scholarly journals 4. Factors affecting radar-meteor echo durations

1968 ◽  
Vol 33 ◽  
pp. 45-49
A. Hajduk

The analysis of two factors influencing radar-meteor echo durations leads to the conclusion, that (1) the echo duration depends considerably on the train position with respect to the sensitivity contours of the radar; (2) the mean echo duration changes with respect to the radiant motion of a meteor shower. As a consequence of the factors mentioned above, the magnitude function, or the mass distribution function depends significantly on the observational conditions, as well as on the choice of the range and time intervals of the investigated sample.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2(31)2021 (2(31)) ◽  
pp. 29-40
Mykhailo Fys ◽  
Andrii Brydun ◽  
Mariana Yurkiv ◽  
Andrii Sohor ◽  

Purpose. To investigate the features of the algorithm implementation for finding the derivatives of the spatial distribution function of the planet's masses with the use of high-order Stokes constants and, on the basis of this, to find its analytical expression. According to the given methodology, to carry out calculations with the help of which to carry on the study of dynamic phenomena occurring inside an ellipsoidal planet. The proposed method involves the determination of the derivatives of the mass distribution function by the sum, the coefficients of which are obtained from the system of equations, which is incorrect. In order to solve it, an error-resistant method for calculating unknowns was used. The implementation of the construction is carried out in an iterative way, while for the initial approximation we take the three-dimensional function of the density of the Earth's masses, built according to Stokes constants up to the second order inclusive, by dynamic compression by the one-dimensional density distribution, and we determine the expansion coefficients of the derivatives of the function in the variables to the third order inclusive. They are followed by the corresponding density function, which is then taken as the initial one. The process is repeated until the specified order of approximation is reached. To obtain a stable result, we use the Cesaro summation method (method of means).. The calculations performed with the help of programs that implement the given algorithm, while the achieved high (ninth) order of obtaining the terms of the sum of calculations. The studies of the convergence of the sum of the series have been carried out, and on this basis, a conclusion has been made about the advisability of using the generalized finding of the sums based on the Cesaro method. The optimal number of contents of the sum terms has been chosen, provides convergence both for the mass distribution function and for its derivatives. Calculations of the deviations of mass distribution from the mean value ("inhomogeneities") for extreme points of the earth's geoid, which basically show the total compensation along the radius of the Earth, have been performed. For such three-dimensional distributions, calculations were performed and schematic maps were constructed according to the taken into account values of deviations of three-dimensional distributions of the mean ("inhomogeneities") at different depths reflecting the general structure of the Earth's internal structure. The presented vector diagrams of the horizontal components of the density gradient at characteristic depths (2891 km - core-mantle, 700 km - middle of the mantle, also the upper mantle - 200, 100 km) allow us to draw preliminary conclusions about the global movement of masses. At the same time, a closed loop is observed on the “core-mantle” edge, which is an analogy of a closed electric circuit. For shallower depths, differentiation of vector motions is already taking place, which gives hope for attracting these vector-grams to the study of dynamic motions inside the Earth. In fact, the vertical component (derivative with respect to the z variable) is directed towards the center of mass and confirms the main property of mass distributions - growth when approaching the center of mass. The method of stable solution of incorrect linear systems is applied, by means of which the vector-gram of the gradient of the mass distribution function is constructed. The nature of such schemes provides a tool for possible causes of mass redistribution in the middle of the planet and to identify possible factors of tectonic processes in the middle of the Earth, i.e indirectly confirms the gravitational convection of masses. The proposed technique can be used to create detailed models of density functions and its characteristics (derivatives) of the planet's interior, and the results of numerical experiments - to solve tectonics problems.

