Interannual variability and decadal stability of benthic organisms on an Indonesian coral reef

Alberto Rovellini ◽  
Matthew R. Dunn ◽  
Elizabeth A. Fulton ◽  
Lisa Woods ◽  
Jamaluddin Jompa ◽  

Abstract The availability of colonizable substrate is an important driver of the temporal dynamics of sessile invertebrates on coral reefs. Increased dominance of algae and, in some cases, sponges has been documented on many coral reefs around the world, but how these organisms benefit from non-colonized substrate on the reef is unclear. In this study, we described the temporal dynamics of benthic organisms on an Indonesian coral reef across two time periods between 2006 and 2017 (2006–2008 and 2014–2017), and investigated the effects of colonizable substrate on benthic cover of coral reef organisms at subsequent sampling events. In contrast with other Indonesian reefs where corals have been declining, corals were dominant and stable over time at this location (mean ± SE percentage cover 42.7 ± 1.9%). Percentage cover of turf algae and sponges showed larger interannual variability than corals and crustose coralline algae (CCA) (P < 0.001), indicating that these groups are more dynamic over short temporal scales. Bare substrate was a good predictor of turf cover in the following year (mean effect 0.2, 95% CI: 0–0.4). Algal cover combined with bare space was a good predictor of CCA cover the following year generally, and of sponge cover the following year but only at one of the three sites. These results indicate that turf algae on some Indonesian reefs can rapidly occupy free space when this becomes available, and that other benthic groups are probably not limited by the availability of bare substrate, but may overgrow already fouled substrates.

PeerJ ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 4 ◽  
pp. e1984 ◽  
Thomas Swierts ◽  
Mark JA Vermeij

Turf algae are becoming more abundant on coral reefs worldwide, but their effects on other benthic organisms remain poorly described. To describe the general characteristics of competitive interactions between corals and turf algae, we determined the occurrence and outcomes of coral–turf algal interactions among different coral growth forms (branching, upright, massive, encrusting, plating, and solitary) on a shallow reef in Vietnam. In total, the amount of turf algal interaction, i.e., the proportion of the coral boundary directly bordering turf algae, was quantified for 1,276 coral colonies belonging to 27 genera and the putative outcome of each interaction was noted. The amount of turf algal interaction and the outcome of these interactions differed predictably among the six growth forms. Encrusting corals interacted most often with turf algae, but also competed most successfully against turf algae. The opposite was observed for branching corals, which rarely interacted with turf algae and rarely won these competitive interactions. Including all other growth forms, a positive relationship was found between the amount of competitive interactions with neighboring turf algae and the percentage of such interaction won by the coral. This growth form dependent ability to outcompete turf algae was not only observed among coral species, but also among different growth forms in morphologically plastic coral genera (Acropora, Favia, Favites, Montastrea, Montipora, Porites) illustrating the general nature of this relationship.

2011 ◽  
Vol 2011 ◽  
pp. 1-8 ◽  
Leor Korzen ◽  
Alvaro Israel ◽  
Avigdor Abelson

Herbivory is an important structuring factor in coral reefs, influencing seaweed abundance, competitive interactions between seaweeds and corals, and coral reef resilience. Despite reports of a drastic increase in the cover of benthic algae and turf dominancy in the coral reefs of Eilat, Red Sea, very little is known about the factors responsible for this phenomenon or the possible effects of herbivory on turf algae and coral recruits. Here, we examine the effects of herbivory by experimentally exposing turf algae and coral recruits to grazing activities of herbivorous fish and sea urchins. Using remote video cameras to document removal of algae and coral spats, we show that the main grazing impact is due to daily grazing by fishes, whereas the significant impact of sea urchins is mainly expressed in their adverse effect on the survival of coral recruits, with a relatively low effect on algal biomass. These findings contribute to our understanding of the factors influencing turf algae establishment and proliferation, and the survival of coral recruits on the coral reefs of Eilat. The clear differences between the impact of herbivorous fish and that of sea urchins, on the Eilat reefs, have critical implications for reef resilience and restoration measures.

