scholarly journals Levels of 14C in the Terrestrial Environment in the Vicinity of Two European Nuclear Power Plants

Radiocarbon ◽  
2004 ◽  
Vol 46 (2) ◽  
pp. 863-868 ◽  
åsa Magnusson ◽  
Kristina Stenström ◽  
Göran Skog ◽  
Diana Adliene ◽  
Gediminas Adlys ◽  

Radiocarbon is produced in all types of nuclear reactors. Most of the 14C released into the environment is in the form of gaseous emissions. Recent data on the 14C concentration found in terrestrial samples taken in the vicinity of nuclear power plants in Romania and Lithuania are presented. We found increased 14C levels in the surroundings of both power plants. At the Romanian power plant Cernavoda, we found excess levels of 14C in grass within a distance of about 1000 m, the highest 14C specific activity being 311 Bq/kg C (approximately 28% above the contemporary 14C background) found at a distance of 200 m from the point of release (nearest sampling location). At the Lithuanian power plant Ignalina, samples of willow, pine, and spruce showed a 14C excess of similar magnitude, while significantly higher values were found in moss samples. The samples were analyzed at the accelerator mass spectrometry facility in Lund, Sweden.

2021 ◽  
Li Liang ◽  
Pan Rong ◽  
Ren Guopeng ◽  
Zhu Xiuyun

Abstract Almost all nuclear power plants in the world are equipped with seismic instrument system, especially the third generation nuclear power plants in China. When the ground motion measured by four time history accelerometers of containment foundation exceeds the preset threshold, the automatic shutdown trigger signal will be generated. However, from the seismic acceleration characteristics, isolated and prominent single high frequency will be generated the acceleration peak, which has no decisive effect on the seismic response, may cause false alarm, which has a certain impact on the smooth operation of nuclear power plant. According to the principle of three elements of ground motion, this paper puts forward a method that first selects the filtering frequency band which accords with the structural characteristics of nuclear power plants, then synthesizes the three axial acceleration time history, and finally selects the appropriate acceleration peak value for threshold alarm. The results show that the seismic acceleration results obtained by this method can well represent the actual magnitude of acceleration, and can solve the problem of false alarm due to the randomness of single seismic wave, and can be used for automatic reactor shutdown trigger signal of seismic acceleration.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2083 (2) ◽  
pp. 022020
Jiahuan Yu ◽  
Xiaofeng Zhang

Abstract With the development of the nuclear energy industry and the increasing demand for environmental protection, the impact of nuclear power plant radiation on the environment has gradually entered the public view. This article combs the nuclear power plant radiation environmental management systems of several countries, takes the domestic and foreign management of radioactive effluent discharge from nuclear power plants as a starting point, analyses and compares the laws and standards related to radioactive effluents from nuclear power plants in France, the United States, China, and South Korea. In this paper, the management improvement of radioactive effluent discharge system of Chinese nuclear power plants has been discussed.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 251-256 ◽  
Sergey Shcheklein ◽  
Ismail Hossain ◽  
Mohammad Akbar ◽  
Vladimir Velkin

Bangladesh lies in a tectonically active zone. Earlier geological studies show that Bangladesh and its adjoining areas are exposed to a threat of severe earthquakes. Earthquakes may have disastrous consequences for a densely populated country. This dictates the need for a detailed analysis of the situation prior to the construction of nuclear power plant as required by the IAEA standards. This study reveals the correlation between seismic acceleration and potential damage. Procedures are presented for investigating the seismic hazard within the future NPP construction area. It has been shown that the obtained values of the earthquake’s peak ground acceleration are at the level below the design basis earthquake (DBE) level and will not lead to nuclear power plant malfunctions. For the most severe among the recorded and closely located earthquake centers (Madhupur) the intensity of seismic impacts on the nuclear power plant site does not exceed eight points on the MSK-64 scale. The existing predictions as to the possibility of a super-earthquake with magnitude in excess of nine points on the Richter scale to take place on the territory of the country indicate the necessity to develop an additional efficient seismic diagnostics system and to switch nuclear power plants in good time to passive heat removal mode as stipulated by the WWER 3+ design. A conclusion is made that accounting for the predicted seismic impacts in excess of the historically recorded levels should be achieved by the establishment of an additional efficient seismic diagnostics system and by timely switching the nuclear power plants to passive heat removal mode with reliable isolation of the reactor core and spent nuclear fuel pools.

