scholarly journals The Going to Stay at Home program: combining dementia caregiver training and residential respite care

2018 ◽  
Vol 30 (11) ◽  
pp. 1697-1706 ◽  
Meredith Gresham ◽  
Megan Heffernan ◽  
Henry Brodaty

ABSTRACTBackground:Caring for persons with dementia is stressful for family caregivers. Caregiver training programs and respite care can reduce this stress and help maintain persons with dementia living longer in the community. We evaluated a program that combines caregiver training with a residential respite stay.Methods:In total, 90 dyads of persons with dementia and their caregivers, in groups of 3–6 dyads, volunteered to participate in a five-day residential training program and were followed-up 6 and 12 months later. The primary outcome was caregiver depression; secondary outcomes were measures of caregiver burden, unmet needs, person with dementia behavioral symptoms, and the quality of life and function.Results:Caregiver depression and burden were unchanged, despite decreasing function in persons with dementia. Caregivers’ unmet needs and behavioral symptoms in persons with dementia decreased significantly. Compared to a group of persons with dementia admitted for routine residential respite care, there was a marked reduction in permanent placement over 12 months.Conclusions:The Going to Stay at Home Program is a feasible and practicable model with benefits for caregivers and persons with dementia. It may lead to delay in institutionalization and may be applicable to other chronic conditions.

2006 ◽  
Vol 14 (7S_Part_31) ◽  
pp. P1630-P1630 ◽  
Quincy M. Samus ◽  
Betty E. Black ◽  
Melissa Reuland ◽  
Nancy A. Hodgson ◽  
Laura N. Gitlin ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 51 (2) ◽  
pp. 371-389 ◽  
Xigrid Soto ◽  
Yagmur Seven ◽  
Meaghan McKenna ◽  
Keri Madsen ◽  
Lindsey Peters-Sanders ◽  

Purpose This article describes the iterative development of a home review program designed to augment vocabulary instruction for young children (ages 4 and 5 years) occurring at school through the use of a home review component. Method A pilot study followed by two experiments used adapted alternating treatment designs to compare the learning of academic words taught at school to words taught at school and reviewed at home. At school, children in small groups were taught academic words embedded in prerecorded storybooks for 6 weeks. Children were given materials such as stickers with review prompts (e.g., “Tell me what brave means”) to take home for half the words. Across iterations of the home intervention, the home review component was enhanced by promoting parent engagement and buy-in through in-person training, video modeling, and daily text message reminders. Visual analyses of single-subject graphs, multilevel modeling, and social validity measures were used to evaluate the additive effects and feasibility of the home review component. Results Social validity results informed each iteration of the home program. The effects of the home program across sites were mixed, with only one site showing consistently strong effects. Superior learning was evident in the school + home review condition for families that reviewed words frequently at home. Although the home review program was effective in improving the vocabulary skills of many children, some families had considerable difficulty practicing vocabulary words. Conclusion These studies highlight the importance of using social validity measures to inform iterative development of home interventions that promote feasible strategies for enhancing the home language environment. Further research is needed to identify strategies that stimulate facilitators and overcome barriers to implementation, especially in high-stress homes, to enrich the home language environments of more families.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 618-618
Lauren Parker ◽  
Laura Gitlin

Abstract Black Americans are more likely than others to age with Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) in the community and rely on family members for support. Despite reported positive aspects of caregiving, Black caregivers report greater need for daytime respite and caregiving support. Little is known regarding the health-promoting benefits of daytime respite, like adult day services (ADS), among Black caregivers. Using a sample of 190 Philadelphia-area Black caregivers for community-living persons with dementia, pooled from two behavioral intervention trials: Advancing Caregiver Training and Care of Persons with Dementia in their Environments, the study examined the association between ADS use and depressive symptoms. About 36% of the caregivers used adult day services for their family member with AD. Controlling for demographic variables, social support, self-rated health, religious coping, caregiver burden, and number of years caregiving Black caregivers who utilized ADS had lower depressive symptoms (β= -1.60, p<.05) relative not using ADS.

2007 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
pp. 43-56 ◽  
Emily C. Bouck ◽  
Cynthia M. Okolo ◽  
Carrie Anna Courtad

Given the prominence technology holds in today's schools and society, it seems crucial to explore its use and function in home environments for students with disabilities, particularly when considering everyday technology such as “smart” toys, computers, and communication devices. Unfortunately, little research or literature has been devoted to this issue. This paper reviews the literature on smart toys for children in general, and extrapolates what we have learned from smart toys and computer use in the home to children with disabilities. It suggests future directions for research, and proposes that the field of technology in the home for children with disabilities is wide open and clearly in need of study.

1987 ◽  
Vol 27 (5) ◽  
pp. 581-584 ◽  
S. Berman ◽  
N. Delaney ◽  
D. Gallagher ◽  
P. Atkins ◽  
M. P. Graeber

2012 ◽  
Vol 8 (4S_Part_10) ◽  
pp. P375-P375
Cynthia Barton ◽  
Robin Ketelle ◽  
Jennifer Merrilees

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 56-61
Siti Fithrotul Umami ◽  
Titiek Idayanti

Background: Development is increasing ability (skill) in the structure and function of the body that is more complex in a regular pattern and can be predicted as a result, from the results of maturation. attitude is an individual evaluation in the form of a tendency (Inclination) towards various elements outside of him. Based on the results of a preliminary study of 10 children aged 5-6 years, it was found that 5 children had normal development, 2 children doubted, and 3 children developed abnormally. While for family education conducted by parents, it was found that 7 parents supported (favorabel), and 3 parents were not supportive (unfavorable).Objectives: The study aimed to determine the influence of parents' attitudes in providing education at home toward the development of children aged 5-6 years in Bulusari Village, Gempol Sub-District, Pasuruan District.Methods: The research design was analytical design using purposive sampling with a sample of 45 parents and children in Bulusari Village, Gempol Sub-District, Pasuruan District. The measuring instrument used was a questionnaire for parents and KPSP for child development. This research is presented in the form of the Fisher's Exact Test.Results: The results showed that of 38 parents (84.45%) who supported having normal development children as many as 35 children (77.78%). Based on the results of the Fisher's Exact Test statistical test, it was found that the value of p <α, which is 0.001022 <0.05, which means that there is an influence from the provision of family education conducted by parents to the development of children aged 5-6 years.Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, it is expected that efforts from health workers to increase counseling to parents so that they have a role and have an obligation to help, assist children, teach children to actively learn, give love, develop creativity and socialization of children. Kata kunci : Parent’s attitude, development of 5-6 years, giving education in houses.

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