scholarly journals Spectropolarimetry and modeling of WR156

2014 ◽  
Vol 9 (S307) ◽  
pp. 387-388
Olga Maryeva

AbstractFor the first time spectropolarimetric observations of Wolf-Rayet star WR156 (WN8h) were conducted. Medium resolution spectropolarimetric data in the range of 3500-7200 ÅÅ were obtained at Russian 6-m telescope of Special Astrophysical Observatory (SAO RAS). These data show that the light from the star is significantly polarized, with the degree of polarization P=1.38±0.06%, and the position angle Θ=77.4°±1.2°. This polarization, most probably, has an interstellar origin, as its magnitude and orientation are similar to the ones of field stars. Also, we present results of numerical modeling of WR156 atmosphere performed using cmfgen code. According to it, WR156 is the richest hydrogen Wolf-Rayet star of WN8 type in the Galaxy.

2018 ◽  
Vol 620 ◽  
pp. A84 ◽  
D. Barría ◽  
S. Kimeswenger ◽  
W. Kausch ◽  
D. S. Goldman

Context. Many round or roundish planetary nebulae (PNe) show multiple shells and halo structures during their evolutionary stage near the maximum temperature of their central star. Controversial debate is ongoing if these structures are recombination halos, as suggested by hydrodynamic modeling efforts, or ionized material. Recently, we discovered a halo with somewhat unusual structures around the sparsely studied PN IC 5148 and present for the first time spectroscopy going out to the halo of such a PN. Aims. We investigate the spatial distribution of material and its ionization state from the center of the nebula up to the very outskirts of the halo. Methods. We obtained long-slit low resolution spectroscopy (FORS2 at VLT) of the nebula in two position angles, which we used to investigate the nebular structure and its halo in the optical range from 450 to 880 nm. In addition we used medium resolution spectra taken with X-shooter at VLT ranging from 320 nm to 2.4 μm to derive atmospheric parameters for the central star. We obtained the distance and position in the Galaxy from various methods combined with Gaia DR2 data. We also applied Cloudy models to the nebula in order to derive physical parameters of the various regions. Results. We obtained spatially resolved structures and detailed descriptions of the outrunning shock front and a set of unusual halo structures denoted to further shock. The halo structures appears clearly as hot ionized material. Furthermore, we derived a reliable photometric value for the central star at a Gaia distance of D = 1.3 kpc. Considering the large distance z = 1.0 kpc from the galactic plane together to its non-circular motion in the galaxy and, a metallicity only slightly below that of typical disk PNe, most likely IC 5148 originates from a thick disk population star.

Carlos R Argüelles ◽  
Manuel I Díaz ◽  
Andreas Krut ◽  
Rafael Yunis

Abstract The formation and stability of collisionless self-gravitating systems is a long standing problem, which dates back to the work of D. Lynden-Bell on violent relaxation, and extends to the issue of virialization of dark matter (DM) halos. An important prediction of such a relaxation process is that spherical equilibrium states can be described by a Fermi-Dirac phase-space distribution, when the extremization of a coarse-grained entropy is reached. In the case of DM fermions, the most general solution develops a degenerate compact core surrounded by a diluted halo. As shown recently, the latter is able to explain the galaxy rotation curves while the DM core can mimic the central black hole. A yet open problem is whether this kind of astrophysical core-halo configurations can form at all, and if they remain stable within cosmological timescales. We assess these issues by performing a thermodynamic stability analysis in the microcanonical ensemble for solutions with given particle number at halo virialization in a cosmological framework. For the first time we demonstrate that the above core-halo DM profiles are stable (i.e. maxima of entropy) and extremely long lived. We find the existence of a critical point at the onset of instability of the core-halo solutions, where the fermion-core collapses towards a supermassive black hole. For particle masses in the keV range, the core-collapse can only occur for Mvir ≳ E9M⊙ starting at zvir ≈ 10 in the given cosmological framework. Our results prove that DM halos with a core-halo morphology are a very plausible outcome within nonlinear stages of structure formation.