Esko Pekkarinen

Modernisation of control rooms of the nuclear power plants has been a major issue during the last few years. With this as a basis, the BWR plants in Sweden and Finland funded, in co-operation with the Halden Project, an experimental HAMBO BWR simulator project based on the Forsmark 3 plant in Sweden. VTT Energy in Finland developed the simulator models for HAMBO with the aid of their APROS tool, while the operator interface was developed by the Halden Project. The simulator and its performance have been described in other publications [1, 2]. On July 25th 2006 there was a short circuit at Forsmark 1 nuclear power plant when manoeuvring equipment in the 400kV-switch yard. Due to the short circuit, the plant suffered an electrical disturbance that led to scram and failure of two out of four diesel generators. The purpose of the study carried out at VTT in 2007 was to assess the capabilities of the HAMBO BWR simulator to handle Forsmark 1 type of events in different nuclear power plants (Forsmark 3 in this case). The Forsmark 1 incident showed (among other things) that the intention to protect certain components (in this case the UPS-system) can in certain situations affect negatively to the safety functions. It is concluded that most of this type of BWR transients may be simulated to a certain extent using the existing HAMBO- and APROS- models. A detailed modelling of the automation and electric systems is required sometimes if the complex interplay between these systems and the process is to be predicted reliably. The modelling should be plant specific and level of detail should be assessed case-by-case (i.e. what kind of transient is in question, what systems are available, what is the main purpose of the analyses etc.). The thermal-hydraulic models of the APROS-code seem to replicate well the real behaviour of thermal-hydraulic process provided that there is enough information about the transient in consideration.

Walter Krämer ◽  
Gerhard Arminger

SummaryFor decades, there has been a heated debate about whether or not nuclear power plants contribute to childhood cancer in their respective neighbourhoods, with statisticians testifying on both sides. The present paper points to some flaws in the pro-arguments, taking a recent study prepared for the political party “Bündnis 90 /Grüne” as a specimen. Typical mistakes include an understatement of the size of tests of significance, disregard of important covariates and extreme reliance on very few selected data points.

2012 ◽  
Vol 260-261 ◽  
pp. 103-106
Yi Chun Lin ◽  
Yung Nane Yang

The ripples of the tsunami crisis in Japan triggered introspections of nuclear plant safety issues in the worldwide. Many countries have claimed the suspension of nuclear power plants. However, some countries such as Taiwan, under nearly 99% energy is exported, the disasters force government and citizen to face the importance of nuclear safety, especially the neighborhoods nearby the nuclear power plants. We have to face the nuclear safety since there is no other alternative energy presently. The 3rd nuclear power plant located in the south of Taiwan, which has the same geographic features with Fukushima, Japan. Presently, there is no precedent in Taiwan of precaution and rescue team and civil supervised mechanic on nuclear security issue. This paper will review according to transparent information, public participation and cross-organization cooperation to propose the execution and work division principles, including information monitor, educational propagation, hide and evacuation, emergence aid and care, rear and refuge service. The ultimate target is to establish self-governance inside nearby neighborhood to confront nuclear disaster at the critical moment.

Jingxi Li ◽  
Gaofeng Huang ◽  
Lili Tong

The major threat that nuclear power plants (NPPs) pose to the safety of the public comes from the large amount radioactive material released during design-basis accidents (DBAs). Additionally, many aspects of Control Room Habitability, Environmental Reports, Facility Siting and Operation derive from the design analyses that incorporated the earlier accident source term and radiological consequence of NPPs. Depending on current applications, majority of Chinese NPPs adopt the method of TID-14844, which uses the whole body and thyroid dose criteria. However, alternative Source Term (AST) are commonly used in AP1000 and some LWRs (such as Beaver Valley Power Station, Units No. 1 and No. 2, Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, Unit Nos. 1 And 2, Kewaunee Power Station and so on), so it is attempted to adopt AST in radiological consequence analysis of other nuclear power plants. By introducing and implementing the method of AST defined in RG 1.183 and using integral safety analysis code, a pressurized water reactor (PWR) of 900 MW nuclear power plant analysis model is constructed and the radiological consequence induced by Main Steam Line Break (MSLB) accident is evaluated. For DBA MSLB, the fractions of core inventory are assumed to be in the gap for various radionuclides and then the release from the fuel gap is assumed to occur instantaneously with the onset of assumed damage. According to the assumptions for evaluating the radiological consequences of PWR MSLB, dose calculation methodology is performed with total effective dose equivalent (TEDE) which is the criteria of dose evaluation. Compared with dose criteria of RG 1.183, the dose of control room, exclusion area boundary and outer boundary of low population zone are acceptable.

Caike Zhang ◽  
Jingwen Qi ◽  
Chun Liu ◽  
Chenglong Xie ◽  
Peibang Liu ◽  

At present, DCS is widely used as the control system for nuclear power plants both at home and abroad, which prompting many companies to research the technology of DCS debugging. In this paper, taking a certain nuclear power plant within China for reference, the virtual DCS debugging and research platform which based on the full-scope nuclear power plant simulation model is developed. It was developed by first establishing a simulation model on the RINSIM Simulation Platform and ordering a customized set of virtual DCS system, then developing a communication program between the simulation model and the virtual DCS system. Users can observe the actual effects and results if following the pre-designed testing procedures after the configuration of control logics, HMI (Human Machine Interface) and I/O communication interfaces. The virtual DCS platform is aimed at assisting with technology research of DCS project for similar nuclear power plants and also can provide professional training for associated personnel of nuclear power plant.

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