scholarly journals 25-year follow-up of treated and not-treated adolescents after the Spitak earthquake: course and predictors of PTSD and depression

2020 ◽  
pp. 1-13 ◽  
Armen K. Goenjian ◽  
Alan M. Steinberg ◽  
David Walling ◽  
Sheryl Bishop ◽  
Ida Karayan ◽  

Abstract Background There is a paucity of long-term prospective disaster studies of the psychological sequelae among survivors. Methods At 1½ and 25 years after the Spitak earthquake, 142 early adolescents from two cities were assessed: Gumri (moderate–severe exposure) and Spitak (very severe exposure). The Gumri group included treated and not-treated subjects, while the Spitak group included not-treated subjects. Instruments included: DSM-III-R PTSD-Reaction Index (PTSD-RI); DSM-5 PTSD-Checklist (PCL); Depression Self-Rating Scale (DSRS); and Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression Scale (CES-D). Results (1) Between 1½ and 25 years, PTSD rates and mean scores decreased significantly in the three groups (over 50%). However, at 25 years 9.1–22.4% met DSM-5 PTSD criteria. (2) At 1½ years, the Spitak group had higher PTSD-RI (p < 0.001) and DSRS scores (p < 0.001) compared to the Gumri-not-treated group. At 25 years, the Spitak group that had experienced fewer post-earthquake adversities (p < 0.03), had a greater decrease in PTSD-RI scores (p < 0.02), and lower CES-D scores (p < 0.01). (3) Before treatment, PTSD-RI and DSRS scores did not differ between the Gumri-treated and not-treated groups. At 25-years, the Gumri-treated group showed a greater decrease in PTSD-RI scores (p < 0.03), and lower mean PTSD-RI (p < 0.02), PCL (p < 0.02), and CES-D (p < 0.01) scores. (4) Predictors of PTSD symptom severity at 25-years included: home destruction, treatment, social support, post-earthquake adversities, and chronic medical illnesses. Conclusion Post-disaster PTSD and depressive symptoms can persist for decades. Trauma-focused treatment, alleviation of post-disaster adversities, improving the social ecology, and monitoring for chronic medical illnesses are essential components of recovery programs.

2021 ◽  
Deni Sunjaya ◽  
Bambang Sumintono ◽  
Elvine Gunawan ◽  
Dewi Herawati ◽  
Teddy Hidayat

Abstract Background: Regular monitoring of the pandemic’s psychosocial impact could be conducted among the community but is limited through online media. This study aims to evaluate the self-rating questionnaire commonly used for online monitoring of the psychosocial implications of the corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Methods: The data was taken from the online assessment results of two groups, with a total of 765 participants. The instruments studied were: Self-Rating Questionnaire (SRQ-20), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale-10 (CESD-10), used in the online assessment. Data analysis used Rasch modeling and Winsteps applications. Validity and reliability were tested, data were fit with the model, rating scale, and item fit analysis.Results: All the scales for outfit mean square (MnSq) were very close to the ideal value of 1.0, and the Chi-square test was significant. Item reliability was greater than 0.67, item separation was greater than 3, and Cronbach’s alpha was greater than 0.60; all the instruments were considered very good. The raw variance explained by measures for the SRQ-20, PTSD, and CESD-10 was 30.7%, 41.6%, and 47.6%, respectively. The unexplained Eigen-value variances in the first contrast were 2.3, 1.6, and 2.0 for the SRQ-20, PTSD, and CESD-10, respectively. All items had positive point-measure correlations. Conclusions: The internal consistency of all the instruments was reliable. Data were fit to the model as the items were productive for measurement and had a reasonable prediction. All the scales are functionally one-dimensional.

