scholarly journals Laminin deficits induce alterations in the development of dopaminergic neurons in the mouse retina

2007 ◽  
Vol 24 (4) ◽  
pp. 549-562 ◽  

Genetically modified mice lacking the β2 laminin chain (β2null), the γ3 laminin chain (γ3 null), or both β2/γ3 chains (compound null) were produced. The development of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) immunoreactive neurons in these mouse lines was studied between birth and postnatal day (P) 20. Compared to wild type mice, no alterations were seen in γ3 null mice. In β2 null mice, however, the large, type I TH neurons appeared later in development, were at a lower density and had reduced TH immunoreactivity, although TH process number and size were not altered. In the compound null mouse, the same changes were observed together with reduced TH process outgrowth. Surprisingly, in the smaller, type II TH neurons, TH immunoreactivity was increased in laminin-deficient compared to wild type mice. Other retinal defects we observed were a patchy disruption of the inner limiting retinal basement membrane and a disoriented growth of Müller glial cells. Starburst and AII type amacrine cells were not apparently altered in laminin-deficient relative to wild type mice. We postulate that laminin-dependent developmental signals are conveyed to TH amacrine neurons through intermediate cell types, perhaps the Müller glial cell and/or the retinal ganglion cell.

2001 ◽  
Vol 18 (4) ◽  
pp. 559-570 ◽  
B.E. REESE ◽  
M.A. RAVEN ◽  

The present study has examined the emergence of cholinergic stratification within the developing inner plexiform layer (IPL), and the effect of ablating the cholinergic amacrine cells on the formation of other stratifications within the IPL. The population of cholinergic amacrine cells in the ferret's retina was identified as early as the day of birth, but their processes did not form discrete strata until the end of the first postnatal week. As development proceeded over the next five postnatal weeks, so the positioning of the cholinergic strata shifted within the IPL toward the outer border, indicative of the greater ingrowth and elaboration of processes within the innermost parts of the IPL. To examine whether these cholinergic strata play an instructive role upon the development of other stratifications which form within the IPL, one-week-old ferrets were treated with l-glutamate in an attempt to ablate the population of cholinergic amacrine cells. Such treatment was shown to be successful, eliminating all of the cholinergic amacrine cells as well as the alpha retinal ganglion cells in the central retina. The remaining ganglion cell classes as well as a few other retinal cell types were partially reduced, while other cell types were not affected, and neither retinal histology nor areal growth was compromised in these ferrets. Despite this early loss of the cholinergic amacrine cells, which are eliminated within 24 h, other stratifications within the IPL formed normally, as they do following early elimination of the entire ganglion cell population. While these cholinergic amacrine cells are present well before other cell types have differentiated, apparently neither they, nor the ganglion cells, play a role in determining the depth of stratification for other retinal cell types.

Wenjun Yan ◽  
Mallory A. Laboulaye ◽  
Nicholas M. Tran ◽  
Irene E. Whitney ◽  
Inbal Benhar ◽  

ABSTRACTAmacrine cells (ACs) are a diverse class of interneurons that modulate input from photoreceptors to retinal ganglion cells (RGCs), rendering each RGC type selectively sensitive to particular visual features, which are then relayed to the brain. While many AC types have been identified morphologically and physiologically, they have not been comprehensively classified or molecularly characterized. We used high-throughput single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) to profile >32,000 ACs from mouse retina, and applied computational methods to identify 63 AC types. We identified molecular markers for each type, and used them to characterize the morphology of multiple types. We show that they include nearly all previously known AC types as well as many that had not been described. Consistent with previous studies, most of the AC types express markers for the canonical inhibitory neurotransmitters GABA or glycine, but several express neither or both. In addition, many express one or more neuropeptides, and two express glutamatergic markers. We also explored transcriptomic relationships among AC types and identified transcription factors expressed by individual or multiple closely related types. Noteworthy among these were Meis2 and Tcf4, expressed by most GABAergic and most glycinergic types, respectively. Together, these results provide a foundation for developmental and functional studies of ACs, as well as means for genetically accessing them. Along with previous molecular, physiological and morphological analyses, they establish the existence of at least 130 neuronal types and nearly 140 cell types in mouse retina.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENTThe mouse retina is a leading model for analyzing the development, structure, function and pathology of neural circuits. A complete molecular atlas of retinal cell types provides an important foundation for these studies. We used high-throughput single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) to characterize the most heterogeneous class of retinal interneurons, amacrine cells, identifying 63 distinct types. The atlas includes types identified previously as well as many novel types. We provide evidence for use of multiple neurotransmitters and neuropeptides and identify transcription factors expressed by groups of closely related types. Combining these results with those obtained previously, we proposed that the mouse retina contains 130 neuronal types, and is therefore comparable in complexity to other regions of the brain.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
Ashley M. Chen ◽  
Shaghauyegh S. Azar ◽  
Alexander Harris ◽  
Nicholas C. Brecha ◽  
Luis Pérez de Sevilla Müller

