Time Rate as an Independent Variable in Research

George S. Rotter
2004 ◽  
Vol 171 (4S) ◽  
pp. 46-46
Andy Yu-How Chang ◽  
Andrew Hwang ◽  
Hei Wen Xie ◽  
Jie Cai ◽  
Susan Groshen ◽  

Eka Ambara Harci Putranta ◽  
Lilik Ambarwati

The study aims to analyze the influence of internal banking factors in the form of: Capital Adequency Ratio (CAR), Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR) and Total Assets (TA) to Non Performing Financing at Sharia Banks. This research method used multiple linear regression analysis with the help of SPSS 16.00 software which is used to see the influence between the independent variables in the form of Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR) and Total Assets (TA) to Non Performing Financing. The sample of this study was 3 Islamic Commercial Banks, so there were 36 annual reports obtained through purposive sampling, then analyzed using multiple linear regression methods. The results showed that based on the F Test, the independent variable had an effect on the NPF, indicated by the F value of 17,016 and significance of 0,000, overall the independent variable was able to explain the effect of 69.60%. While based on the partial t test, showed that CAR has a significant negative effect, Total assets have a significant positive effect with a significance value below 0.05 (5%). Meanwhile FDR does not affect NPF.

2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Ria Manurung

Research conducted to obtain empirical evidence how the influence of independent variables of intellectual intelligence to accounting with moderating variables of emotional and spiritual intelligence. The research method used is descriptive quantitative with explanatory descriptive or explanatory research. This method is an explanatory research that proves the existence of causal relationship of independent variable (independent variable) that is intellectual intelligence; moderating variable (emotional and spiritual intelligence); and dependent variable (accounted dependent variable). Research begins by conducting library search, followed by primary data collection conducted by using questionnaires and secondary data through data analysis. And for the use of data analysis consists of descriptive analysis, classical assumption test and verification analysis with the method of Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA). This study is a census study with homogeneous and limited population of 92 students, all students of Accounting Graduate Program at UNSOED. Conclusion of research result that is: (1) Intellectual intelligence have influence either positively or signifikan to accountancy. Thus intellectual intelligence can lead students to more easily understand accounting, (2) Intellectual intelligence can be strengthened by emotional intelligence on accounting both positively and significantly. (3) Spiritual intelligence can strengthen the influence of intellectual intelligence on accounting both positively and significantly.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 60
Widya Arisandy

Knowledge is the result of �know� and this is happening after they made a sensing towards an object certain .Sensing towards an object occur through panca human senses the sight , hearing , of smell , taste and touched with own .Knowledge about the implementation of the nurse strategy is obliged to understandable and in understand by a nurse soul .Many things can affect knowledge a nurse soul both internally and externally.Strategy the implementation of the act of nursing is a in made as a guide by a nurse if when interacting with disorder patients hallucinations.The purpose of research to know relations factors internal a nurse with knowledge nurse in the application of the implementation of the strategy in patients with disorder hallucinations in inpatient Rooms Hospital Ernaldi Bahar The Province Of South Sumatera 2017 . The kind of research done is research quantitative by using the method survey analytic approach in cross sectional .Technique the sample collection that is using a technique the sample collection total of sampling , the number of the sample are always 33 people .To research this independent variable consists of education , length of employment and the days of while dependent variable is knowledge nurse about strategy the implementation of the hallucinations . the results of this research was obtained one variable are associated than 3 variable internal factors researched namely working time with the results of p-value 0,011. Researchers hope from the results of this research , nurses can identify any factor that could affect the knowledge nurses and also can be used to understand the science of psychiatric Keywords : Nurses Knowledge, Strategy Implementation Hallucinations

Abdullah Farih

The objective of this study is to measure whether there is or not significant effect of teaching reading by utilizing Hot Potatoes software toward students’ reading comprehension of descriptive text. The variables used were the teaching treatment of Hot Potatoes Software as the independent variable and the students’ reading comprehension of Descriptive Text as dependent variable. Then, the research designed was Quasi-experimental design and the presentation of data used was quantitative. The data were obtained from the eleventh grade, of which 28 students were taken as sample. The students are divided into two groups; experiment group consisted of 12 students and control group consists of 16 students. To get the data, the pre-test and post-test were applied and then analyzed using t-test formula. The researcher had concluded that there is Significant effect of Hot Potatoes Software toward the students’ reading comprehension achievement. The result showed that mean of students’ post-test was increased. It is proved by the t-test (8.54) which is higher than t-table (2.05) at level of significance 5%. It means that the alternative hypothesis was accepted and it proved that Hot Potatoes Software had significant effect toward students’ reading comprehension of Descriptive Text

1970 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 01
Didit Damayanti ◽  
Pria Wahyu R.G ◽  
Muhanni’ah Muhanni’ah

