scholarly journals The Role of Confidence in Truthful Revelation of Private Values

2014 ◽  
Vol 43 (2) ◽  
pp. 193-208
Gregory M. Parkhurst ◽  
Clifford Nowell

Recent research shows that disparities between willingness to pay (WTP) and willingness to accept (WTA) disappear with market experience and training. In effect, preferences can be refined by eliminating subjects’ misconceptions regarding elicitation procedures. We use a stated measure of confidence as a proxy for misconceptions and test the influence of confidence on truthful revelation of induced values in WTP and WTA auctions using the Becker-DeGroot-Marschak (BDM) mechanism. The results indicate that confidence matters for buyers and sellers. With confidence, WTA and WTP measures converge, and people with greater confidence choose the dominant bidding strategy more frequently.

2011 ◽  
Vol 32 (6) ◽  
pp. 908-917 ◽  
Anders Biel ◽  
Olof Johansson-Stenman ◽  
Andreas Nilsson

2005 ◽  
Vol 95 (3) ◽  
pp. 530-545 ◽  
Charles R Plott ◽  
Kathryn Zeiler

We conduct experiments to explore the possibility that subject misconceptions, as opposed to a particular theory of preferences referred to as the “endowment effect,” account for reported gaps between willingness to pay (“WTP”) and willingness to accept (“WTA”). The literature reveals two important facts. First, there is no consensus regarding the nature or robustness of WTP-WTA gaps. Second, while experimenters are careful to control for subject misconceptions, there is no consensus about the fundamental properties of misconceptions or how to avoid them. Instead, by implementing different types of experimental controls, experimenters have revealed notions of how misconceptions arise. Experimenters have applied these controls separately or in different combinations. Such controls include ensuring subject anonymity, using incentive-compatible elicitation mechanisms, and providing subjects with practice and training on the elicitation mechanism before employing it to measure valuations. The pattern of results reported in the literature suggests that the widely differing reports of WTP-WTA gaps could be due to an incomplete science regarding subject misconceptions. We implement a “revealed theory” methodology to compensate for the lack of a theory of misconceptions. Theories implicit in experimental procedures found in the literature are at the heart of our experimental design. Thus, our approach to addressing subject misconceptions reflects an attempt to control simultaneously for all dimensions of concern over possible subject misconceptions found in the literature. To this end, our procedures modify the Becker-DeGroot-Marschak mechanism used in previous studies to elicit values. In addition, our procedures supplement commonly used procedures by providing extensive training on the elicitation mechanism before subjects provide WTP and WTA responses. Experiments were conducted using both lotteries and mugs, goods frequently used in endowment effect experiments. Using the modified procedures, we observe no gap between WTA and WTP. Therefore, our results call into question the interpretation of observed gaps as evidence of loss aversion or prospect theory. Further evidence is required before convincing interpretations of observed gaps can be advanced.

2011 ◽  
Vol 101 (3) ◽  
pp. 313-317 ◽  
John A List

A vibrant literature has emerged that suggests willingness to pay and willingness to accept measures of value are quite different for inexperienced consumers but that value differences erode with market experience. One potential shortcoming of this literature is that market experience is endogenous. This study presents a framed field experiment that exogenously induces market experience. Empirical findings support the premise that market experience, alone, can eliminate an important market anomaly.

S Leinster-Evans ◽  
J Newell ◽  
S Luck

This paper looks to expand on the INEC 2016 paper ‘The future role of virtual reality within warship support solutions for the Queen Elizabeth Class aircraft carriers’ presented by Ross Basketter, Craig Birchmore and Abbi Fisher from BAE Systems in May 2016 and the EAAW VII paper ‘Testing the boundaries of virtual reality within ship support’ presented by John Newell from BAE Systems and Simon Luck from BMT DSL in June 2017. BAE Systems and BMT have developed a 3D walkthrough training system that supports the teams working closely with the QEC Aircraft Carriers in Portsmouth and this work was presented at EAAW VII. Since then this work has been extended to demonstrate the art of the possible on Type 26. This latter piece of work is designed to explore the role of 3D immersive environments in the development and fielding of support and training solutions, across the range of support disciplines. The combined team are looking at how this digital thread leads from design of platforms, both surface and subsurface, through build into in-service support and training. This rich data and ways in which it could be used in the whole lifecycle of the ship, from design and development (used for spatial acceptance, HazID, etc) all the way through to operational support and maintenance (in conjunction with big data coming off from the ship coupled with digital tech docs for maintenance procedures) using constantly developing technologies such as 3D, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality, will be proposed.  The drive towards gamification in the training environment to keep younger recruits interested and shortening course lengths will be explored. The paper develops the options and looks to how this technology can be used and where the value proposition lies. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 600-612
L.F. Nikulin ◽  
V.V. Velikorossov ◽  
S.A. Filin ◽  
A.B. Lanchakov