Manipulation of the phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN) pathway has been suggested as a therapeutic approach to treat or prevent vision loss due to retinal disease. In this study, we investigated the effects of deleting one copy of Pten in a well-characterized class of retinal ganglion cells called α-ganglion cells in the mouse retina. In Pten+/– retinas, α-ganglion cells did not exhibit major changes in their dendritic structure, although most cells developed a few, unusual loop-forming dendrites. By contrast, α-ganglion cells exhibited a significant decrease in heterologous and homologous gap junction mediated cell coupling with other retinal ganglion and amacrine cells. Additionally, the majority of OFF α-ganglion cells (12/18 cells) formed novel coupling to displaced amacrine cells. The number of connexin36 puncta, the predominant connexin that mediates gap junction communication at electrical synapses, was decreased by at least 50% on OFF α-ganglion cells. Reduced and incorrect gap junction connectivity of α-ganglion cells will affect their functional properties and alter visual image processing in the retina. The anomalous connectivity of retinal ganglion cells would potentially limit future therapeutic approaches involving manipulation of the Pten pathway for treating ganglion cell degeneration in diseases like glaucoma, traumatic brain injury, Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s diseases.

2021 ◽  
Miloslav Sedlacek ◽  
William Grimes ◽  
Morgan Musgrove ◽  
Amurta Nath ◽  
Hua Tian ◽  

In retinal neurons, morphology strongly influences visual response features. Ganglion cell (GC) dendrites ramify in distinct strata of the inner plexiform layer (IPL) so that GCs responding to light increments (ON) or decrements (OFF) receive appropriate excitatory inputs. This vertical stratification prescribes response polarity and ensures consistent connectivity between cell types, whereas the lateral extent of GC dendritic arbors typically dictates receptive field (RF) size. Here, we identify circuitry in mouse retina that contradicts these conventions. A2 amacrine cells are interneurons understood to mediate 'cross-over' inhibition by relaying excitatory input from the ON layer to inhibitory outputs in the OFF layer. Ultrastructural and physiological analyses show, however, that some A2s deliver powerful inhibition to OFF GC somas and proximal dendrites in the ON layer, rendering their inhibitory RFs smaller than their dendritic arbors. This OFF pathway, avoiding entirely the OFF region of the IPL, challenges several tenets of retinal circuitry.

2015 ◽  
Vol 114 (4) ◽  
pp. 2431-2438 ◽  
Alejandro Akrouh ◽  
Daniel Kerschensteiner

Amacrine cells (ACs) are the most diverse class of neurons in the retina. The variety of signals provided by ACs allows the retina to encode a wide range of visual features. Of the 30–50 AC types in mammalian species, few have been studied in detail. Here, we combine genetic and viral strategies to identify and to characterize morphologically three vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-expressing GABAergic AC types (VIP1-, VIP2-, and VIP3-ACs) in mice. Somata of VIP1- and VIP2-ACs reside in the inner nuclear layer and somata of VIP3-ACs in the ganglion cell layer, and they show asymmetric distributions along the dorsoventral axis of the retina. Neurite arbors of VIP-ACs differ in size (VIP1-ACs ≈ VIP3-ACs > VIP2-ACs) and stratify in distinct sublaminae of the inner plexiform layer. To analyze light responses and underlying synaptic inputs, we target VIP-ACs under 2-photon guidance for patch-clamp recordings. VIP1-ACs depolarize strongly to light increments (ON) over a wide range of stimulus sizes but show size-selective responses to light decrements (OFF), depolarizing to small and hyperpolarizing to large stimuli. The switch in polarity of OFF responses is caused by pre- and postsynaptic surround inhibition. VIP2- and VIP3-ACs both show small depolarizations to ON stimuli and large hyperpolarizations to OFF stimuli but differ in their spatial response profiles. Depolarizations are caused by ON excitation outweighing ON inhibition, whereas hyperpolarizations result from pre- and postsynaptic OFF-ON crossover inhibition. VIP1-, VIP2-, and VIP3-ACs thus differ in response polarity and spatial tuning and contribute to the diversity of inhibitory and neuromodulatory signals in the retina.