2012 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 96-98 ◽  
Zerak Al-salihy ◽  
Twana A. Rahim ◽  
Mahmud Q. Mahmud ◽  
Asma S. Muhyaldin ◽  
Alex J. Mitchell

We aimed to find the depression rating scale with the greatest accuracy when applied by psychiatrists in Iraqi Kurdistan. We recruited 200 patients with primary depression and 200 controls living in the Kurdistan region of Iraq. The Mini International Neuropsychiatry Inventory (MINI) was used as a gold standard for DSM-IV depression. We also used: the two-item and the nine-item versions of the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ2, PHQ9), the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), the Calgary Depression Scale for Schizophrenia (CDSS) and the Centre for Epidemiological Studies Depression (CES-D) scale. Interviews were performed by psychiatrists who also rated their clinical judgement using the Clinical Global Impression (CGI) scale and other mental health practitioners. All scales and tools performed with high accuracy and reliability. The least accurate tool was the PHQ2; however, with only two items it was efficient. Sensitivity and specificity for all tools were above 90%. Clinicians using the CGI were accurate in their clinical judgement. The CDSS appeared to be the most accurate scale for DSM-IV major depression and the PHQ2 the most efficient. However, only the CDSS appeared to offer an advantage over psychiatrists' judgement.

2002 ◽  
Vol 36 (2) ◽  
pp. 229-233 ◽  
Joseph M Rey ◽  
David Grayson ◽  
Tayebeh Mojarrad ◽  
Garry Walter

Objective: Because major depression in adolescents often goes undiagnosed, it is useful to establish whether clinicians’ rates of making this diagnosis in a specialist adolescent mental health service change when a self-rating depression scale is routinely administered. Method: A retrospective, naturalistic study examining the rate of diagnosis of major depression in a mental health service between 1993 and 1997. The intervention was the administration of the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) prior to initial assessment from September 1995 onwards. The proportion of clinical diagnoses of DSM-III-R or DSM-IV major depression was the outcome measure. Age, gender, ratings of depression and other confounding variables were used to control for changes in patient population over time. Results: One thousand three hundred and ten adolescents aged 12 to 17 years assessed between 1993 and 1997 were included. After taking into account potential confounders, diagnosis of major depression was 2.8 times (95% confidence interval 1.8, 4.3) as likely when the CES-D was in use. Increase was more marked when adolescents were more disturbed overall. There was no evidence suggesting this was due to changes in diagnostic practices or in the patient population. Conclusion: Availability to clinicians of a self-rating depression scale completed prior to assessment was associated with an increase in the frequency of diagnosis of depression in a specialist mental health service for adolescents.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (4) ◽  
pp. 324-331
Gi Hwan Byeon ◽  
Woo Jin Kim ◽  
Min Soo Byun ◽  
Jun Ho Lee ◽  
So Yeon Jeon ◽  

Objective Anosognosia is a common phenomenon in individuals with dementia. Anosognosia Questionnaire for dementia (AQ-D) is a well-known scale for evaluating anosognosia. This study aimed to establish a Korean version of the AQ-D (AQ-D-K) and to evaluate the reliability and validity of the AQ-D-K in patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) dementia.Methods We translated the original English version of AQ-D into Korean (AQ-D-K). Eighty-four subjects with very mild or mild AD dementia and their caregivers participated. Reliability of AQ-D-K was assessed by internal consistency and one-month test-retest reliability. Construct validity and concurrent validity were also evaluated.Results Internal consistencies of the AQ-D-K patient form and caregiver form were high (Cronbach alpha 0.95 and 0.93, respectively). The test-retest reliability of AQ-D-K measured by intra-class correlation coefficient was 0.84. Three factors were identified: 1) anosognosia of instrumental activity of daily living; 2) anosognosia basic activity of daily living; and 3) anosognosia of depression and disinhibition. AQ-D-K score was significantly correlated with the clinician-rated anosognosia rating scale (ARS), center for epidemiological studies-depression scale (CES-D) and state-trait anxiety inventory (STAI).Conclusion The findings suggest that the AQ-D-K is a reliable and valid scale for evaluating anosognosia for AD dementia patients using Korean language.

