The continuum in soft-bodied biotas from transitional environments: a quantitative comparison of Triassic and Carboniferous Konservat-Lagerstätten

Paleobiology ◽  
1990 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 204-218 ◽  
Derek E. G. Briggs ◽  
Jean-Claude Gall

The exceptionally preserved Triassic (Anisian) Grès à Voltzia fauna from the Vosges of northeastern France is compared with four major Carboniferous Konservat-Lagerstätten. The problem of comparing faunas with different types of preservation and degrees of taxonomic determination is addressed with a newly devised similarity coefficient. This coefficient quantifies and combines data from different levels in the taxonomic hierarchy and allows comparisons between biotas in a consistent direction regardless of relative diversity. The rank order of similarity between the four Carboniferous Konservat-Lagerstätten and the Grès à Voltzia is as follows: 1. Mazon Creek (Westphalian D) of Illinois; 2. Glencartholm (Visean) of southern Scotland; 3. Bear Gulch (Namurian) of Montana; and 4. Blanzy-Montceau (Stephanian) of France. These occurrences represent conditions transitional between nearshore fully marine and fresh water. The Grès à Voltzia fauna is significantly closer to the Mazon Creek fauna than to the others; the taxonomic overlap with Blanzy-Montceau and Bear Gulch is limited.Stratigraphic age has an insignificant influence on the result; indeed, the fauna closest in age to the Grès à Voltzia, that of Blanzy-Montceau, is least similar. Taphonomic factors are important in determining the range of organisms preserved. The Glencartholm fauna is represented only by forms with either mineralized or robust chitinous skeletons, implying a greater degree of decay prior to the onset of diagenetic mineralization than in the other Konservat-Lagerstätten. Environment, however, is the major control on similarity. The Mazon Creek biota, like that of Grès à Voltzia, represents settings transitional between terrestrial and marine-influenced delta. Groups common to both Konservat-Lagerstätten include medusae, brachiopods, polychaetes, bivalve and gastropod molluscs, limulids, scorpions, spiders, branchiopods, ostracodes, malacostracans, cycloids, euthycarcinoid and myriapod uniramians, insects, fish, and tetrapods. There is a striking continuity between the faunas of Carboniferous and Triassic transitional sedimentary environments. Groups that were adapted to fluctuating conditions (e.g., shifting salinity) show strong congruence at the family and lower levels and were little affected by Permian extinctions. The major taxonomic contrasts are in the eumalacostracans and insects: many of the groups represented in the Grès à Voltzia appeared in the Permian and radiated across the Permo-Triassic boundary as Paleozoic forms became extinct.

Bibiana Regueiro ◽  
Susana Rodríguez ◽  
Isabel Piñeiro ◽  
Iris Estévez ◽  
Mar Ferradás ◽  

The main purpose of this work is to check if the student motivation is an important factor in their perception of family involvement on homework. This is to check the relationships between different levels of intrinsic motivation towards school work of students in secondary and their perceptions of parental support and the type of feedback provided by their parents to homework, including the latter parental support and parental control. The sample consists of 730 (43.4% male; 56.6% female) of Secondary School students (12 to 16). The results show that higher levels of intrinsic motivation are associated with a higher perception of students regarding parental accompaniment to do homework and parental control and support them. We conclude, therefore, that student motivation is a factor of great importance to the involvement of the family environment and, more specifically, for the support and feedback provided by parents regarding homework.

2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Widya Aprilia Kurnia ◽  
Agung Murti Nugroho

Tanean Lanjhang merupakan bentuk rumah tradisional Madura yang memiliki komponen-komponen yang di antaranya adalah Langghar (Musholla), rumah utama yang diikuti rumah-rumah lainnya yang pada umumnya berderet dari Barat ke Timur, sesuai dengan urutan dalam keluarga, dapur, kandang, dan Tanean (pekarangan). Pada penelitian ini dibahas tentang karakteristik ruang pada rumah tradisional Tanean Lanjhang di Desa Bandang Laok, Kecamatan Kokop, Kabupaten Bangkalan, Madura yang terfokus pada beberapa kelompok Tanean Lanjhang di Dusun Baktalbak. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan menganalisis hasil identifikasi karakteristik ruang pada masing-masing kelompok Tanean. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pola Tanean Lanjhang yang hanya terdapat 1 rumah utama saja disebabkan oleh keterbatasan lahan untuk mendirikan rumah hunian baru, sehingga keluarga baru/muda harus membuat rumah hunian lain dengan pola Tanean Lanjhang juga. Selain itu terdapat persamaan bentuk ruang dengan ukuran ruang yang bervariasi, sesuai dengan fungsi dan kegunaan. Sementara itu, perbedaan pembatas ruang dan komponen ruang menunjukkan tingkat perekonomian yang berbeda Tanean Lanjhang is a form of  Madurese  traditional house  which have components  of Langghar (mosque), the main house followed by other homes that are generally rows from West to East, according to the order in the family, kitchen, stables, and Tanean (yard). This study discussed about the characteristics of space in a traditional house Tanean Lanjhang in the village of Bandang Laok, Kokop District, Bangkalan Regency, Madura, which focused on several groups of Tanean Lanjhang in Baktalbak village. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative by analyzing space characteristics on each Tanean group. The results showed that the pattern  of Tanean Lanjhang with one main house was caused by the limitation of land to build a new residential house, so the new family must build another residential house with Lanjhang Tanean pattern also. In addition, there is a similarity of form of space with room sizes in vary according to the functionality and usability. While the difference  of  space  barrier  and  space  components  showed  the  different  levels of  the economy.

