The effect of random range truncations on patterns of evolution in the fossil record

Paleobiology ◽  
1990 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 512-520 ◽  
Mark S. Springer

Both fossil preservation and sampling methods affect perceived patterns of biotic diversity. Artificial range truncations, for example, may lead to incongruences between apparent- and actual-diversity curves. Thus, a catastrophic extinction event may appear gradual. Recent advances in biostratigraphic-gap analysis provide models for the distribution of gap lengths between fossil occurrence horizons and provide methods to place confidence intervals on local taxon ranges and remove the biases caused by artificial range truncations. Confidence intervals for a set of local taxon ranges may then be evaluated collectively to test a hypothesis of co-extinction/co-emigration or co-origination/co-immigration. In the case of terminal Cretaceous ammonites from Seymour Island, range-chart data are compatible with an abrupt extinction event, although the test statistic is not minimized at the stratigraphic horizon that was suggested by Macellari (1986).

1996 ◽  
Vol 70 (6) ◽  
pp. 923-934 ◽  
Anton E. Oleinik ◽  
William J. Zinsmeister

Following the mass extinction event at the end of the Cretaceous, the marine molluscan faunas of the high southern latitudes underwent a marked period of diversification during the early Paleocene. The appearance of four new species belonging to the new genus Seymourosphaera, tentatively placed in the subfamily Pseudolivinae, from the lower Paleocene strata of Seymour Island, Antarctic Peninsula, clearly illustrates the post-Cretaceous extinction diversification. The abrupt radiation of the buccinids during the early Paleocene, was also apparently related to geographic isolation of Antarctica during final breakup of Gondwana. Comparative analysis of shell morphology of Seymourosphaera, new genus reveals close morphologic similarities, not only with taxa within Pseudolivinae, but also with several genera and subgenera belonging to the families Buccinidae and Nassariidae. However, incompleteness of the fossil record and a “generalized” shell morphology make difficult establishment of unequivocal phylogenetic relationships for Seymourosphaera. A taxonomic review of most closely related, and possibly ancestral genus Austrosphaera Camacho, 1949, is provided. The following new species of genus Seymourosphaera new genus are described: Seymourosphaera bulloides new species, S. subglobosa new species, S. depressa new species, and S. elevata new species.

Paleobiology ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 38 (2) ◽  
pp. 265-277 ◽  
Steve C. Wang ◽  
Aaron E. Zimmerman ◽  
Brendan S. McVeigh ◽  
Philip J. Everson ◽  
Heidi Wong

A key question in studies of mass extinctions is whether the extinction was a sudden or gradual event. This question may be addressed by examining the locations of fossil occurrences in a stratigraphic section. However, the fossil record can be consistent with both sudden and gradual extinctions. Rather than being limited to rejecting or not rejecting a particular scenario, ideally we should estimate therangeof extinction scenarios that is consistent with the fossil record. In other words, rather than testing the simplified distinction of “sudden versus gradual,” we should be asking, “How gradual?”In this paper we answer the question “How gradual could the extinction have been?” by developing a confidence interval for the duration of a mass extinction. We define the duration of the extinction as the time or stratigraphic thickness between the first and last taxon to go extinct, which we denote by Δ. For example, we would like to be able to say with 90% confidence that the extinction took place over a duration of 0.3 to 1.1 million years, or 24 to 57 meters of stratigraphic thickness. Our method does not deny the possibility of a truly simultaneous extinction; rather, in this framework, a simultaneous extinction is one whose value of Δ is equal to zero years or meters.We present an algorithm to derive such estimates and show that it produces valid confidence intervals. We illustrate its use with data from Late Permian ostracodes from Meishan, China, and Late Cretaceous ammonites from Seymour Island, Antarctica.

Paleobiology ◽  
1996 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 121-140 ◽  
Mike Foote ◽  
David M. Raup

The incompleteness of the fossil record hinders the inference of evolutionary rates and patterns. Here, we derive relationships among true taxonomic durations, preservation probability, and observed taxonomic ranges. We use these relationships to estimate original distributions of taxonomic durations, preservation probability, and completeness (proportion of taxa preserved), given only the observed ranges. No data on occurrences within the ranges of taxa are required. When preservation is random and the original distribution of durations is exponential, the inference of durations, preservability, and completeness is exact. However, reasonable approximations are possible given non-exponential duration distributions and temporal and taxonomic variation in preservability. Thus, the approaches we describe have great potential in studies of taphonomy, evolutionary rates and patterns, and genealogy.Analyses of Upper Cambrian-Lower Ordovician trilobite species, Paleozoic crinoid genera, Jurassic bivalve species, and Cenozoic mammal species yield the following results: (1) The preservation probability inferred from stratigraphic ranges alone agrees with that inferred from the analysis of stratigraphic gaps when data on the latter are available. (2) Whereas median durations based on simple tabulations of observed ranges are biased by stratigraphic resolution, our estimates of median duration, extinction rate, and completeness are not biased. (3) The shorter geologic ranges of mammalian species relative to those of bivalves cannot be attributed to a difference in preservation potential. However, we cannot rule out the contribution of taxonomic practice to this difference. (4) In the groups studied, completeness (proportion of species [trilobites, bivalves, mammals] or genera [crinoids] preserved) ranges from 60% to 90%. The higher estimates of completeness at smaller geographic scales support previous suggestions that the incompleteness of the fossil record reflects loss of fossiliferous rock more than failure of species to enter the fossil record in the first place.