1999 ◽  
Partha S. Das

Abstract Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution (HBOI) designed, built and has operated two JOHNSON-SEA-LINK (JSL) manned submersibles for the past 25 years. The JSL submersibles each incorporate a 66–68 in. (1.6764–1.7272 m) OD, 4–5.25 in. (0.1016–0.13335 m) thick acrylic two-man sphere as a Pressure Vessel for Human Occupancy (PVHO). This type of spherical acrylic sphere or submersible was first introduced in around 1970 and is known as Naval Experimental Manned Observatory (NEMO) submersibles. As the demand increases for ocean exploration to 3000 ft. (914.4 m) depth to collect samples, to study the ocean surfaces, the problem of developing cracks at the interface of these manned acrylic submersibles following few hundred dives have become a common phenomena. This has drawn considerable attentions for reinvestigation of the spherical acrylic submersible in order to overcome this crack generation problem at the interface. Therefore, a new full-scale 3-D nonlinear FEA (Finite Element Analysis) model, similar to the spherical acrylic submersible that HBOI uses for ocean exploration, has been developed for the first time in order to simulate the structural behavior at the interface and throughout the sphere, for better understanding of the mechanical behavior. Variation of the stiffness between dissimilar materials at the interface, lower nylon gasket thickness, over designed aluminum hatch are seemed to be few of the causes for higher stresses within acrylic sphere at the nylon gasket/acrylic interface. Following the basic understanding of the stresses and relative displacements at the interface and within different parts of the submersible, various models have been developed on the basis of different shapes and thickness of nylon gaskets, openings of the acrylic sphere, hatch geometry and its materials, specifically to study their effect on the overall performance of the acrylic submersible. Finally, the new model for acrylic submersible has been developed by redesigning the top aluminum hatch and hatch ring, the sphere openings at both top and bottom, as well as the nylon gasket inserts. Altogether this new design indicates a significant improvement over the existing spherical acrylic submersible by reducing the stresses at the top gasket/acrylic interface considerably. Redesigning of the bottom penetrator plate, at present, is underway. In this paper, results from numerical modeling only are reported in details. Correlation between experimental-numerical modeling results for the new model will be reported in the near future.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 314-323
Baghdad Science Journal

Two galaxies have been chosen, spiral galaxy NGC 5005 and elliptical galaxy NGC 4278 to study their photometric properties by using surface photometric techniques with griz-Filters. Observations are obtained from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). The data reduction of all images have done, like bias and flat field, by SDSS pipeline. The overall structure of the two galaxies (a bulge, a disk), together with isophotal contour maps, surface brightness profiles and a bulge/disk decomposition of the galaxy images were performed, although the disk position angle, ellipticity and inclination of the galaxies have been estimated.

2000 ◽  
Vol 176 ◽  
pp. 157-160
E. Antonello ◽  
L. Mantegazza ◽  
D. Fugazza ◽  
M. Bossi ◽  
S. Covino

AbstractA summary of the first results of a search for Cepheids in IC 1613 is reported along with a short discussion of the adopted technique, a comparison of the characteristics of Cepheid light curves in the Galaxy, Magellanic Clouds and IC 1613, and a possible application for a P–L relation derivation. First overtone Cepheids have been identified for the first time in a galaxy farther than the Magellanic Clouds.

2019 ◽  
Vol 623 ◽  
pp. A84 ◽  
J. S. Clark ◽  
M. E. Lohr ◽  
L. R. Patrick ◽  
F. Najarro

The Arches is one of the youngest, densest and most massive clusters in the Galaxy. As such it provides a unique insight into the lifecycle of the most massive stars known and the formation and survival of such stellar aggregates in the extreme conditions of the Galactic Centre. In a previous study we presented an initial stellar census for the Arches and in this work we expand upon this, providing new and revised classifications for ∼30% of the 105 spectroscopically identified cluster members as well as distinguishing potential massive runaways. The results of this survey emphasise the homogeneity and co-evality of the Arches and confirm the absence of H-free Wolf-Rayets of WC sub-type and predicted luminosities. The increased depth of our complete dataset also provides significantly better constraints on the main sequence population; with the identification of O9.5 V stars for the first time we now spectroscopically sample stars with initial masses ranging from ∼16 M⊙ to ≥120 M⊙. Indeed, following from our expanded stellar census we might expect ≳50 stars within the Arches to have been born with masses ≳60 M⊙, while all 105 spectroscopically confirmed cluster members are massive enough to leave relativistic remnants upon their demise. Moreover the well defined observational properties of the main sequence cohort will be critical to the construction of an extinction law appropriate for the Galactic Centre and consequently the quantitative analysis of the Arches population and subsequent determination of the cluster initial mass function.