2011 ◽  
Vol 106 (10) ◽  
pp. 693-704 ◽  
Valeria Bozzi ◽  
Emanuele Panza ◽  
Serena Barozzi ◽  
Cristian Gruppi ◽  
Marco Seri ◽  

SummaryMYH9-related disease (MYH9-RD) is an autosomal-dominant thrombocytopenia caused by mutations in the gene for the heavy chain of nonmuscle myosin-IIA (NMMHC-IIA). Recent in vitro studies led to the hypothesis that thrombocytopenia of MYH9-RD derives from an ectopic platelet release by megakaryocytes in the osteoblastic areas of bone marrow (BM), which are enriched in type I collagen, rather than in vascular spaces. SDF-1-driven migration of megakaryocytes within BM to reach the vascular spaces is a key mechanism for platelet biogenesis. Since myosin-IIA is implicated in polarised migration of different cell types, we hypothesised that MYH9 mutations could interfere with this mechanism. We therefore investigated the SDF-1-driven migration of a megakaryoblastic cell line, Dami cells, on type I collagen or fibrinogen by a modified transwell assay. Inhibition of myosin-IIA ATPase activity suppressed the SDF-1-driven migration of Dami cells, while over-expression of NMMHC-IIA increased the efficiency of chemotaxis, indicat- ing a role for NMMHC-IIA in this mechanism. Transfection of cells with three MYH9 mutations frequently responsible for MYH9-RD (p.R702C, p.D1424H, or p.R1933X) resulted in a defective SDF-1-driven migration with respect to the wild-type counterpart and in increased cell spreading onto collagen. Analysis of differential localisation of wild-type and mutant proteins suggested that mutant NMMHC-IIAs had an impaired cytoplasmic re-organisation in functional cytoskeletal structures after cell adhesion to collagen. These findings support the hypothesis that a defect of SDF-1-driven migration of megakaryocytes induced by MYH9 mutations contributes to ectopic platelet release in the BM osteoblastic areas, resulting in ineffective platelet production.

2019 ◽  
Jean de Montigny ◽  
Vidhyasankar Krishnamoorthy ◽  
Fernando Rozenblit ◽  
Tim Gollisch ◽  
Evelyne Sernagor

AbstractWaves of spontaneous activity sweep across the neonatal mouse retinal ganglion cell (RGC) layer, driven by directly interconnected cholinergic starburst amacrine cells (the only known retinal cholinergic cells) from postnatal day (P) 0-10, followed by waves driven by glutamatergic bipolar cells. We found transient clusters of cholinergic RGC-like cells around the optic disc during the period of cholinergic waves. They migrate towards the periphery between P2-9 and then they disappear. Pan-retinal multielectrode array recordings reveal that cholinergic wave origins follow a similar developmental center-to-periphery pattern. Electrical imaging unmasks hotspots of dipole electrical activity occurring in the vicinity of wave origins. We propose that these activity hotspots are sites for wave initiation and are related to the cholinergic cell clusters, reminiscent of activity in transient subplate neurons in the developing cortex, suggesting a universal hyper-excitability mechanism in developing CNS networks during the critical period for brain wiring.

