Learning to Read and Enjoying the Process-A Guide for Parents and Teachers

2016 ◽  
Vol 61 (10) ◽  
Cynthia C. Siebel
Nicole Patton Terry

Abstract Determining how best to address young children's African American English use in formal literacy assessment and instruction is a challenge. Evidence is not yet available to discern which theory best accounts for the relation between AAE use and literacy skills or to delineate which dialect-informed educational practices are most effective for children in preschool and the primary grades. Nonetheless, consistent observations of an educationally significant relation between AAE use and various early literacy skills suggest that dialect variation should be considered in assessment and instruction practices involving children who are learning to read and write. The speech-language pathologist can play a critical role in instituting such practices in schools.

2019 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
pp. 97-107
Melanie Boltzmann ◽  
Thomas Münte ◽  
Bahram Mohammadi ◽  
Jascha Rüsseler

Abstract. In Germany, 7.5 Million individuals between 18 and 64 years are considered to be functionally illiterate (Grotlüschen & Riekmann, 2012). Functional illiterates have only rudimentary literacy skills despite attending school for several years. Although they can use written language to a very limited extent, only few functional illiterates attend literacy courses for adults. In addition, most adult literacy courses primarily aim at promoting basic reading and writing skills. Offers specific to workplace literacy are scarce. This review gives an overview of the definition of functional illiteracy. Afterwards, a specific literacy program (AlphaPlus) and its effectiveness will be presented. The reviewed studies indicate that learning to read in adulthood is associated with structural and functional brain changes.

2000 ◽  
Vol 92 (4) ◽  
pp. 668-680 ◽  
Heinz Wimmer ◽  
Heinz Mayringer ◽  
Karin Landerl

1893 ◽  
Charles H. Greene

Evelien van Wingerden ◽  
Arjan van Tilborg ◽  
Hans van Balkom

Learning to read is challenging for children who have hearing impairments and concurrent intellectual disabilities because they face barriers due to both conditions. In many developmental domains, including executive functioning and language development, auditory and intellectual disabilities mutually influence each other; a deficit in one domain hinders coping mechanisms to compensate for distortions in the other. The resulting impact is more than the sum of the parts. It affects the way students learn to read and the way they process written text in many ways. Little is known about the key factors in literacy development for children with both hearing impairments and intellectual disabilities. This chapter integrates recent findings on reading development in children with both of these conditions to define a research base for two exploratory studies on literacy attainment in these learners. Recommendations for literacy education are based on these studies.

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