scholarly journals Dust Emission Modeling Using a New High‐Resolution Dust Source Function in WRF‐Chem With Implications for Air Quality

2019 ◽  
Vol 124 (17-18) ◽  
pp. 10109-10133 ◽  
Sagar P. Parajuli ◽  
Georgiy L. Stenchikov ◽  
Alexander Ukhov ◽  
Hyunglok Kim
2020 ◽  
Jun Meng ◽  
Randall V. Martin ◽  
Paul Ginoux ◽  
Melanie Hammer ◽  
Melissa P. Sulprizio ◽  

Abstract. The nonlinear dependence of the dust saltation process on wind speed poses a challenge for models of varying resolutions. This challenge is of particular relevance for the next generation of chemical transport models with nimble capability for multiple resolutions. We develop and apply a method to harmonize dust emissions across simulations of different resolutions by generating offline grid-independent dust emissions driven by native high-resolution meteorological fields. We implement into the GEOS-Chem chemical transport model a high-resolution dust source function to generate updated offline dust emissions. These updated offline dust emissions based on high-resolution meteorological fields can better resolve weak dust source regions, such as in southern South America, southern Africa, and the southwestern United States. Identification of an appropriate dust emission strength is facilitated by the resolution independence of offline emissions. We find that the performance of simulated aerosol optical depth (AOD) versus measurements from the AERONET network and satellite remote sensing improves significantly when using the updated offline dust emissions with the total global annual dust emission strength of 2,000 Tg yr−1 rather than the standard online emissions in GEOS-Chem. The offline high-resolution dust emissions are easily implemented in chemical transport models. The source code is available online through GitHub: . The global offline high resolution dust emission inventory is freely available (see Code and Data Availability section).

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (7) ◽  
pp. 4249-4260
Jun Meng ◽  
Randall V. Martin ◽  
Paul Ginoux ◽  
Melanie Hammer ◽  
Melissa P. Sulprizio ◽  

Abstract. The nonlinear dependence of the dust saltation process on wind speed poses a challenge for models of varying resolutions. This challenge is of particular relevance for the next generation of chemical transport models with nimble capability for multiple resolutions. We develop and apply a method to harmonize dust emissions across simulations of different resolutions by generating offline grid-independent dust emissions driven by native high-resolution meteorological fields. We implement into the GEOS-Chem chemical transport model a high-resolution dust source function to generate updated offline dust emissions. These updated offline dust emissions based on high-resolution meteorological fields strengthen dust emissions over relatively weak dust source regions, such as in southern South America, southern Africa and the southwestern United States. Identification of an appropriate dust emission strength is facilitated by the resolution independence of offline emissions. We find that the performance of simulated aerosol optical depth (AOD) versus measurements from the AERONET network and satellite remote sensing improves significantly when using the updated offline dust emissions with the total global annual dust emission strength of 2000 Tg yr−1 rather than the standard online emissions in GEOS-Chem. The updated simulation also better represents in situ measurements from a global climatology. The offline high-resolution dust emissions are easily implemented in chemical transport models. The source code and global offline high-resolution dust emission inventory are publicly available.

2014 ◽  
Vol 14 (23) ◽  
pp. 13043-13061 ◽  
J. F. Kok ◽  
S. Albani ◽  
N. M. Mahowald ◽  
D. S. Ward

<p><strong>Abstract.</strong> The complex nature of mineral dust aerosol emission makes it a difficult process to represent accurately in weather and climate models. Indeed, results in the companion paper indicate that many large-scale models underestimate the dust flux's sensitivity to the soil's threshold friction velocity for erosion. We hypothesize that this finding explains why many dust cycle simulations are improved by using an empirical dust source function that shifts emissions towards the world's most erodible regions. Here, we both test this hypothesis and evaluate the performance of the new dust emission parameterization presented in the companion paper. We do so by implementing the new emission scheme into the Community Earth System Model (CESM) and comparing the resulting dust cycle simulations against an array of measurements. We find that the new scheme shifts emissions towards the world's most erodible regions in a manner that is strikingly similar to the effect of implementing a widely used source function based on satellite observations of dust source regions. Furthermore, model comparisons against aerosol optical depth measurements show that the new physically based scheme produces a statistically significant improvement in CESM's representation of dust emission, which exceeds the improvement produced by implementing a source function. These results indicate that the need to use an empirical source function is eliminated, at least in CESM, by the additional physics in the new scheme, and in particular by its increased sensitivity to the soil's threshold friction velocity. Since the threshold friction velocity is affected by climate changes, our results further suggest that many large-scale models underestimate the global dust cycle's climate sensitivity.</p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 159 ◽  
pp. 11-25 ◽  
Dongchul Kim ◽  
Mian Chin ◽  
Eric M. Kemp ◽  
Zhining Tao ◽  
Christa D. Peters-Lidard ◽  

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (17) ◽  
pp. 11199-11212 ◽  
Ana Stojiljkovic ◽  
Mari Kauhaniemi ◽  
Jaakko Kukkonen ◽  
Kaarle Kupiainen ◽  
Ari Karppinen ◽  