2021 ◽  
Franziska Elmer

<p>Coral recruitment and calcium carbonate (CaCO₃) accretion are fundamental processes that help maintain coral reefs. Many reefs worldwide have experienced degradation, including a decrease in coral cover and biodiversity. Successful coral recruitment helps degraded reefs to recover, while CaCO₃ accretion by early successional benthic organisms maintains the topographic complexity of a coral reef system. It is therefore important to understand the processes that affect coral recruitment and CaCO₃ accretion rates in order to understand how coral reefs recover from disturbances.  The aim of this thesis was to determine how biophysical forcing factors affect coral recruitment, calcification and bioerosion on a pristine coral reef. I used artificial settlement tiles to measure coral recruitment and CaCO₃ accretion at ten sites (four on the fore reef, four on the Western Reef Terrace and two at the Entrance Channel) at Palmyra Atoll. Fungia skeletons and pieces of dead coral rock were used to measure bioerosion rates, which were combined with the CaCO₃ accretion rates to obtain a net CaCO₃ budget of the reef substratum. Interactions between coral recruits and other benthic organisms on the settlement tiles were recorded to determine the settlement preferences and competitive strength of coral recruits. The settlement preference of Pocillopora damicornis for divots shaped like steephead and bumphead parrotfish bites marks was determined by adding P. damicornis larvae to a container with a settlement tile with the aforementioned divots.  I found that coral recruitment and CaCO₃ accretion are influenced by biophysical forcing factors. Most pocilloporids likely recruit close to their parents while the origin of poritid larvae is much more distant. Pocilloporid recruitment rates were also significantly correlated with the successional stage of the benthic community on the settlement tiles, especially the cover of biofilm and bryozoa. Biofilm and crustose coralline algae (CCA) were preferred as settlement substrata by coral larvae, however both pocilloporids and poritids settled on a large number of different benthic substrata. P. damicornis larvae showed a significant settlement preference for divots shaped like parrotfish bite marks over a flat settlement surface. Coral recruits were good competitors against encrusting algae but were often outcompeted by filamentous and upright algae. Settlement tiles were almost entirely colonised by benthic organisms within three to twelve months of deployment. The mass of CaCO₃ deposited onto the settlement tiles negatively correlated with herbivore grazing pressure on the benthic community. Bioerosion rates within pieces of coral (internal bioerosion) increased over time but overall bioerosion rates (internal and external) rarely exceeded CaCO₃ deposition by CCA.  My results show how variability in biophysical forcing factors leads to natural variation in coral recruitment and CaCO₃ accretion. This thesis highlights the importance of measuring herbivore grazing, CCA and turf algae cover to gain a better understanding of reef resilience. I conclude that models constructed for Caribbean reefs may not be suited to predict resilience in Pacific reefs and that within the Pacific, two different kinds of resilience models need to be constructed, one for human-inhabited coral reefs and one for uninhabited coral reefs.</p>

2021 ◽  
Franziska Elmer

<p>Coral recruitment and calcium carbonate (CaCO₃) accretion are fundamental processes that help maintain coral reefs. Many reefs worldwide have experienced degradation, including a decrease in coral cover and biodiversity. Successful coral recruitment helps degraded reefs to recover, while CaCO₃ accretion by early successional benthic organisms maintains the topographic complexity of a coral reef system. It is therefore important to understand the processes that affect coral recruitment and CaCO₃ accretion rates in order to understand how coral reefs recover from disturbances.  The aim of this thesis was to determine how biophysical forcing factors affect coral recruitment, calcification and bioerosion on a pristine coral reef. I used artificial settlement tiles to measure coral recruitment and CaCO₃ accretion at ten sites (four on the fore reef, four on the Western Reef Terrace and two at the Entrance Channel) at Palmyra Atoll. Fungia skeletons and pieces of dead coral rock were used to measure bioerosion rates, which were combined with the CaCO₃ accretion rates to obtain a net CaCO₃ budget of the reef substratum. Interactions between coral recruits and other benthic organisms on the settlement tiles were recorded to determine the settlement preferences and competitive strength of coral recruits. The settlement preference of Pocillopora damicornis for divots shaped like steephead and bumphead parrotfish bites marks was determined by adding P. damicornis larvae to a container with a settlement tile with the aforementioned divots.  I found that coral recruitment and CaCO₃ accretion are influenced by biophysical forcing factors. Most pocilloporids likely recruit close to their parents while the origin of poritid larvae is much more distant. Pocilloporid recruitment rates were also significantly correlated with the successional stage of the benthic community on the settlement tiles, especially the cover of biofilm and bryozoa. Biofilm and crustose coralline algae (CCA) were preferred as settlement substrata by coral larvae, however both pocilloporids and poritids settled on a large number of different benthic substrata. P. damicornis larvae showed a significant settlement preference for divots shaped like parrotfish bite marks over a flat settlement surface. Coral recruits were good competitors against encrusting algae but were often outcompeted by filamentous and upright algae. Settlement tiles were almost entirely colonised by benthic organisms within three to twelve months of deployment. The mass of CaCO₃ deposited onto the settlement tiles negatively correlated with herbivore grazing pressure on the benthic community. Bioerosion rates within pieces of coral (internal bioerosion) increased over time but overall bioerosion rates (internal and external) rarely exceeded CaCO₃ deposition by CCA.  My results show how variability in biophysical forcing factors leads to natural variation in coral recruitment and CaCO₃ accretion. This thesis highlights the importance of measuring herbivore grazing, CCA and turf algae cover to gain a better understanding of reef resilience. I conclude that models constructed for Caribbean reefs may not be suited to predict resilience in Pacific reefs and that within the Pacific, two different kinds of resilience models need to be constructed, one for human-inhabited coral reefs and one for uninhabited coral reefs.</p>

