Fever Chart of the U.N.

Worldview ◽  
1976 ◽  
Vol 19 (10) ◽  
pp. 9-12 ◽  
Joe Byrns Sills

Recent events in the United Nations have called into question American support for the world organization—particularly resolutions of the Twenty-Ninth General Assembly (1974) giving observer status to the Palestine Liberation Organization, resolutions of the Thirtieth Assembly (1975) equating Zionism with racism, and recent actions of the U.N. Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the International Labor Organization. What I plan here, using polling data primarily, is an analysis of the current state of American public opinion about the U.N., and I want to place the current attitude in historical perspective.In the early years of the organization—roughly from the signing of the Charter in 1945 through the Korean armistice in 1953—the American public tended to have great expectations of the United Nations.

1948 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 359-360 ◽  

Report to the Economic and Social Council: The International Labor Organization submitted to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations on, September 29, 1947 a report on its activities during the year 1947. This report, the first of a regular series which ILO had agreed to submit regularly (Article V paragraph 2(a) of the Agreement between the United Nations and the ILO), included background information and covered the period from the establishment of the United Nations to July 15, 1947. This report dealt with the decisions of five successive sessions of the International Labor Conference, i.e., those held in Philadelphia, May 1947, in Paris, October–November 1945, in Seattle, June 1946, in Montreal, September–October 1946, and in Geneva, June–July 1947. Future reports, it was announced, would cover only one year's work. The report was accompanied by a volume containing a series of appendices which included the text of the Constitution of ILO as amended by the 1946 Instrument of Amendment, the text of the Agreement between the United Nations and ILO, a list of the committees of ILO, a list of meetings convened by ILO as well as meetings of other international organizations at which ILO was represented during the period covered by the report, a list of and the texts of Conventions, Recommendations, and some of the Resolutions adopted by the International Labor Conference, resolutions adopted by the third Conference of American States Members of ILO, held in 1946, and the text of the agreement between ILO and FAO.

1987 ◽  
Vol 21 (4) ◽  
pp. 967-995 ◽  
Ellen Percy Kraly ◽  
K.S. Gnanasekaran

During the past decade the international statistical community has made several efforts to develop standards for the definition, collection and publication of statistics on international migration. This article surveys the history of official initiatives to standardize international migration statistics by reviewing the recommendations of the ISI, International Labor Organization and the United Nations and reports a recently proposed agenda for moving toward comparability among national statistical systems.

1947 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 356-357

As a result of an agreement concluded with the United Nations, the ILO became the first intergovernmental organization created before World War II to be integrated into the framework of United Nations. The 29th Conference of the ILO effected a revision of the Constitution in order to facilitate a working relationship with the United Nations.

2010 ◽  
Vol 44 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-18

Created in 1944, Americans United for World Organization was a private internationalist organization promoting US entry into the United Nations, and although it has been overlooked by historians it deserves re-evaluation. This is less a result of its contributions to the public and congressional debates over UN ratification, and more closely related to the internal ideological and bureaucratic divisions that afflicted the organization from its very beginning. Americans United for World Organization was in fact anything but united, and it foreshadowed the divisions of the internationalist movement in the early years of the Cold War.

1950 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 319-322

Meeting in its 110th session in Mysore, India, the ILO Governing Body completed action on a number of projects designed to extend, in cooperation with the United Nations, technical assistance to economically under-developed areas. The Governing Body also authorized the Director-General (Morse) to raise with the Trusteeship Council a number of questions arising out of the reports of the administering authorities and relating to the applicability of ILO conventions and recommendations in trust territories. At the same session, the Governing Body approved procedures for the establishment of a nine-member commission to examine infringements of trade union rights, the first international fact-finding and conciliation commission on freedom of association. The members of the commission, to be chosen “for their personal qualifications” and expected to “discharge their duties with complete independence,” were to be selected by the Governing Body at its 111th session, to convene in Geneva on March 8, 1950. The commission was created in accordance with a request of the Economic and Social Council of August 1949 and was to function on behalf of the United Nations as well as the ILO. The Governing Body defined the commission as “essentially a fact-finding body” which was also authorized to consult with the government or governments concerned “with a view to securing the adjustment of difficulties by agreement.” Complaints alleging the violation of trade union rights were to be referred to the commission by either the Governing Body or the International Labor Conference.

1949 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 152-154

Further Decisions of the ILO San Francisco Meetings: The Governing Body approved in principle the establishment of consultative relationships with the International Federation of Christian Trade Unions and the Inter-American Confederation of Labor, and accepted for the ILO the United Nations convention on the privileges and immunities of the specialized agencies as modified by an annex relating to the ILO. As a result of the decisions of the Conference the total number of international labor conventions adopted by the Organization was brought to 90 and the total number of recommendations to 83. The Governing Body decided that the next session of the conference would be held in Geneva, Switzerland, June 8, 1949.

2018 ◽  
Miguel Urra

Normalmente, se identifica el nacimiento del paradigma de desarrollo social y humano con el establecimiento del “Índice de Desarrollo Humano” de las Naciones Unidas en 1990 y con la obre de Max-Neef “El desarrollo a escala humana”, publicada en 1993. Es decir, se puede entender que el paradigma de desarrollo humano nace en la década de los noventa.Sin embargo, es importante reconocer los trabajos previos de Seers, Burnley, Naciones Unidas, la Organización Internacional del Trabajo, el Banco Mundial, Nerfin y Streeten, que prepararon el camino para que el paradigma del desarrollo social tuviera una base conceptual, filosófica, sociológica y política.------Normally, the birth of the paradigm of social and human development is identified with the establishment of the "Human Development Index" of the United Nations in 1990 and with the work of Max-Neef "Development on a human scale", published in 1993.However, it is important to recognize the previous works of Seers, Burnley, the United Nations, the International Labor Organization, the World Bank, Nerfin and Streeten, which paved the way for the paradigm of social development to have a conceptual, philosophical, sociological and political basis.

1947 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 117-120

Although closely bound to the League of Nations, the ILO did not go out of existence with its dissolution, but continued functioning as an independent agency during the war, despite the League's breakdown. During the past year, the ILO-United Nations agreement was signed, the ILO thus becoming the oldest of the “specialized” intergovernmental agencies to be brought into relationship with the United Nations. Other activities of the ILO during 1946 included the 29th International Labor Conference, a Maritime Conference, an American States Regional Conference, and the first meetings of four newly created Industrial Committees.

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