A New Technique for the Light and Electron Microscopic Study of Individual Cerebro-Spinal Fluid Cells in a Mona Plane Layer
A new method has been developed which readily offers the microscopist a possibility for both light and electron microscopic study of selected cells from the cerebrospinal fluid. Previous attempts to examine these cells in the spinal fluid at the ultrastructural level were based on modifications of cell pellet techniques developed for peripheral blood. These earlier methods were limited in application by the number of cells in spinal fluid required to obtain a sufficient size pellet and by the lack of an easy method of cellular identification between the light and electron microscopic level. The newly developed method routinely employs microscope slides coated with Siliclad and tungsten oxide for duplicate cytocentrifuge preparations of diagnostic spinal fluid specimens. Work done by Kushida and Suzuki provided a basis for our use of the metal oxide.