2005 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 222-226 ◽  
David C Mohr ◽  
Heather Burke ◽  
Victoria Beckner ◽  
Natalia Merluzzi

Objective: Peer-support interventions have shown no statistically significant or clinically meaningful effect on quality of life (QOL) or depressive symptoms for multiple sclerosis (MS) patients. Peer-support interventions for MS generally provide support but no skills training. The aim of this study was to evaluate a brief telephone-administered skills-training model of peer-support for patients with MS. Methods: Sixteen patients with MS showing signs of moderate distress received eight sessions of telephone-administered peer support (TAPS). TAPS is a manualized programme administered by peer-support counsellors diagnosed with MS. Using a workbook, peer-support counsellors teach skills to manage distress and MS symptoms. Subjective depression was assessed using the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale while objective depression was rated using the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression. QOL was measured preand post-treatment using the SF-36. Results: The participants showed significant improvements on both the CESD (p=0.04) and the HRSD (p=0.01). Overall QOL improved significantly (p=0.045), however this was not reflected in either the Physical Health composite score or the Mental Health Composite Scale (p-0.17). Conclusions: These findings suggest that TAPS may prove to be an efficacious peer-support model for patients with MS.

2010 ◽  
Vol 67 (2) ◽  
pp. 151-158 ◽  
Gordana Dedic ◽  
Slavisa Djurdjevic ◽  
Boris Golubovic

Background/Aim. Urgent psychiatric help and effective psychotherapeutic treatments are required soon after revival of a person after suicide attempt by self-poisoning. The aim of this article was to define an assessment of actual psychological characteristics of a person after suicide attempt by self-poisoning in order to apply psychotherapeutic crisis intervention after suicide attempt, as well as to show an approach to the treatment guided by the assessment that uses a psychodynamic model of suicidal crisis intervention based on our clinical experience. Methods. Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAMD), Center for Epidemiological Studies- Depression Scale (CES-D), Defensive Questionnaire Scale (DSQ-40), Scaling of Life Events (Paykel), and Pierce Suicide Intent Scale (SIS) were applied in 30 hospitalized persons following suicide attempt by self-poisoning and in 30 patients who had asked for psychiatric examination at the outpatient clinic due to various life crises not resulting in suicide attempt. The examinees of both groups were matched by sex, age, and education, professional and marital status. Comparison of the patient groups was done by the ttest. Logistic regression analysis was used for suicidal risk assessment. Results. The suicide attempters were depressed (HAMD = 22.60 ? 5.93, CES-D = 29.67 ? 7.99), with medium suicide risk factor (SIS = 4.5 ? 4.17), using immature (projection, dissociation, devaluation, acting-out) and neurotic (altruism) defense mechanisms. The most important motives for suicide attempt were separation problems, problems with parents and a problem of loneliness. The commonest feelings and thoughts of a subject preceding suicide attempt were a wish to escape an unbearable situation, loss of control, desire to show love for a partner and wish to be helped. After a suicide attempt, 90% of the persons felt relief because the attempt failed, although almost half of them intend to repeat it. The risk of repeated suicide attempt was 1.8 (90% CI = 0.09-37.70, p < 0.001) times higher if values on the SIS Total Score were increased and 1.62 (90% CI = 0.03-81.39, p < 0.001) times higher if values on the SIS 1 (Circumstances Score) subscale were increased, too. Conclusion. Before starting with psychotherapy for persons after suicide attempt by self-poisoning it is very important to define psychological assessment of a person, choose the treatment (out-patient clinic or inpatient/ hospital), assess indications for pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy that also must include a selection of patients for application of this therapeutic method. Assessment of conscientious and unconscientious conflicts leading to a suicide attempt represents initial basis for a therapist's work with a patient after suicide attempt and for application of psychotherapeutic crisis intervention.

2014 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 153-158 ◽  
Marco Monticone ◽  
Simona Ferrante ◽  
Ines Giorgi ◽  
Caterina Galandra ◽  
Barbara Rocca ◽  

