Hippocampal lesions cause learning deficits in inbred mice in the Morris water maze and conditioned-fear task.

1997 ◽  
Vol 111 (1) ◽  
pp. 104-113 ◽  
Sheree F. Logue ◽  
Richard Paylor ◽  
Jeanne M. Wehner
Mahmoud Hashemzaei ◽  
Najmeh Baratzadeh ◽  
Iraj Sharamian ◽  
Sahar Fanoudi ◽  
Mehdi Sanati ◽  

Abstract Objectives H-89 (a protein kinase AII [PKA II] inhibitor) impairs the spatial memory in the Morris water maze task in rats. In the present study, we aimed to study the protective effects of nicotine and O-acetyl-L-carnitine against H-89-induced spatial memory deficits. Methods Spatial memory impairment was induced by the bilateral intrahippocampal administration of 10 µM H-89 (dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide, DMSO) to rats. The rats then received bilateral administrations of either nicotine (1 μg/μL, dissolved in saline) or O-acetyl-L-carnitine (100 μM/side, dissolved in deionized water) alone and in combination. Control groups received either saline, deionized water, or DMSO. Results The H-89-treated animals showed significant increases in the time and distance travelled to find hidden platforms, and there was also a significant decrease in the time spent in the target quadrant compared to DMSO-treated animals. Nicotine and O-acetyl-L-carnitine had no significant effects on H-89-induced spatial learning impairments alone, but the bilateral intrahippocampal co-administration of nicotine and O-acetyl-L-carnitine prevented H-89-induced spatial learning deficits and increased the time spent in the target quadrant in comparison with H-89-treated animals. Conclusions Our results indicated the potential synergistic effects of nicotine and O-acetyl-L-carnitine in preventing protein kinase AII inhibitor (H-89)-induced spatial learning impairments.

1965 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 211-219 ◽  
Melvin L. Goldstein

Experiments investigating the effects of limbic system lesions in a modified classical conditioning situation were performed on 68 rats. Pre- and post-operative tests were given to parietal and amygdalectomized Ss. Postoperative tests were given to parietal, hippocampal, and amygdalectomized Ss. Hypothalamic and amygdaloid Ss showed no evidence of learning the test response. Contrary to previous reports, it was found that animals with small hippocampal lesions were able to learn the test response. The observed learning deficits were discussed in terms of possible receptor mechanisms for painful stimuli controlled by basolateral amygdaloid nucleus and ventromedial hypothalamus.

2006 ◽  
Vol 172 (1) ◽  
pp. 122-134 ◽  
Natasja de Bruin ◽  
Michel Mahieu ◽  
Tarah Patel ◽  
Roland Willems ◽  
Anne Lesage ◽  

Е.И. Захарова ◽  
З.И. Сторожева ◽  
А.Т. Прошин ◽  
М.Ю. Монаков ◽  
А.М. Дудченко

Цель - исследование холинергической синаптической организации функций обучения и памяти у крыс с разными когнитивными способностями. Методы. Крыс обучали на пространственной обстановочной модели в водном лабиринте Морриса. Через 2-3 сут. после окончания тренировок животных декапитировали, из неокортекса и гиппокампа с помощью центрифугирования выделяли субфракции синаптических мембран и синаптоплазмы легких и тяжелых синаптосом. В синаптических субфракциях определяли активность ключевого фермента холинергических нейронов холинацетилтрансферазы (ХАТ). Сравнивали результаты тестирования (время достижения скрытой платформы) и активность фермента у способных и неспособных к обучению крыс. Результаты. Были выявлены: 1) различия в холинергической организации исследованных функций в процессе обучения у способных и неспособных к обучению крыс, в том числе: положительные корреляции активности ХАТ в синапсах проекционных нейронов неокортекса у способных крыс со временем достижения платформы на промежуточных этапах обучения и в синапсах проекционных нейронов гиппокампа у неспособных крыс на позднем этапе обучения; разнонаправленные корреляции активности ХАТ в синапсах, предположительно, интернейронов гиппокампа (фракция тяжелых синаптосом) у способных и неспособных крыс на начальном и позднем этапах обучения; 2) индивидуальность холинергической организации функций на всех этапах обучения. Выводы. Полученные данные свидетельствуют в пользу представлений о специфике холинергической организации функций пространственного обстановочного обучения у крыс с выраженными и слабыми способностями к обучению, а также избирательной роли холинергических интернейронов гиппокампа на исходном этапе обучения и в консолидации памяти. In order to expand the knowledge about neuronal organization of the cognitive functions required for understanding plastic processes in the brain, we investigated the cholinergic synaptic organization of learning and memory functions in rats with different cognitive abilities. Methods. Rats were trained on a contextual situation model in the Morris water maze. At 2-3 days after the end of training, animals were decapitated, and subfractions of synaptic membranes and synaptoplasm of light and heavy synaptosomes were isolated from the cortex and the hippocampus by centrifugation. In synaptic subfractions, activity of the key enzyme of cholinergic neurons, choline acetyltransferase, was measured. We compared the test results (latent period to reach the hidden platform) and the enzyme activity in capable (lower quartile) and incapable of learning rats (upper quartile). Results. The following was found: 1) differences in the cholinergic organization of studied functions in capable and uncapable of learning rats during training, including: positive correlations of choline acetyltransferase activity in synapses of projection neurons in the cortex of capable rats with latency to reach the platform at intermediate stages of training and in the hippocampus ofincapable rats at late stages of training; multidirectional correlations of choline acetyltransferase activity in synapses of hippocampal, presumably, interneurons (heavy synaptosomes) in capable and incapable rats at early and late stages of training; 2) distinctness of the cholinergic organization of functions at all stages of training. Conclusions. The study demonstrated for the first time a specificity of the cholinergic organization of functions in spatial situational learning of rats with strong and poor learning abilities and a selective role of hippocampal cholinergic interneurons at the initial stage of learning and in memory consolidation.

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