Zootaxa ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5067 (1) ◽  
pp. 135-143

The fossil record of Triassic Diptera is still poor, with the oldest dipteran assemblage described from the Upper Buntsandstein of the ‘Grès à Voltzia’ Formation (early Anisian, France). From the stratigraphically closest insect fauna of the Röt Formation of Lower Franconia, Germany, the first Diptera, Bashkonia franconica gen. et sp. nov. is described based on an isolated wing. The new genus is assigned to the family Nadipteridae, bridging the gap between two other genera included.  

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 53
Murad A. Al-Bustanji ◽  
Noor T. Al. Bdour ◽  
Mohammad A. Beirat

The current study aimed at determining the Jordanian families’ degree of acceptance of having a hysterectomy performed on their daughters with intellectual disabilities (ID). It also aimed to study the differences based on the age of the girl with intellectual Disability, the type of the Intellectual disability of the girl, the severity level of disability, the gender of surveyed parent, the level of education of surveyed parent, and the level of monthly income of the family. The participants of the study were (329) parents of girls with intellectual disabilities. Each one of the participant completed a questionnaire consisted of (21) items. The study concluded that the overall participants’ degree of acceptance of having a hysterectomy performed on their daughters with intellectual disabilities was low. The findings indicated that the families who had disabled daughters between the ages of 11-20 years had higher degree of acceptance of having their daughters undergo hysterectomy than the families who had disabled daughters between the ages of 5 - 10 years or even the ages of 21-30 years. The results showed that the families did not differ in their degree of acceptance of having a hysterectomy performed on their daughters with intellectual disabilities based on their daughters’ type of disability. The results showed that the families who had daughters with severe or profound disability had higher degree of acceptance of having their daughters undergo hysterectomy than participants who had daughters with mild or moderate disability.The results showed that the degree of acceptance of the mothers of girls with intellectual disabilities to perform hysterectomy on them was higher than the degree of acceptance of the fathers of girls with intellectual disabilities. The results showed that the participant parents (either mother or father in each family) who had no education had higher degree of acceptance of having their daughters undergo hysterectomy than the participant parents who had different levels of education. The results also showed that the families who had higher income had a higher degree of acceptance of having their daughters undergo hysterectomy than the families who had less income.

Hydrology ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 51 ◽  
Khamis Sayl ◽  
Ammar Adham ◽  
Coen J. Ritsema

In order to select suitable rainwater harvesting sites within the study area, rainwater harvesting criteria needed to be determined, defined, and structured. Several criteria played an important role in selecting the most suitable rainwater harvesting sites. A multicriteria analysis (MCA) approach, which is widely used to classify potential rainwater harvesting sites, was chosen to help select potential sites in the Wadi Horan region of Iraq. An MCA approach offered a systematic methodology focused on mathematics as well as professional expertise to organize and evaluate complex decisions. Unfortunately, there is no method for choosing among them the most appropriate for a given decision problem, as the choice remains a subjective task. This study used a geographic information system (GIS)-based approach with remote sensing to identify the optimal sites for rainwater harvesting. Four indices: evaporation, cost–benefit, sediment, and hydrology were selected in order to compare the potential sites. The analytic hierarchy process (AHP), fuzzy AHP, and rank order method (ROM) were used to assign weight to the study criteria. The results were then compared using a statistical (variance inverse (VI)) method. A sensitivity analysis was done to test the uncertainties and robustness of the results for each method. The results showed that the ROM and VI methods affected the ranking priority and considered all of the criteria that were sensitive to impact in the ranking process at the different levels compared to the methods of AHP and fuzzy AHP.

Modern Italy ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 345-361 ◽  
Francesca Degiuli

This paper explores how im/migrant women coming to Italy from all corners of the world and from very different backgrounds in terms of class, education and work experience are transformed into home eldercare assistants. The paper explores how these workers are created through discourses and every day practices enforced at different levels: from the state to the employers, from the mediators to the workers themselves. The creation of these workers has a double function: one is to fill the needs of a welfare state that otherwise would have to radically transform itself in order to provide effective services to the elders and, the other, is to alleviate the pressures of those of the family caregivers, mostly women, who otherwise would collapse under the burden of extended care.