2018 ◽  
Vol 230 ◽  
pp. 17-45 ◽  
James D. Witts ◽  
Robert J. Newton ◽  
Benjamin J.W. Mills ◽  
Paul B. Wignall ◽  
Simon H. Bottrell ◽  

1992 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
pp. 174-174 ◽  
Conrad C. Labandeira

A considerable amount of research has been devoted toward evaluating the impact of the Cretaceous/Tertiary extinction on terrestrial life. This research has focused primarily on terrestrial vertebrates (primarily dinosaurs), marine invertebrates (notably molluscs and foraminifera), and to a lesser extent, terrestrial vascular plants. Terrestrial arthropods, especially insects, have seldomly been investigated, principally because of an alleged depauperate fossil record. Nevertheless, within the past two decades, some of the most productive and taxonomically diverse insect faunas have originated from Cretaceous amber- and compression-fossil deposits from every continent. Whereas it was once thought that the Cretaceous represented an unknown void in the understanding of insect evolution, now it appears that many extant lineages are traceable to Cretaceous precursors.Three approaches are available for determining the extent of the effect of the terminal Cretaceous extinction event on insects. Assessed for the interval from the Early Cretaceous to the Early Paleogene, these approaches are: (1) establishing the secular pattern of familial- and generic-based taxonomic diversity (macroevolution); (2) recognizing the persistence or eradication of specific insect/vascular plant interactions, such as leaf-mining, wood-boring and pollination (behavior); and (3) establishing temporal trends in the range of mouthpart design, as an indicator of faunal disparity or structural diversity (morphology). These three operationally separate but complimentary approaches allow the advantage of using distinct data bases to bear on a common question. The body-fossil record of insects provides primary data for the taxonomic expansion, steady-state, or contraction of insect faunas. The trace-fossil record of those insect interactions that are coevolved with plant hosts reveals the temporal continuity of highly stereotyped and taxonomically obligate behaviors. Both of these are contrasted to an assessment of insectan structural disparity, herein determined from a robust data base of 30 modern insect mouthpart classes that are traced back in geologic time.A preliminary analysis of each of these three approaches indicates broad agreement–namely that insects were not dramatically affected by the terminal Cretaceous extinction event. First, insects experienced only a modest decline in diversity, about 9 percent at the family level. (The generic level is not yet analyzed.) Second, although the data base is limited, there is no indication of the extinction of major leaf-mining, wood-boring, pollinating or other plant-specific behaviors at the end of the Cretaceous. In fact, leaf-mine morphologies for three lepidopteran families with Cretaceous occurrences are apparently indistinguishable from their modern descendants. Last, of the 30 mouthpart classes occurring during the Paleogene, 28 are represented during the Cretaceous. These data provide strong evidence for a largely uninterrupted continuum of insect faunas across the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary as measured by taxonomic diversity, coevolved behavior, and structural disparity.Because of abundant and often intimate associations between insects and flowering plants, these results are consistent with a gradual and not catastrophic change in terrestrial floras across the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary. Acceptance of a catastrophic extinction of flowering plants during the terminal Cretaceous would necessitate an unprecedented level of host-switching by coevolved insects on contemporaneous plants. This is unlikely, based on evidence from the prolific literature on modern insect/plant interactions. These studies indicate the ubiquity of obligate insect specificity for various secondary chemicals on many flowering plant species.

2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (6) ◽  
pp. 575-589 ◽  
Amanda L. S. Gomes ◽  
Bruno Becker-Kerber ◽  
Gabriel L. Osés ◽  
Gustavo Prado ◽  
Pedro Becker Kerber ◽  

AbstractInvestigations into the existence of life in other parts of the cosmos find strong parallels with studies of the origin and evolution of life on our own planet. In this way, astrobiology and paleobiology are married by their common interest in disentangling the interconnections between life and the surrounding environment. In this way, a cross-point of both sciences is paleometry, which involves a myriad of imaging and geochemical techniques, usually non-destructive, applied to the investigation of the fossil record. In the last decades, paleometry has benefited from an unprecedented technological improvement, thus solving old questions and raising new ones. This advance has been paralleled by conceptual approaches and discoveries fuelled by technological evolution in astrobiological research. In this context, we present some new data and review recent advances on the employment of paleometry to investigations on paleobiology and astrobiology in Brazil in areas such biosignatures in Ediacaran microbial mats, biogenicity tests on enigmatic Ediacaran structures, research on Ediacaran metazoan biomineralization, fossil preservation in Cretaceous insects and fish, and finally the experimental study on the decay of fish to test the effect of distinct types of sediment on soft-tissue preservation, as well as the effects of early diagenesis on fish bone preservation.