2016 ◽  
Thomas Swierts ◽  
Mark JA Vermeij

Turf algae are becoming more abundant on coral reefs worldwide, but their effects on other benthic organisms remain poorly described. To describe the general characteristics of competitive interactions between corals and turf algae, we determined the occurrence and outcomes of coral – turf algal interactions among different coral growth forms (branching, upright, massive, encrusting, plating, and solitary) on a shallow reef in Vietnam. In total, the amount of turf algal interaction, i.e., the proportion of the coral boundary directly bordering turf algae, was quantified for 1276 coral colonies belonging to 27 genera and the putative outcome of each interaction was noted. The amount of turf algal interaction and the outcome of these interactions differed predictably among the six growth forms. Encrusting corals interacted most often with turf algae, but also competed most successfully against turf algae. The opposite was observed for branching corals, which rarely interacted with turf algae and rarely won these competitive interactions. Including all other growth forms, a positive relationship was found between the amount of competitive interactions with neighboring turf algae and the percentage of such interaction won by the coral. This growth form dependent ability to outcompete turf algae was not only observed among coral species, but also among different growth forms in morphologically plastic coral genera (Acropora, Favia, Favites, Montastrea, Montipora, Porites) illustrating the general nature of this relationship.

2016 ◽  
Thomas Swierts ◽  
Mark JA Vermeij

Turf algae are becoming more abundant on coral reefs worldwide, but their effects on other benthic organisms remain poorly described. To describe the general characteristics of competitive interactions between corals and turf algae, we determined the occurrence and outcomes of coral – turf algal interactions among different coral growth forms (branching, upright, massive, encrusting, plating, and solitary) on a shallow reef in Vietnam. In total, the amount of turf algal interaction, i.e., the proportion of the coral boundary directly bordering turf algae, was quantified for 1276 coral colonies belonging to 27 genera and the putative outcome of each interaction was noted. The amount of turf algal interaction and the outcome of these interactions differed predictably among the six growth forms. Encrusting corals interacted most often with turf algae, but also competed most successfully against turf algae. The opposite was observed for branching corals, which rarely interacted with turf algae and rarely won these competitive interactions. Including all other growth forms, a positive relationship was found between the amount of competitive interactions with neighboring turf algae and the percentage of such interaction won by the coral. This growth form dependent ability to outcompete turf algae was not only observed among coral species, but also among different growth forms in morphologically plastic coral genera (Acropora, Favia, Favites, Montastrea, Montipora, Porites) illustrating the general nature of this relationship.

2018 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 730
Taufina Taufina ◽  
Faisal Faisal ◽  
Stelly Martha Lova