2016 ◽  
Vol 311 (4) ◽  
pp. L704-L713 ◽  
Ikuyo Motokawa ◽  
Motoyoshi Endo ◽  
Kazutoyo Terada ◽  
Haruki Horiguchi ◽  
Keishi Miyata ◽  

Angiopoietin-like protein 2 (ANGPTL2) is a chronic inflammatory mediator that, when deregulated, is associated with various pathologies. However, little is known about its activity in lung. To assess a possible lung function, we generated a rabbit monoclonal antibody that specifically recognizes mouse ANGPTL2 and then evaluated protein expression in mouse lung tissue. We observed abundant ANGPTL2 expression in both alveolar epithelial type I and type II cells and in resident alveolar macrophages under normal conditions. To assess ANGPTL2 function, we compared lung phenotypes in Angptl2 knockout (KO) and wild-type mice but observed no overt changes. We then generated a bleomycin-induced interstitial pneumonia model using wild-type and Angptl2 KO mice. Bleomycin-treated wild-type mice showed specifically upregulated ANGPTL2 expression in areas of severe fibrosing interstitial pneumonia, while Angptl2 KO mice developed more severe lung fibrosis than did comparably treated wild-type mice. Lung fibrosis seen following bone marrow transplant was comparable in wild-type or Angptl2 KO mice treated with bleomycin, suggesting that Angptl2 loss in myeloid cells does not underlie fibrotic phenotypes. We conclude that Angptl2 deficiency in lung epithelial cells and resident alveolar macrophages causes severe lung fibrosis seen following bleomycin treatment, suggesting that ANGPTL2 derived from these cell types plays a protective role against fibrosis in lung.

Cells ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (7) ◽  
pp. 640 ◽  
Feng Pan

Myopia is a substantial public health problem worldwide. Although it is known that defocused images alter eye growth and refraction, their effects on retinal ganglion cell (RGC) signaling that lead to either emmetropization or refractive errors have remained elusive. This study aimed to determine if defocused images had an effect on signaling of RGCs in the mouse retina. ON and OFF alpha RGCs and ON–OFF RGCs were recorded from adult C57BL/6J wild-type mice. A mono green organic light-emitting display presented images generated by PsychoPy. The defocused images were projected on the retina under a microscope. Dark-adapted mouse RGCs were recorded under different powers of projected defocused images on the retina. Compared with focused images, defocused images showed a significantly decreased probability of spikes. More than half of OFF transient RGCs and ON sustained RGCs showed disparity in responses to the magnitude of plus and minus optical defocus (although remained RGCs we tested exhibited similar response to both types of defocus). ON and OFF units of ON–OFF RGCs also responded differently in the probability of spikes to defocused images and spatial frequency images. After application of a gap junction blocker, the probability of spikes of RGCs decreased with the presence of optical defocused image. At the same time, the RGCs also showed increased background noise. Therefore, defocused images changed the signaling of some ON and OFF alpha RGCs and ON–OFF RGCs in the mouse retina. The process may be the first step in the induction of myopia development. It appears that gap junctions also play a key role in this process.

Cells ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 530 ◽  
Seema Banerjee ◽  
Qin Wang ◽  
Chung Him So ◽  
Feng Pan

Myopia is a major public health problem, affecting one third of the population over 12 years old in the United States and more than 80% of people in Hong Kong. Myopia is attributable to elongation of the eyeball in response to defocused images that alter eye growth and refraction. It is known that the retina can sense the focus of an image, but the effects of defocused images on signaling of population of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) that account either for emmetropization or refractive errors has still to be elucidated. Thorough knowledge of the underlying mechanisms could provide insight to understanding myopia. In this study, we found that focused and defocused images can change both excitatory and inhibitory conductance of ON alpha, OFF alpha and ON–OFF retinal ganglion cells in the mouse retina. The firing patterns of population of RGCs vary under the different powers of defocused images and can be affected by dopamine receptor agonists/antagonists’ application. OFF-delayed RGCs or displaced amacrine cells (dACs) with time latency of more than 0.3 s had synchrony firing with other RGCs and/or dACs. These spatial synchrony firing patterns between OFF-delayed cell and other RGCs/dACs were significantly changed by defocused image, which may relate to edge detection. The results suggested that defocused images induced changes in the multineuronal firing patterns and whole cell conductance in the mouse retina. The multineuronal firing patterns can be affected by dopamine receptors’ agonists and antagonists. Synchronous firing of OFF-delayed cells is possibly related to edge detection, and understanding of this process may reveal a potential therapeutic target for myopia patients.

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