Detecting Rebars and Tubes Inside Concrete Slabs Using Continuous Wavelet Transform of Elastic Waves

2004 ◽  
Vol 20 (4) ◽  
pp. 297-302 ◽  
C. H. Chiang ◽  
C. C. Cheng

AbstractA typical problem of elastic wave methods, such as the impact echo method, is due to peak detection based solely on amplitude spectrum. Current study aims to improve the feature identification of impact-echo signals obtained from buried objects in concrete slabs. Steel rebar, steel tubes, and PVC tubes embedded in a concrete slab are tested. Numerical simulations are carried out based on models constructed using the finite element method. The received signals, both experimental and simulated, are analyzed using both fast Fourier transform and continuous wavelet transform (CWT). The amplitude spectra can only provide global information and lose some important local effects of frequency components. This can be resolved by continuous wavelet transform for preserving the transient effects in the frequency domain. Localized spectral contents are analyzed and thus better understanding is achieved for the impulse responses due to different objects below the surface of the concrete slab. Features related to steel rebar, PVC and steel tubes are readily identified in the coefficient plot of wavelet coefficients. Multiple reflections and vibration modes related to various characteristics of wave propagation in the concrete slab can now be decomposed into distinctive frequency bands with different time durations. The result of CWT provides more information and is easier to interpret than that of the spectral analysis. The same peak frequency found in the amplitude spectrum is now distinguishable between PVC and steel tubes at a resolution of 0.1kHz or better. Such findings provide a more effective way to pick up true rebar signals using the impact-echo method.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2019 ◽  
pp. 1-14
Yun-Lin Liu ◽  
Jing-Jing Shi ◽  
Jun-Qi Huang ◽  
Guang-Shuo Wei ◽  
Zhi-Xin Wu

Grouted lap-splice connections are widely used for connecting precast concrete components. Grouting defects in the connections significantly influence the structural performance of the whole connection, which leads to the need for grouting defect detection. In this study, the impact-echo (IE) method was used for detecting defects in grouted lap-splice connections. Grouted connections with different levels of artificial grout defects were prepared in a shear wall, and the IE method was used to measure the frequency response. In addition, finite element (FE) analysis based on ABAQUS was conducted to simulate the tests. Based on the validated FE model, a parametric study was conducted to investigate the effect of the depth of the grout hole on the amplitude spectrum. The results indicated that (1) the IE method offered a good potential for grouting defect detection in grouted lap-splice connections; (2) the proposed FE model could well predict the frequency response of the grouting hole; and (3) the measured frequency and amplitude of the grouting hole in an impact-echo test would be considerably influenced by the hole depth.

2005 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-55
Jaime Navarro ◽  
Miguel Angel Alvarez

Symmetry ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (7) ◽  
pp. 1106
Jagdish N. Pandey

We define a testing function space DL2(Rn) consisting of a class of C∞ functions defined on Rn, n≥1 whose every derivtive is L2(Rn) integrable and equip it with a topology generated by a separating collection of seminorms {γk}|k|=0∞ on DL2(Rn), where |k|=0,1,2,… and γk(ϕ)=∥ϕ(k)∥2,ϕ∈DL2(Rn). We then extend the continuous wavelet transform to distributions in DL2′(Rn), n≥1 and derive the corresponding wavelet inversion formula interpreting convergence in the weak distributional sense. The kernel of our wavelet transform is defined by an element ψ(x) of DL2(Rn)∩DL1(Rn), n≥1 which, when integrated along each of the real axes X1,X2,…Xn vanishes, but none of its moments ∫Rnxmψ(x)dx is zero; here xm=x1m1x2m2⋯xnmn, dx=dx1dx2⋯dxn and m=(m1,m2,…mn) and each of m1,m2,…mn is ≥1. The set of such wavelets will be denoted by DM(Rn).

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