AbstrakKajian ini ditujukan untuk mengeksplorasi capaian pelaksanaan rehabilitasi terumbu karang melalui kolaborasi terumbu buatan dan transplantasi karang di Kecamatan Bungus Teluk Kabung Kota Padang. Program ini diinisisasi oleh CSR PT. PERTAMINA (Persero) MOR I – Teluk Kabung berlandaskan fakta bahwa kondisi terumbu karang di daerah ini mulai mengalami degradasi lingkungan yang diakibatkan oleh perubahan alam dan ulah tangan manusia yang tidak bertanggung jawab. Metode yang digunakan pada program ini dilihat dari 2 aspek, yaitu pembuatan media substrat dan pengambilan biofisik sebagai pendukung ekologi manfaat terumbu buatan. Hasil rehabilitasi terumbu karang melalui kolaborasi terumbu buatan dan transplantasi karang menunjukkan beberapa hal, antara lain: (1) terumbu buatan banyak ditumbuhi biota lainnya seperti, biofulling dan teritip dan lili laut; (2) di sekitar terumbu buatan, dijumpai rekuitment karang-karang yang mulai berkembang dengan ukuran yang masih kecil dan meningkat percent covernya dari 1,33% menjadi 2,19%; (3) keberadaan ikan pada terumbu buatan semakin meningkat; dan (4) terumbu buatan dihuni oleh ikan-ikan berekonomis tinggi seperti kerapu,bibir tebal, dan sering dijumpai gerombolan ikan ekor kuning sehingga tujuan utama terumbu buatan terpenuhi yaitu sebagai fishing ground masyarakat di sekitarnya. Berdasarkan data itu, dapat disimpulkan bahwa program rehabilitasi terumbu karang melalui kolaborasi terumbu buatan dan transplantasi karang di Kecamatan Bungus Teluk Kabung Kota Padang berhasil dilakukan dengan baik sebagai upaya menjaga kelangsungan ekosistem laut di sekitar terumbu karang.Kata kunci: Rehabilitasi, Terumbu Karang, Terumbu Buatan, Transplantasi Karang, Teluk KabungAbstractThe aims of the study is to explore outcomes resulted from the implementation of the coral reefs rehabilitation combining attempts in transplanting artificial reefs and coral in Sub-District of Bungus Teluk Kabung at Padang City. The initiative was taken in place supported by the CSR of PT. PERTAMINA (Persero) MOR I – Teluk Kabung based on the fact that the condition of coral reefs in this area began to experience environmental degradation caused by natural changes and irresponsible human hands. The method used in this program is seen from two aspects, namely the manufacture of substrate media and biophysical retrieval as an ecological support for the benefits of artificial reefs. The results of the rehabilitation of coral reefs through collaboration of artificial reefs and coral transplants show several things, including: (1) artificial reefs are overgrown with other biota such as biofulling and barnacles and sea lilies; (2) in the vicinity of artificial reefs, a number of coral reefs began to develop with a small size and the percentage cover increased from 1.33% to 2.19%; (3) the presence of fish on artificial reefs is increasing; and (4) artificial reefs inhabited by high-economic fish such as groupers, thick lips, and often found yellow-tailed fish hordes so that the main purpose of artificial reefs is fulfilled, namely as fishing ground for the surrounding community. Based on these data, it can be concluded that the coral reef rehabilitation program through collaboration of artificial reefs and coral transplants in Bungus Teluk Kabung District, Padang City was successfully carried out as an effort to maintain the sustainability of marine ecosystems around coral reefs.Keywords: Rehabilitation, Coral Reefs, Artificial Reefs, Coral Transplants, Teluk Kabung

2002 ◽  
Charles S. Yentsch ◽  
David A. Phinney

2024 ◽  
Vol 74 (10) ◽  
pp. 6139-2024

Coral reefs are the most productive ecosystems on Earth. They ensure the conservation of biodiversity and are a live habitat for 25% of all marine organisms. The main relationship on the coral reef is the symbiosis between corals and algae from the genus Symbiodinium (commonly called zooxanthellae). The authors of this publication have characterized and described the factors limiting the occurrence of coral reefs, including: water temperature, salinity, access to sunlight, contamination, physicochemical and hydromechanical parameters of water. Moreover anthropogenic threats to coral reefs have been specified, including diving tourism, ecological disasters (e.g. oil spills) and the development of marine aquaristics. Rapid changes in the basic living conditions are dangerous for corals and their symbionts and may cause the unsuitability of the new environment resulting in diseases such as coral bleaching. Corals bleaching is a disease associated with the break of the coral and algae relationship which results in a coral reef death on a global scale. Awareness of these negative factors, often related to human activity, may allow us to better understand the ecological processes that are the basis of reef functioning and might enable us to prevent and oppose to the changes and ecological recessions of coral reefs.

Diversity ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (6) ◽  
pp. 251
Adi Zweifler (Zvifler) ◽  
Michael O’Leary ◽  
Kyle Morgan ◽  
Nicola K. Browne

Increasing evidence suggests that coral reefs exposed to elevated turbidity may be more resilient to climate change impacts and serve as an important conservation hotspot. However, logistical difficulties in studying turbid environments have led to poor representation of these reef types within the scientific literature, with studies using different methods and definitions to characterize turbid reefs. Here we review the geological origins and growth histories of turbid reefs from the Holocene (past), their current ecological and environmental states (present), and their potential responses and resilience to increasing local and global pressures (future). We classify turbid reefs using new descriptors based on their turbidity regime (persistent, fluctuating, transitional) and sources of sediment input (natural versus anthropogenic). Further, by comparing the composition, function and resilience of two of the most studied turbid reefs, Paluma Shoals Reef Complex, Australia (natural turbidity) and Singapore reefs (anthropogenic turbidity), we found them to be two distinct types of turbid reefs with different conservation status. As the geographic range of turbid reefs is expected to increase due to local and global stressors, improving our understanding of their responses to environmental change will be central to global coral reef conservation efforts.

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