Paleobiology ◽  
1995 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 153-178 ◽  
Peter J. Wagner

Cladograms predict the order in which fossil taxa appeared and, thus, make predictions about general patterns in the stratigraphic record. Inconsistencies between cladistic predictions and the observed stratigraphic record reflect either inadequate sampling of a clade's species, incomplete estimates of stratigraphic ranges, or homoplasy producing an incorrect phylogenetic hypothesis. A method presented in this paper attempts to separate the effects of homoplasy from the effects of inadequate sampling. Sampling densities of individual species are used to calculate confidence intervals on their stratigraphic ranges. The method uses these confidence intervals to test the order of branching predicted by a cladogram. The Lophospiridae (“Archaeogastropoda”) of the Ordovician provide a useful test group because the clade has a good fossil record and it produced species over a long time. Confidence intervals reject several cladistic hypotheses that postulate improbable “ghost lineages.” Other hypotheses are acceptable only with explicit ancestor-descendant relationships. The accepted cladogram is the shortest one that stratigraphic data cannot reject. The results caution against evaluating phylogenetic hypotheses of fossil taxa without considering both stratigraphic data and the possible presence of ancestral species, as both factors can affect interpretations of a clade's evolutionary dynamics and its patterns of morphologic evolution.

Paleobiology ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 44 (2) ◽  
pp. 199-218 ◽  
Steve C. Wang ◽  
Ling Zhong

AbstractThe Signor-Lipps effect states that even a sudden mass extinction will invariably appear gradual in the fossil record, due to incomplete fossil preservation. Most previous work on the Signor–Lipps effect has focused on testing whether taxa in a mass extinction went extinct simultaneously or gradually. However, many authors have proposed scenarios in which taxa went extinct in distinct pulses. Little methodology has been developed for quantifying characteristics of such pulsed extinction events. Here we introduce a method for estimating the number of pulses in a mass extinction, based on the positions of fossil occurrences in a stratigraphic section. Rather than using a hypothesis test and assuming simultaneous extinction as the default, we reframe the question by asking what number of pulses best explains the observed fossil record.Using a two-step algorithm, we are able to estimate not just the number of extinction pulses but also a confidence level or posterior probability for each possible number of pulses. In the first step, we find the maximum likelihood estimate for each possible number of pulses. In the second step, we calculate the Akaike information criterion and Bayesian information criterion weights for each possible number of pulses, and then apply ak-nearest neighbor classifier to these weights. This method gives us a vector of confidence levels for the number of extinction pulses—for instance, we might be 80% confident that there was a single extinction pulse, 15% confident that there were two pulses, and 5% confident that there were three pulses. Equivalently, we can state that we are 95% confident that the number of extinction pulses is one or two. Using simulation studies, we show that the method performs well in a variety of situations, although it has difficulty in the case of decreasing fossil recovery potential, and it is most effective for small numbers of pulses unless the sample size is large. We demonstrate the method using a data set of Late Cretaceous ammonites.

Brian K. Beachkofski ◽  
Ramana V. Grandhi

For probabilistic designs or assessments to be acceptable, they must have the statistically robust confidence intervals provided by sampling methods. However, sample-based analyses require the number of function evaluations to be so great as to be impractical for many complex engineering applications. Efficient sampling methods allow probabilistic analysis on more applications than basic methods, although they still require a significant computational budget. This paper reviews a series of tools that aim to reduce variance in individual failure rate estimates which would reduce the confidence interval for the same number of evaluations. Several methods share a common goal, lowering the sample discrepancy within the sample space, that will create near optimal low-discrepancy sample sets. The optimization approaches include evolutionary algorithms, piecewise optimization, and centroidal Voronoi tessellation. The results of the optimization procedures show a much lower discrepancy than previous methods.

1990 ◽  
Vol 64 (3) ◽  
pp. 477-478 ◽  
William J. Zinsmeister

Although limpets are fairly common in shelly deposits, there are no reports of limpets preserved in the living position from the fossil record. The life style of capped-shaped limpet gastropods almost precludes preservation in a living position. Herbivorous alga-feeding limpets live attached to a firm surface. The surfaces of attachment vary widely from rocky surfaces, shells, or seaweed. Upon death the shells become detached and are incorporated in the nearby sediments or are transported to a site of final deposition.

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