Introduction: Disaster management is a dynamic, continual, and integrated process as to increase the qualities of the actions which are relevant to the process of observation and analysis of disaster as well as minimalizing the negative impacts, mitigation, readiness, early warning, immediate emergency, rehabilitation and reconstruction. The aim of this research is to analyse theconnection between disaster management and the prevention of community breakdown in order to face a volcanic eruption for every head of household. Method: The design of this research is correlational research with a cross sectional approach. The demographic group that is used for this research is the head of households in Rt 06/Rw 01 dusun Puncu desa Puncu, by using the purposive sampling technique which has been collected from the sampling of the 33 heads of households. Independent variable is the knowledge of disaster management, and the dependent variable is the prevention of community breakdown in the handling of the disaster. The data has been received by using the questionnaire, and the results have been analysed by using spearman rho test. Result:  As according to the statistics test, it is found that p-value= 0,000 on the significant level (α) = 0,05 and r = 0,752. It is concluded that there is a connection between knowledge and the prevention of community breakdown in handling of the volcanic eruption in Rt 06/Rw 01. This research shows that the level of knowledge within the community about disaster management and prevention in handling volcanic eruption has been increasing. Conclution: This is shown by the capability of the community in mitigating the effects of the disaster. It is hoped that the community will further engage in training education and simulation to reduce the negative impacts of a disaster. The location where the participants resideis Kelud Volcano, and it is therefore hoped that the communities are willing to participate in better handling of any disaster by joining the education training and simulation; Kata kunci : Pengetahuan, Manajemen bencana, Prevention.

2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 72
Slamet ' ◽  
Ali Mandan ◽  
Ardiah Juita ◽  
Ridwan Sinurat

This study is correlational research that aims to find the contribution of leg muscleexplosive power to yield long jump squat style. The student sample was the son of varsity sportscoaching education Riau semester totaling 42 people. As the independent variable is theexplosive power leg muscle while dependent variable is the result of the long jump jongok style.Data (x) obtained from the test results without the leading long jump (standing board jump) toassess leg muscle explosive power while data (y) obtained from testing the long jump squat styleusing the prefix. Data were analyzed with statistical normality test is a test last lilifors alsoanalyzed the data to look for the correlation coefficient, and then proceed to test "t" after itsought the contribution. From the results of data processing for the normal distribution of dataobtained for the provision of data (x) and abnormally distributed in terms of data (y). r = 0.32,then through the test "t", t_ (count>) ttabel then there is a significant relationship between theexplosive muscle power with the outcome long jump squat style, via analysis of leg muscleexplosive power of determination have contributed 10.24% and 89 , 76% was contributed byother factors.

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 142-153
Ody Tegar Permana ◽  
Eliada Herwiyanti ◽  
I Wayan Mustika

This study aims to determine the effect of budgetary participation, information asymmetry, budget pressure, and organizational commitment to budgetary slack. Population in this research is all government institution in Banyumas Regency. The sample selection was conducted by census method. Dependent variable used in this research is budget slack, while the independent variable used in this research is budget participation, information asymmetry, budget pressure, and organizational commitment. The data has been collected through questionnaires, then processed with the help of SPSS software. Based on the results of multiple linear regression analysis concluded that budgetary participation, information asymmetry, and organizational commitment affect the budget slack while budget pressure has no effect. The results of this study increasingly complement previous studies in the field of management accounting, especially in the scope of budgeting.   Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh partisipasi anggaran, asimetri informasi, tekanan anggaran, dan komitmen organisasi terhadap senjangan anggaran. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh instansi pemerintahan di Kabupaten Banyumas. Pemilihan sampel dilakukan dengan metode sensus. Variabel dependen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah senjangan anggaran, sedangkan variabel independen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah partisipasi anggaran, asimetri informasi, tekanan anggaran, dan komitmen organisasi. Data yang telah dikumpulkan melalui isian kuesioner, selanjutnya diolah dengan bantuan software SPSS. Berdasarkan hasil analisis regresi linear berganda disimpulkan bahwa partisipasi anggaran, asimetri informasi, dan komitmen organisasi berpengaruh terhadap senjangan anggaran sedangkan tekanan anggaran tidak berpengaruh. Hasil penelitian ini semakin melengkapi penelitian-penelitian sebelumnya di bidang akuntansi manajemen khususnya di lingkup penganggaran.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Noorlaila Yunus ◽  
Cairul Azwa Azimi

Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) has been widely studied across the boarders especially in the western countries. This workplace voluntary behaviour is associated with many predictors that may bring whether major, minor or negative influence towards the engagement of employees’ OCB. Basically, this study is focusing on motivation as the predictor or independent variable that influence employees’ engagement on the OCB (altruism, conscientiousness, courtesy, civic virtue and sportsmanship) behaviour. Herzberg’s motivator factor (achievement, advancement, recognition and growth) has been chosen as the independent variable. A total of 150 questionnaires were distributed conveniently to respondents. With 125 questionnaires returned, researcher was able to analyze the data based on the research questions and hypotheses developed. The findings showed moderate and weak, significant relationship between the variable excluding the relationship between independent variable and civic virtue and sportsmanship. Thus, Herzberg’s motivator factor was not a predictor to civic virtue and sportsmanship behaviour. However for the strongest predictor; achievement, growth and growth are strongly predicts the altruism, conscientiousness and courtesy behaviour respectively. However, with the absence of relationship between independent variable and civic virtue as well as sportsmanship, therefore the strongest predictor cannot be determined as the value recorded was below the criterion.

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