The Scanning Electron Microscopic Observation of the Vestibular Sensory Epithelia
1969 ◽
Vol 27
pp. 40-41
The morphology and function of the vestibular sensory organs has been extensively studied during the last decade with the advent of electron microscopy and electrophysiology. The opening of the space age also accelerated active investigation in this area, since this organ is responsible for the sensation of balance and of linear, angular and gravitational acceleration.The vestibular sense organs are formed by the saccule, utricle and three ampullae of the semicircular canals. The maculae (sacculi and utriculi) have otolithic membranes on the top of the sensory epithelia. The otolithic membrane is formed by a layer of thick gelatin and sand-piles of calcium carbonate crystals (Fig.l).
1969 ◽
Vol 90
pp. 283-292
1982 ◽
Vol 40
pp. 340-341
1987 ◽
Vol 16
pp. 71-77
1978 ◽
Vol 6
pp. 141-146
1991 ◽
Vol 31
pp. 257-265
1993 ◽
Vol 60
pp. 372-397
1970 ◽
Vol 15
pp. 1303-IN30