Subject. The article discusses how management transforms as artificial intelligence gets more important in governance, production and social life. Objectives. We identify and substantiate trends in management transformation as artificial intelligence evolves and gets more important in governance, production and social life. The article also provides our suggestions for management and training of managers dealing with artificial intelligence. Methods. The study employs methods of logic research, analysis and synthesis through the systems and creative approach, methodology of technological waves. Results. We analyzed the scope of management as is and found that threats and global challenges escalate due to the advent of artificial intelligence. We provide the rationale for recognizing the strategic culture as the self-organizing system of business process integration. We suggest and substantiate the concept of soft power with reference to strategic culture, which should be raised, inter alia, through the scientific school of conflict studies. We give our recommendations on how management and training of managers should be improved in dealing with artificial intelligence as it evolves. The novelty hereof is that we trace trends in management transformation as the role of artificial intelligence evolves and growth in governance, production and social life. Conclusions and Relevance. Generic solutions are not very effective for the Russian management practice during the transition to the sixth and seventh waves of innovation. Any programming product represents artificial intelligence, which simulates a personality very well, though unable to substitute a manager in motivating, governing and interacting with people.

2017 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 68-78
Rahmad Nugroho ◽  
Waryana Waryana ◽  
Irianton Aritonang

Background: The problem of low exclusive breast feeding achievement in Indonesia is caused by social cultural factors, i.e. the minimal understanding of expecting mother, family, society, and health servant with the exclusive breast feeding. The husband’s and grandmother’s motivation will influence on successful breast feeding. Objective: This study is aimed to reveal the exclusive breast feeding achievement ang the role of grandmother. Method: This is an observational study. The researcher observes the society phenomena in Bangunjiwo Village, Bantul Regency. The subjects of the study are: 1) grandmothers aging ≥ 55 yeras old, 2) breast feeding mothers, and 3) Posyandu cadres. The data are collected by the focus group discussion, detail interview, and documentation.The instruments of the study are FGD, stationaries, tape recorder, and camera. The data are analyzed from the preparation of transcript, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. Results: the success of breast feeding is motivated by grandmother’s role, i.e. 1) suggesting, 2) motivating, 3) caring, 4) reminding when mother goes out, 5) giving the stored mother’s milk for working mother, and midwive’s explanation and training for expecting mother. Conclusion: The role of grandmother in exclusive breast feeding will increase: 1) mother’s understanding of breast feeding advantages, 2) mother’s awareness of exclusive breast feeding, and 3) mother’s attitude of exclusive breast feeding. Therefore, a breast feeding mother will be able to increase in practicing exclusive breast feeding by: 1) overcoming obstacles, 2) consuming balanced nutrition, 3) maintaning health and drinking herb. Finally, these will influence the succssful exclusive breast feeding.   Keywords: exclusive breastfeeding, The role of grandmother, mother’s attitude

2020 ◽  
Igor Grossmann ◽  
Nic M. Weststrate ◽  
Monika Ardelt ◽  
Justin Peter Brienza ◽  
Mengxi Dong ◽  

Interest in wisdom in the cognitive sciences, psychology, and education has been paralleled by conceptual confusions about its nature and assessment. To clarify these issues and promote consensus in the field, wisdom researchers met in Toronto in July of 2019, resolving disputes through discussion. Guided by a survey of scientists who study wisdom-related constructs, we established a common wisdom model, observing that empirical approaches to wisdom converge on the morally-grounded application of metacognition to reasoning and problem-solving. After outlining the function of relevant metacognitive and moral processes, we critically evaluate existing empirical approaches to measurement and offer recommendations for best practices. In the subsequent sections, we use the common wisdom model to selectively review evidence about the role of individual differences for development and manifestation of wisdom, approaches to wisdom development and training, as well as cultural, subcultural, and social-contextual differences. We conclude by discussing wisdom’s conceptual overlap with a host of other constructs and outline unresolved conceptual and methodological challenges.

Mark Hill QC

This chapter focuses on the clergy of the Church of England. It first explains the process of selection and training for deacons and priests, along with their ordination, functions, and duties. It then considers the status and responsibilities of incumbents, patronage, and presentation of a cleric to a benefice, and suspension of presentation. It also examines the institution, collation, and induction of a presentee as well as unbeneficed clergy such as assistant curates and priests-in-charge of parishes, the authority of priests to officiate under the Extra-Parochial Ministry Measure, the right of priests to hold office under Common Tenure, and the role of visitations in maintaining the discipline of the Church. The chapter concludes with a discussion of clergy retirement and removal, employment status of clergy, vacation of benefices, group and team ministries, and other church appointments including rural or area deans, archdeacons, diocesan bishops, suffragan bishops, and archbishops.

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