extended laboratory investigations to find out the real causative agent even if the patient is clinically diagnosed with ReA. The requirement of the differentiation between ReA and USpA must be revealed for therapeutic researches.References:[1]A proposal for the classification of patients for clinical and experimental studies on reactive arthritis. Pacheco-Tena C, Burgos-Vargas R, Vázquez-Mellado J, Cazarín J, Pérez-Díaz JA. J Rheumatol. 1999 Jun;26(6):1338-46.[2]The Assessment of SpondyloArthritis International Society classification criteria for peripheral spondyloarthritis and for spondyloarthritis in general. Rudwaleit M, van der Heijde D, Landewé R, Akkoc N, Brandt J, Chou CT, Dougados M, Huang F, Gu J, Kirazli Y, et al. Ann Rheum Dis. 2011;70:25–31.Disclosure of Interests:None declared

M. Ferrara ◽  
M. Trombetti

AbstractLet G be an abelian group. The aim of this short paper is to describe a way to identify pure subgroups H of G by looking only at how the subgroup lattice $$\mathcal {L}(H)$$ L ( H ) embeds in $$\mathcal {L}(G)$$ L ( G ) . It is worth noticing that all results are carried out in a local nilpotent context for a general definition of purity.

2021 ◽  
Andrea Marin ◽  
Carla Piazza ◽  
Sabina Rossi

AbstractIn this paper, we deal with the lumpability approach to cope with the state space explosion problem inherent to the computation of the stationary performance indices of large stochastic models. The lumpability method is based on a state aggregation technique and applies to Markov chains exhibiting some structural regularity. Moreover, it allows one to efficiently compute the exact values of the stationary performance indices when the model is actually lumpable. The notion of quasi-lumpability is based on the idea that a Markov chain can be altered by relatively small perturbations of the transition rates in such a way that the new resulting Markov chain is lumpable. In this case, only upper and lower bounds on the performance indices can be derived. Here, we introduce a novel notion of quasi-lumpability, named proportional lumpability, which extends the original definition of lumpability but, differently from the general definition of quasi-lumpability, it allows one to derive exact stationary performance indices for the original process. We then introduce the notion of proportional bisimilarity for the terms of the performance process algebra PEPA. Proportional bisimilarity induces a proportional lumpability on the underlying continuous-time Markov chains. Finally, we prove some compositionality results and show the applicability of our theory through examples.

2002 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 42-55 ◽  
Brian R. Macintosh ◽  
Dilson E. Rassier

Fatigue and potentiation are two forms of force modulation. A general definition of fatigue is "a circumstance where less than the anticipated contractile response is obtained." Fatigue is associated with depressed Ca2+ release and possibly decreased Ca2+ sensitivity. Potentiation results from increased Ca2+ sensitivity due to regulatory light chain phosphorylation. Muscle fatigue and potentiation can coexist, making it difficult to quantify these processes. With repetitive 10 Hz stimulation, the developed tension first increases, then decreases. Is fatigue present when developed tension first begins to decrease or when it falls below the developed tension of the first response? Intermittent incompletely fused tetanic contractions for which peak developed tension first decreases, then increases, is another unusual example of fatigue. A third example is when twitch contractions following a tetanic contraction decrease to a level below the pretetanic twitch amplitude, indicating that fatigue may have been coexistent with posttetanic potentiation. These observations illustrate the complexity of detecting fatigue, based on the simple, but commonly accepted definition presented above. Care must be taken in interpreting "before vs. after" contractile responses. Even when the contraction amplitude is greater than the initial response, there is no guarantee that mechanisms associated with fatigue are not present. Key words: calcium sensitivity, staircase, posttetanic potentiation, myosin light chains, skeletal muscle

2004 ◽  
Vol 2004 (05) ◽  
pp. 043-043 ◽  
T Harmark ◽  
N.A Obers

2021 ◽  
Raffaella Brumana ◽  
Chiara Stanga ◽  
Fabrizio Banfi

AbstractThe paper focuses on new opportunities of knowledge sharing, and comparison, thanks to the circulation and re-use of heritage HBIM models by means of Object Libraries within a Common Data Environment (CDE) and remotely-accessible Geospatial Virtual Hubs (GVH). HBIM requires a transparent controlled quality process in the model generation and its management to avoid misuses of such models once available in the cloud, freeing themselves from object libraries oriented to new buildings. The model concept in the BIM construction process is intended to be progressively enriched with details defined by the Level of Geometry (LOG) while crossing the different phases of development (LOD), from the pre-design to the scheduled maintenance during the long life cycle of buildings and management (LLCM). In this context, the digitization process—from the data acquisition until the informative models (scan-to-HBIM method)—requires adapting the definition of LOGs to the different phases characterizing the heritage preservation and management, reversing the new construction logic based on simple-to-complex informative models. Accordingly, a deeper understanding of the geometry and state of the art (as-found) should take into account the complexity and uniqueness of the elements composing the architectural heritage since the starting phases of the analysis, adopting coherent object modeling that can be simplified for different purposes as in the construction site and management over time. For those reasons, the study intends (i) to apply the well-known concept of scale to the object model generation, defining different Grades of Accuracy (GOA) related to the scales (ii) to start fixing sustainable roles to guarantee a free choice by the operators in the generation of object models, and (iii) to validate the model generative process with a transparent communication of indicators to describe the richness in terms of precision and accuracy of the geometric content here declined for masonry walls and vaults, and (iv) to identifies requirements for reliable Object Libraries.

1976 ◽  
Vol 98 (2) ◽  
pp. 297-302 ◽  
K. G. T. Hollands ◽  
K. C. Goel

The general concept of the mean diameter of the disperse phase of an aerosol system, first introduced by Mugele and Evans in 1951, has proven to be a very useful one. In this concept, the proper mean diameter, xp,q, is characterized by a single pair of indices, p and q, which are dependent on the actual type of aerosol system under consideration. This paper re-examines the validity of this concept of mean diameter in heat and mass transfer aerosol systems. The concept is found to be applicable only under a very narrow range of conditions. Attention is then given to a more general definition of a mean diameter, applicable to aerosol heat or mass exchangers. Analyses of these devices shows that the more general mean diameter is a function of the capacity rate ratio, R, and effectiveness of the heat exchanger, ε. Solutions to the governing equations have permitted the mean diameter to be presented graphically as a function of these variables. These solutions are given for two types of particle size distributions, the Rosin-Rammler and the log-probability, and for both parallel-flow and counter-flow heat exchangers. The solutions are, however, restricted to cases where the resistance to heat or mass transfer lies exclusively in the continuous phase.

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