Electron-microscope studies of Fasciola hepatica III. Further observations on the tegument and associated structures
Additional ultrastructural features of the tegument of Fasciola hepatica, after glutaraldehyde fixation and high resolution, have been observed.Two distinct types of tegumental cells are shown to be present, the type 1 cell having been previously described. Details of the fine structure of the nucleus, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complex of the type 2 cell are given. The type 2 cell is characterized by biconcave secretory bodies derived from the Golgi complex and the latter is intimately related to the granular endoplasmic reticulum, from which it is derived by blebbing. The type 2 cells are connected by protoplasmic tubes to the same surface syncytium as type 1 cells.These new findings of the structure of the tegument of Fasciola are compared with previous reports on the ultrastructure of the tegument in other flukes.I should like to express my sincere thanks to the following: the Wellcome Trust and S.R.C. for grants to purchase an Akashi TRS 50 and an A.E.I. E.M. 6B electron microscope respectively; the Royal Society for a personal grant to purchase a Reichert Ultramicrotome and a vacuum coating unit.My thanks are also due to Mr W. Ferguson for photographic skill and to Mr A. Lyness for technical assistance and microscope maintenance, and my Research Associate, Mrs S. S. E. Dermott, for expert electron-microscopy.