Symbiotic nitrogen fixation in legumes takes place in specialized organs called nodules,which become the main source of assimilated nitrogen for the whole plant. Symbiotic nitro‐gen fixation requires exquisite integration of plant and bacterial metabolism and involvesglobal changes in gene expression and metabolite accumulation in both rhizobia and thehost plant. In order to study the metabolic changes mediated by symbiotic nitrogen fixationon a whole‐plant level, metabolite levels were profiled by gas chromatography–mass spec‐trometry in nodules and non‐symbiotic organs of Lotus japonicus plants uninoculated or in‐oculated with M. loti wt, ΔnifA or ΔnifH fix‐ strains. Furthermore, transcriptomic andbiochemical approaches were combined to study sulfur metabolism in nodules, its link tosymbiotic nitrogen fixation, and the effect of nodules on whole‐plant sulfur partitioning andmetabolism. It is well established that nitrogen and sulfur (S) metabolism are tightly en‐twined and sulfur is required for symbiotic nitrogen fixation, however, little is known aboutthe molecular and biochemical mechanisms governing sulfur uptake and assimilation duringsymbiotic nitrogen fixation. Transcript profiling in Lotus japonicus was combined with quan‐tification of S‐metabolite contents and APR activity in nodules and in non‐symbiotic organsof plants uninoculated or inoculated with M. loti wt, ΔnifA or ΔnifH fix‐ strains. Moreover,sulfate uptake and its distribution into different plant organs were analyzed and 35S‐flux intodifferent S‐pools was monitored. Metabolite profiling revealed that symbiotic nitrogen fixa‐tion results in dramatic changes of many aspects of primary and secondary metabolism innodules which leads to global reprogramming of metabolism of the model legume on awhole‐plant level. Moreover, our data revealed that nitrogen fixing nodules represent athiol‐rich organ. Their high APR activity and 35S‐flux into cysteine and its metabolites in com‐bination with the transcriptional up‐regulation of several genes involved in sulfur assimila‐tion highlight the function of nodules as a new site of sulfur assimilation. The higher thiolcontent observed in non‐symbiotic organs of nitrogen fixing plants in comparison touninoculated plants cannot be attributed to local biosynthesis, indicating that nodules couldserve as a novel source of reduced sulfur for the plant, which triggers whole‐plant repro‐gramming of sulfur metabolism. Interestingly, the changes in metabolite profiling and theenhanced thiol biosynthesis in nodules and their impact on the whole‐plant sulfur, carbonand nitrogen economy are dampened in fix‐ plants, which in most respects metabolically re‐sembled uninoculated plants, indicating a strong interaction between nitrogen fixation andsulfur and carbon metabolism.