1998 ◽  
Vol 64 (4) ◽  
pp. 1504-1509 ◽  
John D. Coates ◽  
Debra J. Ellis ◽  
Elizabeth L. Blunt-Harris ◽  
Catherine V. Gaw ◽  
Eric E. Roden ◽  

ABSTRACT To evaluate which microorganisms might be responsible for microbial reduction of humic substances in sedimentary environments, humic-reducing bacteria were isolated from a variety of sediment types. These included lake sediments, pristine and contaminated wetland sediments, and marine sediments. In each of the sediment types, all of the humic reducers recovered with acetate as the electron donor and the humic substance analog, 2,6-anthraquinone disulfonate (AQDS), as the electron acceptor were members of the familyGeobacteraceae. This was true whether the AQDS-reducing bacteria were enriched prior to isolation on solid media or were recovered from the highest positive dilutions of sediments in liquid media. All of the isolates tested not only conserved energy to support growth from acetate oxidation coupled to AQDS reduction but also could oxidize acetate with highly purified soil humic acids as the sole electron acceptor. All of the isolates tested were also able to grow with Fe(III) serving as the sole electron acceptor. This is consistent with previous studies that have suggested that the capacity for Fe(III) reduction is a common feature of all members of theGeobacteraceae. These studies demonstrate that the potential for microbial humic substance reduction can be found in a wide variety of sediment types and suggest thatGeobacteraceae species might be important humic-reducing organisms in sediments.

1983 ◽  
Vol 61 (7) ◽  
pp. 1670-1687 ◽  
Jarmila Kukalová-Peck ◽  
Eugene S. Richardson Jr.

New adults, a subadult, and a nymph of primitive, giant, Late Paleozoic Paleodictyoptera (Homoiopteridae) are described from Upper Carboniferous (Westphalian C–D) strata of Illinois: Mazothairos enormis gen. et sp. nov., Mazonopterum wolfforum gen. et sp. nov., Adolarryia bairdi gen. et sp. nov., Larryia osterbergi gen. et sp. nov., and Turneropterum turneri gen. et sp. nov. Some of these fossils show dorsal wing articulation, the most primitive known in the Pterygota. The biology of Paleodictyopteroidea is discussed. The family Homoiopteridae is reviewed for plesiomorphic features in venation that have been either reduced or transformed in modern insects, including paired costa, subcosta, and anal, and doubled radial stems.

2002 ◽  
Vol 76 (6) ◽  
pp. 1029-1046 ◽  
Jason S. Anderson

The aïstopod family Phlegethontiidae is restudied based on new specimens from Pit 11 of Mazon Creek, Illinois, and the coal shales of Nýřany, Czech Republic, as well as most available specimens from North America. Phlegethontiids have highly fenestrate skulls, with orbits placed just anterior their skull's mid point. Dermal skull bones are greatly reduced in number and limited in extent, whereas the endochondral braincase is hyperossified. The frontals are fused medially and enclose the parietal foramen and anterior sagittal crest. As in most other aïstopods, the quadrate, pterygoid, and epipterygoid are fused into a composite bone, the palatoquadrate complex. Details of cranial anatomy contradict a previous model of cranial kinesis by severely limiting the skull's potential mobility. Remnants of the pectoral girdle are present, perhaps due to the presence of an operculum–opercularis-like connection to the stapes. No remnants of the pelvis are present.Three species are recognised within the family. Phlegethontia linearis has short anterior vertebrae, high neural spines on at least the anterior four vertebrae, and vertebrae number between 230–250 in total. Phlegethontia longissima has low neural spines throughout the column, anterior vertebrae that are twice as long as P. linearis, and only 200–210 total vertebrae. Sillerpeton permianum, known from a single braincase and an unassociated string of vertebrae, is distinguished from Phlegethontia by the retention of a separate foramen for the passage of the occulomotor nerve. Phlegethontia “phanerhalpa” is a tiny braincase fragment that differs from the other species of Phlegethontia only in the placement of the jugular foramen relative to the centre of the foramen magnum. This is probably a size-related feature, and P. “phanerhalpa” is considered a nomen dubium.

2014 ◽  
Vol 2014 ◽  
pp. 1-9 ◽  
Sheikh Abdul Shakoor ◽  
Mudassir Ahmad Bhat

In the recent advancements in identification of plant species, phytoliths have found an immense role in the identification of plants at different levels of taxonomic hierarchy. Many plant groups are known to accumulate silica in solid form in and between the cells and tissues and hence create the structures commonly known as phytoliths. These phytoliths create replicas of the structures where they are deposited. The shapes of phytolith replicas, their size dimensions (morphometric parameters), surface features (ornamentation), distribution, and orientation pattern in epidermal layers of vegetative and reproductive structures as well as their frequency are highly important for characterization of species. Monocotyledonous families particularly the family Poaceae (Gramineae) are known to produce diverse phytolith types that can serve as diagnostic markers for characterization of different taxa at different levels of taxonomic hierarchy. The present paper highlights the importance of phytoliths in taxonomic analysis of plants particularly in the family Poaceae.

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