1998 ◽  
Vol 500 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-27 ◽  
Jounghun Lee ◽  
Sergei F. Shandarin

1992 ◽  
Vol 389 ◽  
pp. 68 ◽  
A. Pisani ◽  
G. Giuricin ◽  
F. Mardirossian ◽  
M. Mezzetti

2018 ◽  
Vol 619 ◽  
pp. A89 ◽  
Z. Butcher ◽  
S. Schneider ◽  
W. van Driel ◽  
M. D. Lehnert

We present a new optical luminosity-HI mass bivariate luminosity function (BLF) based on HI line observations from the Nançay Interstellar Baryons Legacy Extragalactic Survey (NIBLES). NIBLES sources lie within the local universe (900 ≤ c z ≤ 12 000 km s−1) and were chosen from SDSS DR5 such that the optical luminosity function was sampled as uniformly as possible. The HI mass function (HIMF) derived from our raw-data BLF, which is based on HI detections only, is consistent with the HIMFs derived from other optically selected surveys in that the low-mass slope is flatter than those derived from blind HI surveys. However, spanning the entire luminosity range of NIBLES, we identify a highly consistent distribution of the HI gas mass to luminosity ratio (gas-to-light ratio) with a predictable progression in the mean MHI/L r ratio as a function of L r. This consistency allows us to construct plausible gas-to-light ratio distributions for very low-luminosity bins which lie outside the NIBLES sample. We also identify a ∼10% decrease in detection fraction for galaxies fainter than log(L r) = 9.25, consistent with the expected decrease due to distance and sensitivity effects. Accounting for these trends, we reconstruct plausible gas-to-light distributions spanning luminosity bins down to log(L r) = 5.25, thus producing a corrected BLF. This corrected BLF is in good qualitative agreement with optical luminosity-HI mass distributions from the ALFALFA survey and is able to accurately reproduce blind survey HIMFs, lending credibility that this two dimensional optical luminosity-HI mass distribution is an accurate representation of the volume density distribution of galaxies in the local universe. We also note that our agreement with HIMFs from other surveys is dependent on accounting for all systematic differences such as selection method, Hubble constant and HI flux scale.

2007 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
pp. 324-326 ◽  
Yee Jim Loh ◽  
Masakazu Nakao ◽  
Wei Ding Tan ◽  
Chong Hee Lim ◽  
Yong Seng Tan ◽  

Size matching of radial artery conduits to coronary arteries is important as it affects the long-term patency. However, factors affecting radial artery size have not been adequately investigated. We retrospectively reviewed 327 consecutive patients who had duplex ultrasonography of their radial arteries over a 2-year period. There were 225 men and 102 women. The mean radial artery size was 2.45 ± 0.54 mm. The factors found to positively affect the size of the radial artery were sex, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia. Diabetes mellitus and age were found to negatively affect radial artery size. Renal disease, race, and smoking did not significantly influence the size of the radial artery. However, as the R squared of this model was insignificant, further studies need to be undertaken to determine other factors that may influence radial artery size.

2020 ◽  
Vol 494 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-61 ◽  
Tom Charnock ◽  
Guilhem Lavaux ◽  
Benjamin D Wandelt ◽  
Supranta Sarma Boruah ◽  
Jens Jasche ◽  

ABSTRACT An ambitious goal in cosmology is to forward model the observed distribution of galaxies in the nearby Universe today from the initial conditions of large-scale structures. For practical reasons, the spatial resolution at which this can be done is necessarily limited. Consequently, one needs a mapping between the density of dark matter averaged over ∼Mpc scales and the distribution of dark matter haloes (used as a proxy for galaxies) in the same region. Here, we demonstrate a method for determining the halo mass distribution function by learning the tracer bias between density fields and halo catalogues using a neural bias model. The method is based on the Bayesian analysis of simple, physically motivated, neural network-like architectures, which we denote as neural physical engines, and neural density estimation. As a result, we are able to sample the initial phases of the dark matter density field while inferring the parameters describing the halo mass distribution function, providing a fully Bayesian interpretation of both the initial dark matter density distribution and the neural bias model. We successfully run an upgraded borg (Bayesian Origin Reconstruction from Galaxies) inference using our new likelihood and neural bias model with halo catalogues derived from full N-body simulations. In preliminary results, we notice there could potentially be orders of magnitude improvement in modelling compared to classical biasing techniques.

2002 ◽  
Vol 577 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-21 ◽  
Yutaka Fujita ◽  
Craig L. Sarazin ◽  
Masahiro Nagashima ◽  
Taihei Yano

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