BACKGROUND: Increasing attention is being devoted to cognitive-behavioural measures to improve interventions for chronic pain.OBJECTIVE: To develop an Italian version of the Coping Strategies Questionnaire – Revised (CSQ-R), and to validate it in a study involving 345 Italian subjects with chronic pain.METHODS: The questionnaire was developed following international recommendations. The psychometric analyses included confirmatory factor analysis; reliability, assessed by internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha) and test-retest reliability (intraclass correlation coefficients); and construct validity, assessed by calculating the correlations between the subscales of the CSQ-R and measures of pain (numerical rating scale), disability (Sickness Impact Profile – Roland Scale), depression (Center for Epidemiological Studies – Depression Scale) and coping (Chronic Pain Coping Inventory) (Pearson’s correlation).RESULTS: Confirmatory factor analysis revealed that the CSQ-R model had an acceptable data-model fit (comparative fit index and normed fit index ≤0.90, root mean square error of approximation ≥0.08). Cronbach’s alpha was satisfactory (CSQ-R 0.914 to 0.961), and the intraclass correlation coefficients were good/excellent (CSQ-R 0.850 to 0.918). As expected, the correlations with the numerical rating scale, Sickness Impact Profile – Roland Scale, Center for Epidemiological Studies – Depression Scale and Chronic Pain Coping Inventory highlighted the adaptive and maladaptive properties of most of the CSQ-R subscales.CONCLUSION: The CSQ-R was successfully translated into Italian. The translation proved to have good factorial structure, and its psychometric properties are similar to those of the original and other adapted versions. Its use is recommended for clinical and research purposes in Italy and abroad.

Joana Straub ◽  
Ferdinand Keller ◽  
Nina Sproeber ◽  
Michael G. Koelch ◽  
Paul L. Plener

Objective: Research in adults has identified an association between bipolar disorder and suicidal behavior. This relationship, however, has been insufficiently investigated in adolescents to date. Methods: 1,117 adolescents from 13 German schools (mean age = 14.83, SD = .63; 52.7% females) completed an extended German version of the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D), which assesses depressive and manic symptoms during the last week, as well as the Self-Harm Behavior Questionnaire (SHBQ) for the assessment of lifetime suicidal behavior. Results: In the present sample 39.4% of the girls and 23.1% of the boys reported lifetime suicidal thoughts and 7.1% of the girls as well as 3.9% of the boys a lifetime history of suicide attempts. 18.7% of the adolescent sample revealed elevated symptoms of depression and 9% elevated levels of mania symptoms. Elevated sum scores of depression and mania were associated with a higher number of suicidal ideations and suicide attempts. A block-wise regression analysis revealed that sum scores of depression and mania predicted suicidal ideations best. Concerning suicide attempts, the best predictors were age as well as depression and mania sum scores. Conclusions: Suicidal behavior was reported more often when adolescents demonstrate symptoms of mania as well as symptoms of depression than when they demonstrate only depressive symptoms. The presence of bipolar symptoms in adolescents should alert clinicians to the heightened possibility of suicidal behavior.

Diagnostica ◽  
2000 ◽  
Vol 46 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-37 ◽  
Herbert Matschinger ◽  
Astrid Schork ◽  
Steffi G. Riedel-Heller ◽  
Matthias C. Angermeyer

Zusammenfassung. Beim Einsatz der Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) stellt sich das Problem der Dimensionalität des Instruments, dessen Lösung durch die Konfundierung eines Teilkonstruktes (“Wohlbefinden”) mit Besonderheiten der Itemformulierung Schwierigkeiten bereitet, da Antwortartefakte zu erwarten sind. Dimensionsstruktur und Eignung der CES-D zur Erfassung der Depression bei älteren Menschen wurden an einer Stichprobe von 663 über 75-jährigen Teilnehmern der “Leipziger Langzeitstudie in der Altenbevölkerung” untersucht. Da sich die Annahme der Gültigkeit eines partial-credit-Rasch-Modells sowohl für die Gesamtstichprobe als auch für eine Teilpopulation als zu restriktiv erwies, wurde ein 3- bzw. 4-Klassen-latent-class-Modell für geordnete Kategorien berechnet und die 4-Klassen-Lösung als den Daten angemessen interpretiert: Drei Klassen zeigten sich im Sinne des Konstrukts “Depression” geordnet, eine Klasse enthielt jene Respondenten, deren Antwortmuster auf ein Antwortartefakt hinwiesen. In dieser Befragtenklasse wird der Depressionsgrad offensichtlich überschätzt. Zusammenhänge mit Alter und Mini-Mental-State-Examination-Score werden dargestellt. Nach unseren Ergebnissen muß die CES-D in einer Altenbevölkerung mit Vorsicht eingesetzt werden, der Summenscore sollte nicht verwendet werden.

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