Personal Responsibility Therapy

1989 ◽  
Vol 34 (4) ◽  
pp. 399-400
George S. Howard
2012 ◽  
Vol 43 (2) ◽  
pp. 108-113 ◽  
Eric Luis Uhlmann ◽  
Brian A. Nosek

The present research examined the effects of egocentric motivations on individuals’ explanations for how their automatic racial prejudices came into being. The majority of participants reported experiencing biased thoughts, feelings, and gut reactions toward minorities which they found difficult to consciously control, and they attributed such biases to cultural socialization. Of particular interest, ego-threatened participants were significantly more likely to attribute their automatic racial biases to their culture and significantly less likely to attribute such biases to themselves. Results suggest that attributing one’s racial biases to cultural socialization can be a defensive, motivated process aimed at diminishing personal responsibility.

2001 ◽  
Mary Sue Brooks

2013 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-70 ◽  
Galia Sabar

This paper analyses homecoming experiences of African labour migrants who lived in Israel and returned home. Using qualitative research methodologies, I discerned what factors - material and non-material - determine the relative success of the return process. Focusing on these factors’ effects, I offer a new understanding of labour migrants’ homecoming experiences: those who are “content,” “readjusting,” or “lost. Following Ulrich Beck's (2006) analysis of cosmopolitanism, I suggest that these categories portray significant new life spaces that are neither what they left nor what they came from, and are dynamic, fragile, and constantly changing. In some cases the influence of economic assets on the returned migrants’ homecoming experience was indeed crucial, in many other cases the challenges of reconnecting oneself with home, family, and existing social norms and customs was much more influential on their homecoming experience including on their sense of well-being. Furthermore, some of the non-material goods such as individualization, personal responsibility, and long-term planning proved useful, others such as trust, particularly in relation to family, were detrimental.

Dzhyhil Yu. ◽  

Residential architecture has one of the most conservative styles based on its specifics. However, today this type of architecture seeks to actively respond to changes in the modern world. These changes are caused by multiple factors, among them are: technological and information progress; lack of resources and environmental pollution; military conflicts and population migration etc. The purpose of this article is to summarize the experience of the Department of Architectural Environment of Lviv Polytechnic National University over housing issues and outline the methodological principles of innovation in designing both individual houses and the architectural environment of residential formations. While writing this article, we analyzed the 15-year experience of Architectural Environment's Department diploma projects. The unique feature of these projects is the priority on the design of the environment. The evolution of diploma project topics is revealed on multiple distinctive examples such as the reconstruction of old buildings in Lviv and the construction of prefabricated homes and container-type housing. Futuristic settlements are represented in projects such as “The Ocean Settlements” and “Prykarpatsk - the City of Future”. Research projects were developed to study current trends in housing design and the impact of innovative technologies on planning decisions. These projects discoursed the protection of housing from traffic noise and issues related to environmental preservation. Innovative architectural ideas of future housing, developed by students in these projects, are based on a combination of aesthetic, technical, and social components of architecture. The conclusion indicates that when educating future architects, it is important to teach them the basics of the craft, as well as the ability to defend their innovative ideas. The emphasis is placed on the importance of educating the architect's personal responsibility for their own design solutions. It is stated that professional motivation and the ability to constantly renew previously acquired knowledge and skills will be among the main tasks in training future architects.

2016 ◽  
Vol 167 (2) ◽  
pp. 82-89
Michael Bütler

Responsibility for forest-linked dangers: examples from legal practice According to the Forest Policy 2020 of the Federal Council the share of old and dead wood should increase in Swiss forests. On the one hand, this is connected to positive ecological effects but on the other, to dangers, responsibilities and liability risks. Recent court and administrative decisions relating to accidents due to typical forest hazards such as falling trees and branches illustrate the legal situation for forest owners and enterprises as well as for forestry professionals. In the wooded environment near buildings and equipment there are obligations for the safety of traffic and passers-by. However, these obligations are limited by the reasonableness of protective measures and the personal responsibility of forest users. In this paper, the liability issue is illustrated by three legal case studies. The cases are assessed by the author, and the essential legal basis for liability is briefly summarized.

2007 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 77-97 ◽  
Julian Chow ◽  
Grace Yoo ◽  
Catherine Vu

The passage of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act (PRWORA) of 1996 has major implications for low-income Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) populations. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the research currently examining the impact of welfare reform on AAPI recipients and the welfare-to-work services available to this population. This article highlights AAPI participation and their timing-out rates in California’s CalWORKs program and their barriers to transitioning to work. Four welfare-to-work program models and recommendations are presented to illustrate strategies that can be used to address the unique needs of AAPI in order to alleviate their high risk for timing-out: one-stop-shops, transitional jobs programs, providing comprehensive and family focused services, and additional research and evaluation of programs specific to assisting the AAPI population on CalWORKs.

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