2019 ◽  
Vol 488 (1) ◽  
pp. 918-938 ◽  
Thor Tepper-García ◽  
Joss Bland-Hawthorn ◽  
Marcel S Pawlowski ◽  
Tobias K Fritz

ABSTRACT The Magellanic Clouds (MCs) are the most massive gas-bearing systems falling into the Galaxy at the present epoch. They show clear signs of interaction, manifested in particular by the Magellanic Stream, a spectacular gaseous wake that trails from the MCs extending more than 150° across the sky. Ahead of the MCs is the ‘Leading Arm’ usually interpreted as the tidal counterpart of the Magellanic Stream, an assumption we now call into question. We revisit the formation of these gaseous structures in a first-infall scenario, including for the first time a Galactic model with a weakly magnetized, spinning hot corona. In agreement with previous studies, we recover the location and the extension of the Stream on the sky. In contrast, we find that the formation of the Leading Arm – that is otherwise present in models without a corona – is inhibited by the hydrodynamic interaction with the hot component. These results hold with or without coronal rotation or a weak, ambient magnetic field. Since the existence of the hot corona is well established, we are led to two possible interpretations: (i) the Leading Arm survives because the coronal density beyond 20 kpc is a factor ≳10 lower than required by conventional spheroidal coronal X-ray models, in line with recent claims of rapid coronal rotation; or (ii) the ‘Leading Arm’ is cool gas trailing from a frontrunner, a satellite moving ahead of the MCs, consistent with its higher metallicity compared to the trailing stream. Both scenarios raise issues that we discuss.

1996 ◽  
Vol 169 ◽  
pp. 615-616
V.R. Shoutenkov

The possibility to study magnetic field of the Galaxy calculating correlation or structure functions of synchrotron background radio emission have been known long ago (Kaplan and Pikel'ner (1963); Getmantsev (1958)). But this method had not been as popular as other methods of magnetic field studies. However theoretical calculations made by Chibisov and Ptuskin (1981) showed that correlation functions of intensity of synchrotron background radio emission can give a lot of valuable information about galactic magnetic fields because of the intensity of synchrotron background radio emission depends on H⊥. According to this theory correlation C(θ, φ) and structure S(θ, φ) functions of intensity, as functions of angular separation θ between two lines of sight and position angle φ on the sky between this two lines of sight, can be presented as a sum of isotropic (not dependent from angle φ) and anisotropic parts:

2020 ◽  
Vol 494 (2) ◽  
pp. 2244-2253 ◽  
M Orienti ◽  
G Migliori ◽  
G Brunetti ◽  
H Nagai ◽  
F D’Ammando ◽  

ABSTRACT We report results on deep Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) A-configuration observations at 22 GHz of the hotspots of the radio galaxies 3C 227 and 3C 445. Synchrotron emission in the optical on scales up to a few kpc was reported for the four hotspots. Our VLA observations point out the presence of unresolved regions with upper limit to their linear size of about 100 pc. This is the first time that such compact components in hotspots have been detected in a mini-sample, indicating that they are not a peculiar characteristic of a few individual hotspots. The polarization may reach values up to 70 per cent in compact (about 0.1 kpc scale) regions within the hotspot, indicating a highly ordered magnetic field with size up to a hundred parsecs. On larger scales, the average polarization of the hotspot component is about 30–45 per cent, suggesting the presence of a significant random field component, rather than an ordered magnetic field. This is further supported by the displacement between the peaks in polarized intensity and in total intensity images that is observed in all the four hotspots. The electric vector position angle is not constant, but changes arbitrarily in the central part of the hotspot regions, whereas it is usually perpendicular to the total intensity contours of the outermost edge of the hotspot structure, likely marking the large-scale shock front. The misalignment between X-ray and radio-to-optical emission suggests that the former is tracing the current particle acceleration, whereas the latter marks older shock fronts.

2013 ◽  
Vol 9 (S298) ◽  
pp. 92-97
Andreas Ritter

AbstractThe advent of large spectroscopic surveys of the Galaxy offers the possibility to compare Galactic models to actual measurements for the first time. I have developed a tool for the comprehensive comparison of any large data set to the predictions made by models of the Galaxy using sophisticated statistical methods, and to visualise the results for any given direction. This enables us to point out systematic differences between the model and the measurements, as well as to identify new (sub-)structures in the Galaxy. These results can then be used to improve the models, which in turn will allow us to find even more substructures like stellar streams, moving groups, or clusters. In this paper I show the potential of this tool by applying it to the RAdial Velocity Experiment (RAVE, Steinmetz 2003) and the Besançon model of the Galaxy Robin et al. 2003.

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