Abstract. We have numerically evaluated how effective selected potential measures would be for reducing the impact of road dust on ambient air particulate matter (PM10). The selected measures included a reduction of the use of studded tyres on light-duty vehicles and a reduction of the use of salt or sand for traction control. We have evaluated these measures for a street canyon located in central Helsinki for four years (2007–2009 and 2014). Air quality measurements were conducted in the street canyon for two years, 2009 and 2014. Two road dust emission models, NORTRIP (NOn-exhaust Road TRaffic Induced Particle emissions) and FORE (Forecasting Of Road dust Emissions), were applied in combination with the Operational Street Pollution Model (OSPM), a street canyon dispersion model, to compute the street increments of PM10 (i.e. the fraction of PM10 concentration originating from traffic emissions at the street level) within the street canyon. The predicted concentrations were compared with the air quality measurements. Both road dust emission models reproduced the seasonal variability of the PM10 concentrations fairly well but under-predicted the annual mean values. It was found that the largest reductions of concentrations could potentially be achieved by reducing the fraction of vehicles that use studded tyres. For instance, a 30 % decrease in the number of vehicles using studded tyres would result in an average decrease in the non-exhaust street increment of PM10 from 10 % to 22 %, depending on the model used and the year considered. Modelled contributions of traction sand and salt to the annual mean non-exhaust street increment of PM10 ranged from 4 % to 20 % for the traction sand and from 0.1 % to 4 % for the traction salt. The results presented here can be used to support the development of optimal strategies for reducing high springtime particulate matter concentrations originating from road dust.

2016 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 765-777 ◽  
Bernd Heinold ◽  
Ina Tegen ◽  
Kerstin Schepanski ◽  
Jamie R. Banks

Abstract. In the aerosol–climate model ECHAM6-HAM2, dust source activation (DSA) observations from Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) satellite are proposed to replace the original source area parameterization over the Sahara Desert. The new setup is tested in nudged simulations for the period 2007 to 2008. The evaluation is based on comparisons to dust emission events inferred from MSG dust index imagery, Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) sun photometer observations, and satellite retrievals of aerosol optical thickness (AOT).The model results agree well with AERONET measurements especially in terms of seasonal variability, and a good spatial correlation was found between model results and MSG-SEVIRI (Spinning-Enhanced Visible and InfraRed Imager) dust AOT as well as Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) AOT. ECHAM6-HAM2 computes a more realistic geographical distribution and up to 20 % higher annual Saharan dust emissions, using the MSG-based source map. The representation of dust AOT is partly improved in the southern Sahara and Sahel. In addition, the spatial variability is increased towards a better agreement with observations depending on the season. Thus, using the MSG DSA map can help to circumvent the issue of uncertain soil input parameters.An important issue remains the need to improve the model representation of moist convection and stable nighttime conditions. Compared to sub-daily DSA information from MSG-SEVIRI and results from a regional model, ECHAM6-HAM2 notably underestimates the important fraction of morning dust events by the breakdown of the nocturnal low-level jet, while a major contribution is from afternoon-to-evening emissions.

2015 ◽  
Vol 449 (1) ◽  
pp. 243-267 ◽  
Giovanni Natale ◽  
Cristina C. Popescu ◽  
Richard. J. Tuffs ◽  
Victor P. Debattista ◽  
Jörg Fischera ◽  

2014 ◽  
Vol 14 (20) ◽  
pp. 10963-10976 ◽  
J. J. P. Kuenen ◽  
A. J. H. Visschedijk ◽  
M. Jozwicka ◽  
H. A. C. Denier van der Gon

Abstract. Emissions to air are reported by countries to EMEP. The emissions data are used for country compliance checking with EU emission ceilings and associated emission reductions. The emissions data are also necessary as input for air quality modelling. The quality of these "official" emissions varies across Europe. As alternative to these official emissions, a spatially explicit high-resolution emission inventory (7 × 7 km) for UNECE-Europe for all years between 2003 and 2009 for the main air pollutants was made. The primary goal was to supply air quality modellers with the input they need. The inventory was constructed by using the reported emission national totals by sector where the quality is sufficient. The reported data were analysed by sector in detail, and completed with alternative emission estimates as needed. This resulted in a complete emission inventory for all countries. For particulate matter, for each source emissions have been split in coarse and fine particulate matter, and further disaggregated to EC, OC, SO4, Na and other minerals using fractions based on the literature. Doing this at the most detailed sectoral level in the database implies that a consistent set was obtained across Europe. This allows better comparisons with observational data which can, through feedback, help to further identify uncertain sources and/or support emission inventory improvements for this highly uncertain pollutant. The resulting emission data set was spatially distributed consistently across all countries by using proxy parameters. Point sources were spatially distributed using the specific location of the point source. The spatial distribution for the point sources was made year-specific. The TNO-MACC_II is an update of the TNO-MACC emission data set. Major updates included the time extension towards 2009, use of the latest available reported data (including updates and corrections made until early 2012) and updates in distribution maps.

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